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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 141 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 120 2 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 94 38 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 54 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 46 20 Browse Search
L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion 42 6 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 38 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 31 9 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 28 10 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 28 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Wheeler or search for Wheeler in all documents.

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nant-Colonel Morse, with four hundred cavalry, surprised a rebel camp, eight hundred strong, near Renick, Randolph County, Mo., and drove out the rebels in complete rout.--(Doc. 123.) Some scouts from the Second Kentucky regiment, under Captain Wheeler, reported to Gen. Rosecrans, the rebels in considerable force on the west side of New River, some few miles above Gauley Bridge, in Virginia. Shortly after Captain Wheeler's return, two batteries were opened upon the National troops in thCaptain Wheeler's return, two batteries were opened upon the National troops in the vicinity of Gauley Bridge from the hills on the opposite side of the river--one directly opposite the bridge, and the other two miles lower down, at the falls of the Kanawha, opposite a large brick house in which commissary's supplies were stored. These batteries played away nearly all day, the commissary's quarters affording them a fine mark; but so bad was their firing, they did not strike the building once! In almost every instance their balls and shell fell short. The upper battery, aft
after firing some one hundred and fifty rounds the rebels withdrew, with their guns — not however, until one of them had been dismounted — to the village, covered by their infantry and cavalry. Four regiments of General Davidson's brigade, with Wheeler's battery, were then sent around, but night coming on, they went into camp, within six hundred yards of the enemy. This morning at daylight, the batteries on both sides opened, Wheeler confining his guns to shelling the houses behind which thWheeler confining his guns to shelling the houses behind which the enemy's infantry were concealed. The fire was too hot for the rebels, and they left the village, a portion retiring across the Chickahominy, the remainder falling back to the railroad. The Thirty-third New York regiment were the first to enter the village. The houses showed unmistakable evidences of the accuracy of the artillery, some of them being riddled in a dozen places. The rebels carried off their killed and wounded, one man excepted. The Union casualties were two killed and four w
osition, who retreated until they reached their artillery, which was planted on a hill. They fired a few rounds and continued retreating. The National troops chased them some two miles beyond La Vergne, when the rebels fled so fast, that they soon became invisible. Several of the rebels were killed and wounded, a number of them being seen to fall. They were carried off by their friends. The Nationals had ten privates wounded; none killed. A guerrilla, who was captured, stated that General Wheeler, who was in command, was wounded.--Nashville Union, November 29. A Union cavalry force, two thousand five hundred strong, under the command of Brigadier-General C. C. Washburne, left Helena, Ark., this afternoon, on an expedition into the State of Mississippi--(Doc. 61.) Political prisoners were released from Fort Warren, Mass.--At Louisville, Ky., General Boyle issued the following order: All commanding officers serving in this district are ordered not to permit any negroes o
ity of salt, two canoes, together with barrels, vats, etc., used in manufacturing the salt. Early this morning the rebel iron-clad steamers Palmetto State and Chicora, accompanied by three small steamers, the General Clinch, Ettiwan, and Chesterfield, attacked the United States blockading fleet off Charleston, and disabled two of the vessels.--(Doc. 116.) This day while Kennett's National cavalry were out on a scout from the vicinity of Nashville, Tenn., they unexpectedly came on Wheeler's brigade of rebel cavalry while the latter were being paid off at Rover, a little village on the Shelbyville and Nolensville road, eighteen miles from the former town. A brief hand-to-hand sabre fight ensued, which terminated in the complete rout of the rebels, who left on the field twelve killed, about the same number of wounded, and lost three hundred prisoners. A few of the Union soldiers were wounded, but they did not lose a man.--Louisville Journal. The arrest of deserters in Mo
e killed, and twenty wounded.--(Doc. 117.) A successful reconnoissance was this day made to Liberty, Auburn, and Lebanon. Tenn., by a body of National troops under the command of General J. J. Reynolds. They obtained important information concerning the position and operations of the rebel forces; ascertained that the inhabitants of many portions of Tennessee hitherto unvisited by National troops, were loyal to the Union ; obtained large material results in the capture of supplies, and in destroying rebel means of support; broke up a rebel camp, dispersing the rebels in all directions; had several skirmishes with guerrillas, routing them on each occasion with great slaughter. Fort Donelson, Tennessee, garrisoned by only six hundred of the Eighty-third Illinois, under the command of Colonel Harding, was attacked by a large rebel force under Generals Wheeler and Forrest, and after a desperate contest of five hours duration, the rebels were repulsed and retreated.--(Doc. 118.)
, and resulted in the rout of the guerrillas, with eight killed, two wounded, and all their arms captured. To test the fighting qualities of the negro, Colonel Penick sent a contraband with the party at his own request. The negro was severely wounded in the shoulder, but expressed his willingness to again fight the bushwhackers as soon as he should recover. --Colonel Penick's Report. The expedition under Generals Davis and Morgan, sent from Nashville, Tenn., in pursuit of Forrest and Wheeler's rebel force, who were retreating to the West, returned this evening. Seven miles east of Charlotte, thirty rebel prisoners were captured, among whom were Colonel Carroll, and Major Rembrant, of Forrest's staff.--Lebanon, Tenn., was entered and occupied by the National forces, who succeeded in capturing six hundred rebels, most of them belonging to the command of General Morgan.--The work of cutting the canal at Vicksburgh continued rapidly, a large force being engaged upon it night and
March 20. A battle was this day fought at Vaught's Hill, near Milton, Tenn., between a body of Union troops under the command of Colonel A. S. Hall, of the One Hundred and Fifth Ohio, and the rebel forces under Generals Wheeler and Morgan, terminating, after a well-contested struggle, in the defeat and retreat of the rebels, with a loss of nearly four hundred of their number killed and wounded.-(Doc. 141.)
team drum. She floated down; the batteries still firing and striking her repeatedly, until finally the Albatross ran along-side, and towed her to the lower mouth of the canal. Both these gunboats were improvised from light-built wooden river steamers, and not calculated to sustain a heavy fire. Brentwood, Tenn., garrisoned by a force of National troops, numbering five hundred men, under the command of Colonel Bloodgood, was this day captured and sacked by the combined rebel forces of Wheeler, Forrest, Armstrong, and Stearns. After the capture, the rebel forces were pursued by a body of Union troops, under the command of General Green Clay Smith, and over-taken near Franklin, Tenn. The Nationals were inferior in numbers to their opponents, who were drawn up in line prepared to receive them, but they immediately made the attack, and, after a brief contest, they routed and drove them for a distance of five or six miles, killing and wounding great numbers of them. In their flight
ss., between a body of National troops, under General Nathan Kimball, and two thousand rebels commanded by General Wirt Adams, resulting in the defeat and rout of the latter after a contest of half an hour. The National loss was one killed and seventeen wounded, while the rebels lost over one hundred taken prisoners, and a number killed and wounded.--Simmsport, on the Atchafalaya River, La., was destroyed by the Union ram Switzerland, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel John A. Ellet.--(Doc. 53.) The Rebel General Wheeler, with a body of cavalry, made an attack upon the National troops on the Shelbyville road, near Murfreesboro, Tenn., and skirmishing was kept up the whole day. The Second Indiana cavalry, on picket-duty, was first attacked, but being reenforced by the Thirty-ninth Indiana, under the command of Colonel Thos. J. Harrison, they succeeded in putting the rebels to rout, with a loss of several killed and wounded. The National loss was one killed and a number wounded.
The rebels were met in strong force, and the Nationals were obliged to retire with the loss of one section of the First Maine battery.--riots occurred at Troy, N. Y., and Boston, Mass., both of which were suppressed without much trouble.--(Doc. 128.) General Thomas's corps of the army of the Cumberland, following in the rear of General Bragg's retreating forces, reached Elk River, and encountered a portion of General Buckner's division of infantry and artillery together with a part of Wheeler's cavalry, whom they dispersed after a short skirmish.--the rebels under General Morgan reached Miamiville, on the Little Miami road, this morning, tore up the track and committed other outrages.--(Doc. 47.) Joe Hart, the rebel guerrilla, was killed near Chillicothe, Mo., by a detachment of militia under Lieutenant Gibbs, of the Fourth Provisional regiment.--the cavalry belonging to General Meade's army occupied Falling Waters, having overtaken and captured a brigade of infantry one th