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A. J. Bennett, private , First Massachusetts Light Battery, The story of the First Massachusetts Light Battery , attached to the Sixth Army Corps : glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, from the summer of 1861 to the autumn of 1864. 14 0 Browse Search
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er. Wounded. Geo. Evans, Wm. Boyer, Chas. C. Cannon, Chas. Edwards, Wm. Hutchinson, Wm. F. Wilbur, Commissioned, later. Chester Ellis. Chief of Caissons, Lieut. Robt. L. Sawin. (1st Lieut. 1862, on Staff of Chief of Artillery, 1863.) Second section--left. Lieut. J. Henry Sleeper, Commanding. (Commissioned Captain Tenth Massachusetts Battery, Sept., 1862). Second Detachment.—Sergt. Jas. Sinclair; Gunner, Jas. S. Rowland; Died since muster out. Chief of Caisson, Harry Warren. Privates, Stephen H. Reynolds, Received a warrant, later. Wounded. Discharged for disability. Geo. Blake, Received a warrant, later. Died since muster out. Geo. V. Brooke, Discharged for disability. Wilbur F. Bates, Died since muster out. Amos Colby, Received a warrant, later. Alfred A. Young, Received a warrant, later. Died since muster out. Wm. A. Ham, Chas. Lynde, Died since muster out. Thos. J. Covell, Received a warrant, later. Discharged for di
miles through the pines and scrub oaks, and finally took position upon the extreme right of the line. Sunday night found our lines satisfactorily established. Gen. Warren, with his Fifth Corps, supported by two divisions of the Third Corps and the Third Division of the Sixth, held the Union left. Gen. French, with the remainderder of Sedgwick's artillery was heard by the other sections of the Federal line. Nearly an hour had the right been engaged, yet no sound had escaped the left. Gen. Warren had examined the Confederate position in his front, and finding that it had been so strengthened during the night as to render it certain that an attack upon it his command, he assumed the responsibility of suspending the attack until Gen. Meade arrived, whose survey of the situation caused him to approve the course of Gen. Warren. We were ordered to cease firing. Then followed the night retreat of the 2d of December, in the earlier part of which men would leap from their horses to
as the Union advance, they hastened to place themselves in an intrenched position beyond the North Anna. On the 24th, the Sixth Corps crossed the difficult ford of that fiver above Lee's army, and placed itself upon the right of the Fifth; Gen. Warren had repulsed a violent attack, with great loss, the evening before; and Gen. Hancock, who had effected a crossing at Chesterfield Bridge, below, after some fighting, had taken position upon Warren's left. An attempt of Gen. Burnside on the ceWarren's left. An attempt of Gen. Burnside on the centre was repulsed. It was not until this day that the Ninth Corps was formally united to Meade's command. The enemy's position upon the North Anna was stronger than those at Wilderness or Spottsylvania; and Gen. Grant, realizing that the loss of life entailed in the dislodgement of the Confederates would be greatly disproportionate to the temporary advantage that might be gained, withdrew on the night of the 26th to the north bank, and moved to turn the Confederate position by its right.
burg...166, 170, 178 Stuart, Gen. J. E. B. .. 26, 94 Sutlers. .. 135 Sumner, Gen. E. V. . 27, 35, 39, 78, 89 Tenallytown .. 72, 166 Third Corps .. 122, 138, 143 Thoroughfare Gap .. 70, 87 Three Top Mountain .. 170, 177 Thoburn, Col. . 165, 176 Tompkins, Col. Chas. H. . 129, 175 Tumbling Run .. 178 Turner's Gap .. 78 Torbert, Gen. A. T. 45, 108, 162,174, 179, 177. Up the Valley ..... 64, 189 Upton, Gen. E. A. . 138, 152, 175, 177 Valley Road ........ 177 Warren, Gen. G. K. 127, 128, 144, 145, 151, 152, 153. Washington ...... 21, 72, 162 Westminster ......... 120 Westover ........ 63 West Point ........ 36 West Virginia ........ 131 White House ........38, 53 White Oak Church .... 93, 98, 99 White Oak Swamp .. 55, 56, 57 White Oak Creek ....... 56 White Plains ........ 86 Williamsburg ........ 67 Williamsport ........ 84 Wilson, Gen. ..... 159, 169, 170 Wright, Gen. H. G. 127, 128, 152, 162, 164, 166, 188, 189. Yorkto