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John D. Billings, The history of the Tenth Massachusetts battery of light artillery in the war of the rebellion 19 1 Browse Search
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Nov. 24. George K. Putnam sick in quarters. Nov. 25. George K. Putnam, A. A. Blandin and Franklin Ward sick in quarters. One horse died of * * Nov. 26. George K. Putnam, Charles E. Prince andThayer, S. A. Hanson sick in quarters. George M. Dixon sent to Emory Hospital. Nov. 28. Franklin Ward and George K. Putnam sick in quarters. A. B. Fisher assigned to extra duty since Sept. 9, arkweather returned to duty. Dec. 4. One horse died of inflammation of the bowels. Dec. 6. Ward, Putnam and Woodfin returned to duty. Dec. 7. John W. French, Alvin B. Fisher, Chas. E. Bruce, as per Special Order No. 17, Headquarters Camp Barry, from Oct. 17, 1862. H. B. Winslow and Franklin Ward sick in quarters. Dec. 8. H. B. Winslow returned to duty. Dec. 10. M. G. Critchett, Jo and John Pedrick returned to duty. Dec. 15. R. B. Wendall returned to duty. Dec. 19. Franklin Ward sent to Emory Hospital. R. B. Wendall and George W. Park sick in quarters. Dec. 20. Geo.
as Ashcroft, reported for duty. Oct. 4. Five picked — up horses turned over to the Battery by J. Henry Sleeper. Oct. 6. Private John C. Frost received notice of his discharge at Mt. Pleasant Hospital Sept. 25, 1863. Oct. 7. Corp'l Geo. A. Smith reported for duty. W. H. Trefry reported to quarters. Oct. 8. Frank A. Chase returned from Camp of Parole and reported for duty. W. H. Trefry reported for duty. N. H. Butterfield and F. A. Chase reported to quarters. Oct. 9. Privates Franklin Ward, S. Augustus Alden, Geo. W. Parks, Benj. E. Corlew and Corp'l Andrew B. Shattuck have been dropped from the rolls, having been absent some time and their return extremely doubtful. Private Richard Horrigan sent to general hospital Washington, D. C. Private N. H. Butterfield reported for duty. Oct. 10. Corp'l James S. Bailey, Jr., and A. L. Gowell reported for duty. N. H. Butterfield reported to quarters. Oct. 11. Battery left Culpepper, Va., for the field. Oct. 13. Serg.
y and orderly, and long before daylight every horse is harnessed, every tent packed, every wagon loaded, the marching rations distributed, breakfast eaten, and all are ready for a start. In this movement the army set out in two divisions, the right wing composed of the Fifth and Sixth corps, commanded by Gen. Sedgwick, leading; followed by the left wing, including the First, Second, and Third corps, commanded by Gen. French. This plan put Gen. Birney in command of the latter corps, and Gen. Ward, Hobey, to whom we were ordered to report, succeeded to the charge of the First Division of this corps. Just as the first streaks of dawn lighted the east, we filed out into the road and took position with that division, which, as might be expected, had the advance of the left wing, the right wing having moved by another road. Having marched rapidly, but quite noiselessly, a distance of perhaps ten miles, we reached the Rappahannock at Kelly's Ford about noon, and the troops were massed
2,June 9, 1865, expiration of service. Thompson, Alvin,1 23Barnstable,Jan. 21, 1864,Prisoner Aug. 25 1864. June 9 1865 exp. of service. Thompson, Charles D.,21Barnstable,Jan. 21, 1864,Prisoner Aug. 25, 1864. June 9, 1865, exp. of service. Thresher, Elbridge D.,21Barre,Jan. 5, 1864,Died April 26, 1865, Burkesville, Va. Towle, Matthew,18Brook line.Feb. 18, 1864,June 9, 1865, expiration of service. Trefry, William A.,21Marblehead,Sept. 9, 1862,June 16, 1865, general order from War Dept. Ward, Franklin,38N. Bridgewater,Sept. 9, 1862,Died Sept. 20, 1863, N. Bridgewater, Mass. Warburton, Hiram,22Ware,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service. Wendall, Reuben B.,32E. Boston,Sept. 9, 1862,Feb. 24, 1863, disability. Whalon, Daniel,21Canton,Aug. 30, 1864,June 9, 1865, expiration of service. Wheelock, Oliver W.18Barre,Jan. 4, 1864,June 9, 1865, expiration of service. White, Augustus C.,19Boston,Sept. 9, 1862,Wounded Po River, May 10, 1864. June 9, 1865, exp. White, John D.,
lbert E.Nov. 15, 1902 Rising, Justus J.Mar. 31, 1906 Richardson, Asa F.Feb. 18, 1908 Sleeper, Maj. J. HenryAug. 10, 1891 Smith, Lieut. AsaOct. 28, 1864 Smith, James D.Mar. 28, 1880 Smith, Albert W.Nov. 2, 1896 Smith, George A.June 24, 1906 Spooner, Albert B.Aug. 20, 1864 Stevens, JudsonAug. 30, 1864 Stevens, John HenryFeb. 18, 1897 Sheridan, JosephMar. 23, 1873 Southworth, Alvah F.Feb. 10, 1869 Strand, Thomas W.Jan. 16, 1897 Slack, CharlesJune 27, 1908 Starkweather, William H.——– Thresher, Elbridge D.April 26, 1865 Trefry, William A.Aug. 31, 1865 Terbriggen, Peter A.April 19, 1883 Thompson, AlvinJuly 2, 1897 Thompson, Charles D.July 2, 1897 Townsend, Lieut. George M.Jan. 1, 1907 Temple, Lyman W.Jan. 7, 1902 Woodfin, Lieut. Philip T.Aug. 24, 1901 Ward, FranklinSept. 20, 1863 Whiting, Edwin S.July 8, 1865 White, John D.Dec. 22, 1875 Wright, Rufus C.March 29, 1900 Winslow, Henry B.Feb. 11, 1905 Woodis, Charles E.Mar. 31, 1906 Warburton, HiramJan. 9,
9, 406, 407, 440. Torbert, Gen. A. T. A., 243. Townsend, Geo. M., 31, 81, 155, 156, 204, 205, 242, 255, 359, 362, 382, 395, 397, 409, 425, 439. Trefry, Win. A., 149,151, 162, 201, 303, 304, 305, 306, 338. Tremlett, Maj. H. M., 79. Tripp, Lieut. Col., 177. Turkey Run, 133. Tyler, Gen., 241, 243, 250. U. Upperville, 110. V. Vicksburg, 99, 125. W. Wadsworth, Gen., 107. Wapping Heights, 110. Walker, Wm., 68. Warburton, Hiram B., 116, 152, 163, 183, 349, 350, 402. Ward, Franklin, 47, 48, 49, 151. Ward, Gen., J. Hobart, 110, 156. Warren, Gen. G. K., 127, 142, 143, 154, 172, 175, 178, 182, 193, 194, 217, 218, 228, 249, 254, 301, 307, 328, 329, 381. Warrenton, 110, 112, 113, 117, 118, 132, 143, 155, 183. Webb, Gen. A. S., 381, 395. Wendall, R. B., 48, 49, 84. Whalen, Daniel, 350. Wheelock, Henry L., 28, 29. Wheelock, O. W., 209, 305. White, Augustus C., 84, 85, 203, 204, 231, 242. White, John D., 351. White, Maj., 51. White, House, 250, 257. Wilson,