Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wallace or search for Wallace in all documents.

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ropriation for the removal of the remains of General Harry Lee, of Light Horse memory, from the cemetery of P. M. Nightingale, Esq., in the Island of Cumberland, Ga., to such place in Virginia as his family may designate; provided, that upon inquiry the Governor may deem such course proper, and such removal may meet with the approbation of the descendants of General Lee, was called up, and being read the first time was ordered to a second reading. Petition Presented and Referred.--By Mr. Wallace, the petition of citizens of Morgantown asking the passage of an act incorporating a Savings Bank in the town of Morgantown. The Banks.--The bill "for the temporary relief of the Banks of this Commonwealth," was called up, on motion of Mr. Gibson, of Hampshire. The most important provision is that which provides "that so much of all or any acts as now may subject any Bank or Banking Corporation incorporated by the laws of this Commonwealth now in operation, or which may be put in op