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Commercial. Liverpool, August 1. --The brokers' circular importer. The sales of the the week have been 52,000 bales, including 20,000 bales to speculators and 15,- 000 to exporters. The market has ruled firmer and all qualities have advanced one-quarter to one-half of a penny on the week. The sales to-day were 10,000 bales, including 6,000 bales to speculators and exporters, the market closing firm at the following quotations: Fair.Middling. Orleans1918¼ Mobile18¾18½ Uplands18¼18½ The total stock of cotton in port is estimated at 161,000 bales, inclusive of 37,000 bales of American. Breadstuffs.--The breadstuffs market is quiet and steady. Wheat is dull and easier. Provisions.--The provision market is still inactive. London, August 1.--Consols closed at 94@94½ for money. American stocks are steady. Illinois Central 50 discount; Eric, 21. The bullion in the Bank of England has increased £387,000 since the last weekly rep