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vicinity of the battle, which was raging near Cold Harbor. My column was advanced and placed in position to charge the infantry of the enemy, if it should make any attempt to flank our infantry, or should break through it. I left, by order of the General, to post a squadron on picket on the Old Church road, to our left, leaving Major Stone in command. Shortly before I returned, I learned that a brisk cannonade began in front of the column, and that it was rapid and well directed. Private C. Warwick, company C, Fourth Virginia regiment, was killed by a shell; and Captain Williams, of the same regiment, wounded in the head by a piece of a shell. Later in the day, after my return, the column was again exposed to a very heavy fire from a battery of field-pieces in front; and the command was moved out of range, and formed sufficiently near to charge, in the event of its services being needed. About dark all firing ceased. The enemy moved off the field. After dark my command accomp
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
at headquarters A. N. V., one horse and equipments. [78] S. B. Brown, Capt. Commanding Battalion. Beale's Cavalry Brigade. Brigade Staff. J. M. Walters, Captain and Assistant Quarter-Master. G. S. Rives, Lieutenant and Provost-Marshal. James Parrish, Senior Surgeon. Ninth Regiment. Co. A—Captain, W. E. Edmonds. Co. B—Sergeant, W. E. Shadduck. Corporals, T. L. Farrish, J. W. Kidd. Privates, A. T. Broaddus, H. M. Broaddus, D. S. Cash, W. S. Gouldin, C. Conway, C. Warwick, W. .W. Woolfolk. Co. D—T. A. Pinckard, W. H. Saunders. Co. F—Corporal L. W. Mitchell. Private T. M. Moore. Co. G—Privates, W. Coleman, M. Jones. Co. H—Sergeants, R. G. Howiston, W. H. Mitchell. Privates, E. A. Duncan, J. W. Gates, T. E. Henshaw, R. Leftwich, P. Sutton. Tenth Regiment—Field and Staff W. H. Cabell, Captain and Assistant Quarter-Master. M. S. Warren, Assistant Surgeon. R. B. Boykin, Captain and A. C. S. Co. B—Privates, L. G. Heye, D. A. Spau
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], James Lyons, Esq., a candidate for the Convention for Henrico County. (search)
s exerted himself to the utmost, and by long and persevering labor has succeeded in completing a series of scenes of wonderful beauty. The author of the play is Mr. Burdett Howe, whose merits as an actor we have often alluded to, and who is deservedly popular with the public. It is stated by those who have witnessed its rehearsal, that the piece exhibits much literary ability. In its representation, a good deal of the supernatural is resorted to, and as it progresses, the beholder is astonished and bewildered by those strange mechanical effects which contribute to make up a gorgeous dramatic spectacle. The principal parts will be sustained by Messrs. Howe, Bailey, Meldrum, Lamb, Warwick, Phillips, Meer, and others, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. De Bar, Misses Newton and Hartington; while a large number of auxiliaries are employed, and nothing has been neglected in the minuteæ of the piece.-- "The Necromancer" will be played to-night for the first time. We hope the house will be thronged.
Killed by lightning in winter. --On the 16th instant, the barn of James Horner, of Warwick, Bucks county, Pa., was struck by lightning during a thunder storm, and two valuable cows killed. There were eleven cows in the stable, but only the two injured. It is rather uncommon to hear of such damage by lightning in midwinter, and the ground covered with snow, as on this occasion.
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], Citizens' State-rights ticket.-- Peachy R. Grattan, P. H. Aylett, Geo. W. Randolph. (search)
Port of Richmond, Jan. 25, 1861.high water this day (Saturday) at 4 o'clock. Arrived, Schr. George V. Scott, Parker, Baltimore, coal, Va. Towing Co. Schr. Clara Belle, Mitchell, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Sailed. Steamship Jamestown, Skinner, New York, mdze, and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Schr. Marshall, Chichester, New York, mdze., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Lynchburg, Harris, Rio, flour, Warwick & Barksdale. Schr. Wm. Severe, Brooks, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Cleared, Ship Pepperill, Waldo Hill, Bremen, 924 hhds. tobacco and stems, Chas. Palmer.
Comedy of Self. --Mrs. Bateman's excellent comedy, which was performed with great success at the Richmond Theatre a few years since, will be produced to-night. Miss Bateman appears as "Mary Apex," Mr. Bateman as "John Unit," and Mr. T. L. Moxley as "Aunt Chloe." This is an assurance that the play will be well performed; but in addition, the general cast of characters has been judiciously made, including Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. De Bar, Miss Ida Vernon, Messrs. Meldrum, Bailey, Warwick, &c. The incidents of this play are irresistibly humorous, and it is admitted everywhere to be the best portrayal of American peculiarities ever placed upon the stage. It has been for some time in preparation at our Theatre, and its production will be distinguished by all the merit of stage and scenic effect in the ample resources of the establishment. We well remember the enjoyment the comedy of "Self" imparted to our citizens four winters ago, and we anticipate a renewal of the pleasure on this occ
The Daily Dispatch: March 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], Commerce between Charleston and Boston. (search)
Rhode island Republican Convention. Providence,March 7. --The Republican Convention unanimously nominated for Governor James Z. Smith, formerly Mayor of Providence; for Lieutenant-Governor, Simon H. Greens, of Warwick; for Attorney-General, Sullivan Ballaw, of Cranston; for Secretary of State, John R. Bartlett, of Providence; for Treasurer, Samuel A. Parker, of Newport. For Congress: Eastern district, Christopher Robinson; Western district, Wm. D. Brayton.