Treaty the only Confederate, 265.
Troy, Siege of, cited, 39.
Tuttle, R. M., 199.
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 248.
Virginia, Council of War of, in 1861, 15; Cavalry, charging the 14th Regiment, April 9, 1865,75; Infantry, 1st, on April 8, 1865, 8, 844 371; 14th offering of, 72; 10th, Company F, roll of, 15; Company D, 44th, history and roster of, 259; on the tax on tea in 1774,168.
Von Hoist, opinion of the U. S. Constitution, 161.
Wade, Ben J. F., 177.
Walker, Miss Sue H., 378.
Walker, Wm, 166.
Washington and Lee, Unity of character of, 241.
Washington, Bushrod C., 247.
Washington Artillery, dead of, 301, 370.
Webster, Daniel, 164, 176, 179.
Webster the Spy, Hanging of, 388.
Weed, Thurlow, 289.
Weisiger, General David A. 204.
Wells, Colonel James M., 309.
Whiting, General W. H. C., 326
Wilderness Battle of, 1.
Williams, Ben J. J., 178.
Wilson, James H., 252.
Wilson, Colonel James M, 86.
Winfield, Colonel John G., 98.
Wolseley's estimate of Lee