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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays 7 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 6, 1864., [Electronic resource] 3 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, A charge with Prince Rupert. (search)
at death which soon came. And these words find their parallels in those of men honored among the Puritans, as when Sir William Waller wrote from his camp to his chivalrous opponent, Sir Ralph Hopton, The great God, who is the searcher of my heart, kl bounds of courteous intercourse. The social distinction was constantly widening, and so was the religious antagonism. Waller could be allowed to joke with Goring and sentimentalize with Hopton,--for Waller was a gentleman, though a rebel; but it Waller was a gentleman, though a rebel; but it was a different thing when the Puritan gentlemen were seen to be gradually superseded by Puritan clowns. Strafford had early complained of your Prynnes, Pims, and Bens, with the rest of that generation of odd names and natures. But what were these orary wit only familiarize, but do not mar, the tame of Cromwell (Cleaveland's Cesar in a Clown ),--William the Conqueror Waller,--young Harry Vane,--fiery Tom Fairfax,--and , King Pym. But among all these there is no peer of HIampden, of him who ca
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roster of the companies. (search)
berry, Elkanah Ragland, Nathanial Ragland, died in Tennessee, of brain fever; Thomas Ragland, Milton Ragland, Harry Ragland, A. Clay Rash, David Railsback, promoted to sergeant; Edward Railsback, James Rutlidge, Andrew Rogers, Richard Simpson, Solomon Stevens, Benj. Stevens, Michael Berry Stevens, Edward Stokely, John Schooler (or Schuyler), Hiter Shockley, Rizen Sympson, Nep. Thomas, died January 11, 1863, of brain fever; Lewis Trussell, Dr. G. Wash. Taylor, promoted as assistant surgeon; Wm. Waller, Lewis Woolsey, Wm. Wickerson.—92 officers and enlisted men. Company B. Company B was recruited in Madison County. There are two known rolls of this company, covering the period from September 10, 1862, to April 30, 1863, as follows: Captains—Joseph Chenault, killed at battle of Grassy Creek, Ky., May 8, 1863; Alexander H. Tribble, killed at Green River Bridge, July 4, 1863. First lieutenant, Isham A. Fox; second lieutenants, Charles Stone, Dudley Tribble, Jr. Sergeants—Firs<
uld be selected from among the number of Yankee officers confined therein two Captains, who are to be put to hard labor, with ball and chain, till the end of the war, in retaliation for similar treatment which is now being inflicted upon Captains William Waller and Shultz Leach, by order of Gen. Burnside.--These brave officers are Kentuckians, and it is alleged were recruiting in that State for the Confederate army. They were captured at Maysville, Ky., last summer, and under Burnside's order d to hard labor during the war, with ball and chain attached to their legs. Yesterday the Secretary's order was carried out, which resulted in the selection of Capt. B. C. G. Reed, of the 3d Ohio cavalry, and Capt. R. O. Ives, of the 10th Massachusetts infantry, who will receive the same treatment as that which is now being inflicted upon Capts. Waller and Leach. These Yankee officers will leave Richmond this morning for Salisbury, N. C., which is to be the field of their future operations.