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Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 8: first years in Boston (search)
and measures to the other. Among these last, I remember best that on Daniel Webster, and the terrible Lesson for the Day which denounced Judge Loring for the part he had taken in the rendition of Anthony Burns. The discourse which treated of Webster was indeed memorable. I remember well the solemnity of its opening sentences, and the earnest desire shown throughout to do justice to the great gifts of the great man, while no one of his public misdeeds was allowed to escape notice. The whol who possessed more scholarship and literary taste than Sumner, could never understand the reason of the high position which the latter in time attained. He remained a Webster Whig, to use the language of those days, while Sumner was elected to Webster's seat in the Senate. Felton was a man of very genial temperament, devoted to the duties of his Greek professorship and to kindred studies. He was by nature averse to strife, and the encounters of the political arena had little attraction for
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 11: anti-slavery attitude: literary work: trip to Cuba (search)
e anti-slavery people attacked it with might and main, while the class of wealthy conservatives and their followers strongly deprecated all opposition to its enactments. During my absence Charles Sumner had been elected to the Senate of the United States, in place of Daniel Webster, who had hitherto been the political idol of the Massachusetts aristocracy. Mr. Sumner's course had warmly commended him to a large and ever increasing constituency, but had brought down upon him the anger of Mr. Webster's political supporters. My husband's sympathies were entirely with the class then derided as a band of disturbers of the public peace, enemies of law and order. I deeply regretted the discords of the time, and would have had all people good friends, however diverse in political persuasion. As this could not be, I felt constrained to cast in my lot with those who protested against the new assumptions of the slave power. The social ostracism which visited Charles Sumner never fell upon
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Index (search)
; his political opinions, 170; his temperament and aspect, 171-173; attitude on prison reform, 173, 174; his eloquence, 175; his culture, 176; his life in Washington, 177-180; opposes the annexation of Santo Domingo, 811; his death, 182; defeats Webster for the Senate, 218; his breach with Count Gurowski, 223; grieves at Gurowski's death, 226; dines at Mrs. Eames's, 308. Sumner, Charles Pinckney, sheriff, anecdote of, 171, 172. Sumner, Mrs. C. P., anecdotes of, 177, 178. Sunday, observres in, 308. Washington, Gen., George, 9; his attention to Mrs. Cutler, 35; waited on by Daughters of Liberty, 36; birthday celebrated in Rome, 203. Wasson, David A., a member of the Radical Club, 282; his reply to Mr. Abbott, 289. Webster, Daniel, Theodore Parker's sermon on, 164; defeated for the senatorship by Sumner, 218. Wedding ceremonies described, 33, 34, 65, 66. Weiss, Rev., John, at the Boston Radical Club, 283, 284; on woman suffrage, 289; on poets and philosophers, 3
orge, b. F. H. market, h. Leland. Wakefield, James, brickmaker, h. Derby. Ware, John S., b. commission merchant, h. Prospect. Warden, William, potter, h. Cross. Walker, Samuel, tailor, h. on street leading from Prospect school. Watson, John, bleachery. Wiggin, James M., carpenter, h. Milk. Wason, James, provision dealer, h. Cambridge. Waugh, Chandler, teamster at bleachery. Washburn, David, brickmaker, h. Derby. Welch, Abram, surveyor of roads, h. near Milk. Webster, Daniel C., engineer, h. leads from Beacon. West, Henry N., lumber merchant, h. Summer. Weston, Israel A., on railroad, h. Medford. Wells, William, h. Medford. Wellington, Henry S., yeoman, h. Broadway. White, John, b. harness maker, h. Garden court. White, William F., h. Linden. White, Artemas, dealer in real estate, h. Elm. White, William A., b. machinist, h. Cherry. Wheeler, George W., carpenter, h. Central. Whitton, Moses, bookbinder, h. Mt. Vernon. Whit
Historic leaves, volume 1, April, 1902 - January, 1903, Ten Hills Farm, with Anecdotes and Reminiscences (search)
nd was told that Messinger & Cahill, of Court street, were the men. The great statesman asked to be introduced to them, and together the pair visited the shop. Mr. Webster ordered a suit made precisely like the one worn by Colonel Jaques, and, stepping upon the block, was measured for it. Before he came down he said he might as wed to adopt the style for the future. Colonel Jaques laughingly told the tailors that he would not be responsible for the payment of the debt. Those who know Mr. Webster's peculiarities about money matters will readily understand that when the time came for settlement of the bill, the money was not forthcoming, and Colonel Jaques had to pay it. In addition to his frequent visits to Ten Hills, Mr. Webster kept up a correspondence with the colonel, and was constantly sending copies of his speeches to him. At the time of Colonel Jaques' death, the letters and pamphlets received from noted men filled a two and one-half bushel meal bag; but so* little was t
I.—26. Wardell, William W., IV.—30. Warren, General, II.—29. Warren Institution for Savings, IV.—20. Warrenton, Va., II.—37. Washburn, David, Il—16, 18. Washburn, Governor, of Maine, I.—34. Washington, D. C., I.—33, 36; II.—37, 38; III.—24; IV.—23, 25, 26. Washington, General, II.—29. Washington Street, I.—22; II.—23, 26; III.—12, 14, 15; IV.—22. Washington Street, Charlestown, IV.—14. Ways, The, Mystic River, IV.—9. Webster Avenue, I.—22; III.—17. Webster, Daniel, IV.—15. 16. Welch, Samuel, house of, III.—22. Weldon R. R., IV.—25. Wellington Bridge, IV.—9. Wesley Square, III.—18. West Boston Bridge, 1793, II.—9. West Cambridge Line, III.—20. West, Captain George W., I.—34, 35; III.—24, 25; IV.—30. West, Mrs., George, I.—35. West Somerville, II.—17; III.—7, 17. West Somerville in 1853, III.—18. Wheeler Lot, The, III.—13. White Plains, II.—29. W
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 1: Longfellow as a classic (search)
minster Abbey. The names of those who were to appear in it were selected by a board of one hundred judges carefully chosen from men of all occupations and distributed over every State in the Union; and these balloted for the first hundred occupants of the Hall of Fame. Only thirty-nine names obtained a majority of votes, these being taken, of course, from men of all pursuits; and among these Longfellow ranked tenth, having eighty-five votes, and being preceded only by Washington, Lincoln, Webster, Franklin, Grant, Marshall, Jefferson, Emerson, and Fulton. Besides Emerson and Longfellow, only two literary men were included, these being Irving with eighty-four votes and Hawthorne with seventy-three. It is a well-known fact that when the temporary leader in any particular branch of literature or science passes away, there is often visible a slight reaction, perhaps in the interest of supposed justice, when people try to convince themselves that his fame has already diminished. Su
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Index (search)
Wadsworth, Gen., Peleg, 12, 18; appearance of, 13. Wadsworth, Zilpah. See Longfellow, Zilpah W. Wadsworth family, 13. Wales, Prince of, 221. Wales, Henry W., 215. Walker, Rev., James, 178, 203; Longfellow's letters to, 204-206., Ward, Samuel, 149, 164, 188. Wardell, John, 131. Washington, George, 6, 292; headquarters at Craigie House, 116, 117. Washington, Martha, 117. Washington, D. C., 79. Webb, Richard D., criticizes Longfellow's anti-slavery poems, 167. Webster, Daniel, 6. Weimar, 289. Weld, Miss, Emeline, describes Mrs. Longfellow, 64. Wells, George W., Longfellow writes to, 37. Wendell, Prof., Barrett, 142; his Literary History of America, cited, 142 note. Wesselhoeft, Dr., Robert, 161. West Point, N. Y., 18. Westminster Abbey, service of commemoration for Longfellow at, 248-257. Weston, Miss Anne W., 167. Weston Mss., cited, 167 note. White Mountains, 51, 132. Whitman, Walt, 6, 10, 276. Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1, 6, 68,
he new dam was the occasion of a lawsuit brought by the proprietors of Sudbury meadows, claiming damages to the extent of $10,000 for flooding their meadows. The defendants secured the services of Samuel Hoar, Esq., Concord, assisted by the Hon. Daniel Webster, who accepted a retaining fee of $100 to manage and argue the case in conjunction with Mr. Hoar. The cause was to have been tried November, 1833. Mr. Webster was called on by me and promised to examine the evidence and hold himself in rMr. Webster was called on by me and promised to examine the evidence and hold himself in readiness for the trial, but for some time before he was not to be found in Boston, at one time at New York, at another in Philadelphia, and so on from place to place, so that I am satisfied no dependence can be placed with certainty upon his assistance, and, plaintively concludes the agent, our $100 has gone to profit and loss account. On the other side was the Hon. Jeremiah Mason, assisted by Franklin Dexter, Esq. This case was decided the following year adversely to the plaintiffs. With