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he general news for this express is unimportant. Holiday festivities engage the attention of the people of San Francisco since the rainy weather has interrupted business. Pony Express dates were received from Washington to the 14th inst. The serious aspect of the secession movement at that time forms the commonest topic of conversation and newspaper discussions. The statement made in the United States Senate by Mr. Latham, that California will remain with the Union of the North and West, no matter what occurs at the South, is generally commended by the newspapers, and is undoubtedly a correct representation of a vast majority of our people on the disunion question. The most ultra Southern men here have an idea that California will go with the Southern States, or set up for herself, if disunion takes place. The total coinage of the San Francisco Branch Mint during the past year was $11,178,000, of which about $800,000 was silver.--The deposits of Washoe silver are in 18
, Morris, Myers, Patterson, Phelps, Porter, Preston, Pretlow, Pritchard, Randolph, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, W. Robertson, Rives, Saunders, Scott, Segar, Sherrard, Sibert, J. K. Smith, I. N. Smith, Staples, Thompson, Walker, A. Watson, Watts, and West 81. The bill was then read by sections, amended and ordered to its engrossment. On motion of Mr. Martin, of Henry, the bill was read the third time and put on its passage. When the Speaker had stated the question, Mr. Kemper ro Wyncham Robertson, R. K. Robinson, Rives, Rutherfoord, Saunders, Scott, Seddon, Segar, Shannon, Sherrard, Sibert, James K. Smith, Isaac N. Smith, Henry Smith, Staples, Thomas, Thompson, Tomlin, Tyler, Walker, Wallace, Ward, Arthur, Watson, Watts, West, Wilson, Wilcox, Wingfield, Witten, Wood, Woolfolk, Yerby, and Mr. Speaker.--141. Gen. Kemper was requested to communicate the passage of the bill to the Senate.--[Note.--The document in question will be found in Senate proceedings as amende