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Secretary. the crowd was so dense that it was impossible to carry out the object of the resolution relative to signing the resolutions; but the following names were signed. A great many left without signing, though heartily endorsing the resolutions: Warwick & Barksdale, J. B. Fergason, Bro. & Co., Bolling W. Haxall, Chs. T. Wortham & Co., John F. Regnault, Spence & Garey, T. B. Starke, Haxall, Crenshaw & Co, A. K. Parker & Co., Barksdale & Bros., Putney & Watts, Corbin Warwick, Crenshaw & Co, Davis & Hutcheson, Ellett & Weisiger, Thos. R. Price & Co., W. S. Triplett, W. T. Staples & Co., Brown & McClelland, Andrew Pizzini, Jos. Brummel & Co., Ragland & Bro., Benj. Davis, E. Wortham & Co., Peyton & Archer, Mead & Baker, Apperson & Dupuy, John Howard, Mitchell & Tyler, O F. Breses, Wm. A. Wyatt, Geo. W. Royster, M. T. Starke, Darracott, & Co., W. H. Haxall, John Dooley, Jas. S. Kent, J. R. Anders
respective counties, cities and towns, and to provide means therefore; House bill, to incorporate the Virginia Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company, with amendments; a bill to defray the expenses of a pedestal, setting up and transporting the Statue of Jefferson; a bill to amend the act concerning trespasses on the Potomac. Resolutions of Inquiry.--By Mr. Ball, of allowing compensation to the officers of the Hillsborough Border Guard for services rendered during the John Brown raid; by Mr. Watts, of amending chap. 134 of the Code of Virginia; by Mr. Kemper, of authorizing and requesting the Board of Public Works to audit the accounts of the Commissioners of the Armory, and to state and report a settlement of the same to this House; by Mr. Kee, of reporting a bill for the purpose of preventing the hunting of deer with dogs in the county of Pendleton, at any season of the year, except when wounded in still hunting; by Mr. Mathews, of relieving the securities of John E. Lewis, late
solutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry were read and referred; By Mr. Evans, of amending or repealing the law restricting the catching of fish in certain rivers and bays; by Mr. Witten, of providing for the payment of $162.70 to Witten Cecil and T. G. Perry, for law damages, assessed by a jury of Tazewell county; by Mr. Cowan, of legalizing a conveyance from Andrew Oliphant, guardian, &c., to David Simpson; by Mr. Carpenter, of amending 14th section of chapter 61 of the Code; by Mr. Watts, of refunding to Richard Cox and D. Griffith a sum of money assessed against them. Direct Trade.--Mr. Bisbie, of Norfolk, offered a resolution to the effect that the General Assembly had learned with satisfaction that Periere & Freres, Bankers, of Paris, France, contemplated putting on a line of steamers between the United States and France, and that France intended to subscribe thereto $900,000 per annum; and that Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Maryla
and to increase its capital stock.-- The bill for the relief of Charity Casey was taken up, and being explained, was passed. The bill concerning the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad was taken up and read, when a motion was submitted by Mr. Watts to lay the bill on the table. Opposed by Messrs. Bisbie, Segar, Riddick, Collier, and others. The House refused to lay the bill on the table. Mr. Watts then offered the following amendment. --Be it further enacted, That the said contempMr. Watts then offered the following amendment. --Be it further enacted, That the said contemplated branch shall in no point be located west of the meridian of the town of Suffolk, and that no connection shall be made with the Wilmington and Weldon Road, or any branch or extension of it. -- The amendment was voted down, and the bill being put on its passage was carried in the affirmative. Bills Reported.--The following bills were reported from Committees, viz: By Mr. Bisbie, from the Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures, "a bill to amend the charter of the Virginia Car-Sp
English hymns. --A writer in "Frazer's Magazine" says there are about 5,000 hymns in the English language, whereof Watts wrote 600; Doddridge, 375; the Wesleys, 369; Cooper and Newton, about 400; Montgomery, 255, &c.: but it is doubtful if there are 200 of them that are fit to rank among the classics of the national poetry.
Liberality. --Messrs. Watts and Yancey, delegates to the Alabama Convention, have exhibited a species of liberality not often met with amongst the public servants of the people, by returning to the State as a donation the amount received for their services during the setting of the Convention.
h, it will, with the concurrence of the Senate, adjourn sine dic. On his motion the resolution was laid on the table. By Mr. Fleming: Resolved, That when this House adjourns on today, it will adjourn to meet on Monday next, and on each day thereafter at 10 o'clock A. M. On motion, laid on the table. Committee on Enrolled Bills.--The Speaker announced the following Committee on Enrolled Bills; Messrs. Hackley; Orgain, Pritchard, Davis, Evans, Hoffman, Kyle, Sibert, Watts, Phelps, Pretlow, Smith of Taylor, Mong, Bisbie, Wilson, Nelson, Staples, Richardson, Welch, Booker, Saunders, West, Hunter, and Jett. Resolutions of Inquiry into Expediency.--The following resolutions were offered: By Mr. Rives, of amending the 3d and 4th sections of chapters 85 and 95 of the Code of Virginia; by Mr. Ball, of amending section 5th of chapter 178 of the Code of Virginia; by Mr. Nelson, of reporting a bill authorizing a company of volunteer Cavalry in the 47th Reg't. in A
The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Arrival of Ex-President Buchanan at home (search)
I. N. Smith, Staples, Tyler, Walker, Wallace, Welch, Witten, and Wood. --60. Nays.--Messrs. Arnold, Bassell, Bell, Boisseau, Brown, Burks, Childs, Cowan, Crane, Crump. Davis, Evans, Friend, J. Gilmer, G. H. Gilmer, Goodycoontz. Haymond, Hoffman, Huntt, Johnson, W. T. Jones, Kincheloc, Kuotts, Leftwich, Lynn, Mallory, Thos. Martin, McGohee, McKinney, Medley, Miles, Morris, Phelps, Pritchard, Randolph, Riddick, R. K. Robinson, Rives, Scott, J. K. Smith, Tomlin, Arthur Watson, Ed. Watson, Watts, West, Wilson, Wingfield, Woolfolk, and Yerby.--50. Mr. Carpenter offered the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Whereas, under the present price of Virginia State bonds, together with the unsettled state of national affairs, not anticipated as probable, or even possible, when the work of the Covington and Ohio Railroad was let to contractors, it cannot be expected or desired on the part of the Commonwealth that those contractors should be required to prosecute th
composed of the leading men in the Church, met this morning in the basement of the church edifice. An organization was partially effected. The Convention then adjourned until this afternoon. Evening session. According to adjournment, the Convention assembled at 3 P. M. The Committee on Permanent Organization reported the following, viz: President--Jos. S. Garson. 1st Vice President--Col. McPherson, 2d Vice President--Chas. J. Baker. Secretaries--J. Asbury Morgan,--Watts. The report was adopted. A motion was made to appoint a committee to prepare business for the Convention. Mr. Gant, of Anne Arundel county, Md., opposed this motion, and offered a resolution repudiating, in strong terms, the new chapter on slavery adopted by the late General Conference at Buffalo. Mr. Davis, of Washington city, was opposed to the resolution. If you view the new chapter condemning slavery as a sin indiscriminately, or making a new test of membership, he
estion, which was sustained by the House, and being put, was decided in the affirmative. Petition.--Mr. Edwards presented the petition of Alexander Nowlin, of Franklin county, for remission of a fine. Resolutions of Inquiry into Expediency.--The following resolutions were offered: By Mr. Sherwood, of refunding to Silas Neese, of Hampshire county, the sum of $40 paid by him as land tax; by Mr. Morris, of reporting a bill incorporating the Marshall County Oil and Mining Company; by Mr. Watts, of refunding to Captain, Sprague, of the schooner Wm. H. Rutan, a fine paid by him for an alleged violation of the inspection law; by Mr. Welch, of reporting a bill to settle the boundary line between the counties of Clay and Kanawha, so as to definitely restore the county of Kanawha to the original line between said county of Kanawha and Nicholas county, and establish that as the county line between Kanawha and Clay county; by Mr. D. Gibson, of establishing an inspection of leather at Ne