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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hayne, Robert young -1839 (search)
and read from it certain passages of his own speech delivered to the House of Representatives in 1825, in which speech he himself contended for the very doctrines I had advocated, and almost in the very same terms? Here is the speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster, contained in the first volume of Gales and Seaton's Register of debates (page 251), delivered in the House of Representatives on Jan. 18, 1825, in a debate on the Cumberland Road—the very debate from which the Senator read yesterday. Ithis? Is this the spirit in which this government is to be administered? If so, let me tell the gentlemen, the seeds of dissolution are already sown, and our children will reap the bitter fruit. The honorable gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Webster), while he exonerates me personally from the charge, intimates that there is a party in the country who are looking to disunion. Sir, if the gentleman had stopped there the accusation would have passed by me as the idle wind, which I regard n
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Japan and the United States. (search)
ion of a treaty of friendship and commerce between the two nations, by which the ports of the latter should be thrown open to American vessels for purposes of trade. For this expedition seven ships-of-war were employed. They were placed under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, a brother of the victor on Lake Erie. The diplomatic portion of the mission was also intrusted to Commodore Perry. He did not sail until November, 1852. The letter which he bore to the Emperor was drafted by Mr. Webster before his decease, but countersigned by Edward Everett, his successor in office. Perry carried out many useful implements and inventions as presents to the Japanese government, including a small railway and equipments, telegraph, etc. He was instructed to approach the Emperor in the most friendly manner; to use no violence unless attacked; but if attacked, to let the Japanese feel the full weight of his power. Perry delivered his letter of credence, and waited some months for an answer
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kossuth, Lajos (Louis) 1802- (search)
strict. The Secretary of State (Daniel Webster) waited upon him; so also did many members of Congress. On the 31st he was presented to President Fillmore by Mr. Webster, who received him cordially. On Jan. 5, 1852, he was introduced to the Senate. He entered the Senate chamber accompanied by Senators Cass and Seward. General al banquet was given him at the National Hotel, at which W. R. King, president of the Senate, presided, Kossuth and Speaker Boyd being on his right hand, and Secretary Webster on his left. On that occasion Kossuth delivered one of his most effective speeches. Mr. Webster concluded his remarks with the following sentiment : HungarMr. Webster concluded his remarks with the following sentiment : Hungarian independence, Hungarian control of her own destinies, and Hungary as a distinct nationality among the nations of Europe. After Kossuth's departure there were debates in Congress on propositions for the United States to lend material aid to the people of Hungary, struggling for national independence; but the final determination
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lodge, Henry Cabot 1850- (search)
he time has certainly come, if not to stop, at least to check, to sift, and to restrict those immigrants. Problem of the Philippines. On March 7, 1900, Senator Lodge delivered a speech in the Senate on the new relations of the United States in the East, substantially as follows: The questions involved in the future management of these islands, and in our policy in the Far East, are of a nature to demand the highest and the most sagacious statesmanship. I have always thought with Webster that party politics should cease at the water's edge. He spoke only in reference to our relations with foreign nations, but I think we might well apply his patriotic principle to our dealings with our own insular possessions, both in the Atlantic and the Pacific. The Philippines should be an American question, not the sport of parties or the subject of party creeds. The responsibility for them rests upon the American people, not upon the Democratic or American party. If we fail in deali
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mason, Jeremiah 1768-1848 (search)
Mason, Jeremiah 1768-1848 Legislator; born in Lebanon, Conn., April 27, 1768; graduated at Yale College in 1788; admitted to the bar in 1791; and began practice in Westmoreland, N. H. He was Attorney-General in 1802, and from 1813 to 1817 was United States Senator. For many years he was in the New Hampshire legislature, and was the author of Statue of John Mason, of New Hampshire. an able report on the Virginia resolutions touching the Missouri compromise (q. v.). In 1837 he removed to Boston, where, until he was seventy years of age, he was extensively engaged in his profession; but he was little known, personally, out of New England. His mind was clear, logical, and extremely vigorous, the characteristics of which, Webster said, were real greatness, strength, and sagacity. He died in Boston, Oct. 14, 1848.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Monk's corner, (search)
Monk's corner, The scene of a notable surprise of American cavalry. While the British were besieging Charleston in 1780 General Lincoln endeavored to keep an open communication with the country, across the Cooper River, so as to receive reinforcements, and, if necessary, to make a retreat. To close that communication Sir Henry Clinton detached Lieutenant-Colonel Webster, with 1,400 men. The advanced guard, composed of Tarleton's legion and Ferguson's corps, surprised the American cavalry (about 300 men), with militia attached to them, under the command of Gen. Isaac Huger, who were stationed at Biggin's Bridge, near Monk's Corner. The Americans were attacked just at dawn (April 14) and were scattered. Twenty-five of the Americans were killed; the remainder fled to the swamps. Tarleton secured nearly 300 horses, and, after closing Lincoln's communications with the country, he returned to the British camp in triumph.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Omnibus bill, the (search)
ndary of Texas; declaring it to be inexpedient to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia while that institution existed in Maryland, without the consent of the people of the District, and without just compensation to the owners of slaves within the District; that more effectual laws should be made for the restitution of fugitive slaves; and that Congress had no power to prohibit or obstruct the trade in slaves between the several States. Clay spoke eloquently in favor of this plan. Mr. Webster approved it, and Senator Foote, of Mississippi, moved that the whole subject be referred to a committee of thirteen—six Southern members and six Northern members—they to choose the thirteenth. This resolution was adopted April 18; the committee was appointed, and Mr. Clay was made chairman of it. On May 8, Mr. Clay reported a plan of compromise in a series of bills substantially the same as that of Jan. 29. It was called an omnibus bill. Long debates ensued, and on July 31 the whole ba
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Political parties in the United States. (search)
Formed from a union of the National Republicans and disrupted Democratic-Republicans. Elected two Presidents: Harrison and Taylor. Favored non-extension of slavery; slavery agitation—i. e., right of petition and free circulation of anti-slavery documents; a United States bank; protective tariff; vigorous internal improvements; compromise of 1850. Opposed the Seminole War; annexation of Texas; Mexican War; State rights; Democratic policy towards slavery. Principal leaders of this party, Webster and Clay. Republican, 1854.—Formed from other parties, principally from the Whig party, on the issues of the slavery question. Has elected six Presidents: Lincoln, two terms; Grant, two terms; Hayes, Garfield, and Harrison, one term; McKinley, two terms. Favored the suppression of slavery; suppression of the rebellion; all constitutional means to accomplish it, financial and otherwise; emancipation of slaves; prohibition of slavery throughout the United States; full citizenship to the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Webster, Daniel 1782-1852 (search)
Webster, Daniel 1782-1852 Statesman; born in Salisbury, N. H., Jan. 18, 1782; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1801, defraying a portion of his college expensery of State, which post he filled, with great distinction, until his death. Mr. Webster delivered many remarkable orations on occasions, notably on laying the corne patent case at Trenton, N. J. He died in Marshfield, Mass., Oct. 24, 1852. Webster's reply to Hayne. The following is the text of Senator Webster's reply to tSenator Webster's reply to the speech of Senator Robert Y. Hayne (q. v.): Mr. President,—When the mariner has been tossed for many days in thick weather and on an unknown sea, he naturallyctive limits the authorities, rights, and liberties pertaining to them. ] Mr. Webster resumed: I am quite aware, Mr. President, of the existence of the resolutt, a State may interpose; and that this interposition is constitutional.] Mr. Webster resumed: So, sir, I understood the gentleman, and am happy to find that I