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d the pieces could be seen splashing the water in every direction. Amidst it all I could see the rebels running to and fro on the parapet, loading their guns, carrying off killed or wounded and in all behaving with the most spirited bravery. Two or three of their guns were dismounted, and some heavy breaches made in their works, but they struggled manfully to repair the damages, perfectly different as it seemed, of the fearful perits which surrounded them. "Good for Kilty!" aborts Captain Walke, of the Carondolet, as one of the riffed shots of the Mound City struck just in the fort and cast up an immense cloud of reddish-looking dirt. "Crash," goes a 10 inch shell from the stern of the Carondolet just over which I am standing; the ship trembles in every timber at the recall, the spectator in volunteering judging the shock, the sulphurous smoke flying back in his face, and for the moment blinding his sight, and the huge missile roaring in the air like the sound of a distant
The Daily Dispatch: November 29, 1862., [Electronic resource], Proclamation of the Governor of North Carolina. (search)
Stealing C. S Treasury notes. --The examination of Dick, slave of President Davis, and Oliver, slave of Dr. Walke, charged with entering a room in the Custom-House and stealing several thousand dollars' worth of blank Confederate twenty dollar Treasury notes will take place before Commissioner Watson to-day, at 12 o'clock. Detective Washington Goodrich has been for some time engaged in hunting up the accomplices of the accused, who, from their familiarity with the Custom-House, were enabled to perpetrate their thefts without suspicion for a long time.
The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1863., [Electronic resource], Foster's raid in North Carolina, and the Abduction of negroes. (search)
Servants for hire. --Two good Cooks and Washers, one superior Washer Woman two good Seemstresses and House Servants one good Nurse and House Servant, two small Girls, about 10 or 11 years old, accustomed to house service, and one likely Boy, 12 years old, suitable for house service. Apply to me at I. H. Walke's store, Main street. Ed. M. Morgan. ja 1--ts
Servants for hire. --Two good Cook Women, without encumbrance, of good character, and also one Woman, with one child, who is a good House Servant, and a superior Nurse and a plain Seamstress. Apply to me at I H Walke's store Main street. ed M Morgan. mh 30--8t
For hire --Four men and one Boy, just from the country — good drivers, wood cutters, &c,--to be hired by the month. Apply at No. 18 Main street. I H Walke. [ap 1--2t]
Servants for hire --Two good Cock Women, without encumbrance, of good character, and also one Woman, with one child, who is a good House Servant, and a superior Nurse and a plain Seamstress. Apply to me at I H Walke's store Main street. Ed M Morgan. mh 30--5t
The Daily Dispatch: June 24, 1863., [Electronic resource], Affairs at Vicksburg--Gen. Pemberton. (search)
For Hire --A very capable and sprightly Girl, about 17 years old, and accustomed to general house service. For a good home, she will be hired very reasonable for the remainder of the year. Apply to me at I H Walke's store, Main st. Md. M. Morgan. je 24--3t
Tapp wm. Vanson j. h. Vaughan w. D. Vidsers T. M. Vaden S. Jr. Vaden Sam Vanbakkelin A. M. Valiandighamton c. L. 2 Vaden D. D. 2 Valentine D. h. Vaughan c. F. Volkman c. w. 2 Vanpett c. Vatt A. Vanghan D. Vanghan A. Vanghan J. Y. Werne R. Williame w. S. Wright w. h. Weaver J. c. b Word J. F. Wadsworth J. 2 Wingffeld J. F. Weles J. b. Wood cpt. J. T. Wheeler J. h. Wamak j. w. Walker J. T. Whilen J. L. Wilbanks J. D. Webb J. S. Walke w. Walson Z. Wright w. h. Wilgerson w. h. Walton w. w. Wacker w. G. 2 Withy w. h. While Z. L. Wade col. w. b. Willingham S. M. Whillow Ed. Warren L. w. Wade h. Watford j. A. Wilkenson cpt. Jas. White S. Whittle R. Watson R. D. Walson master Rd. Woodrood R. h. Warren M. H. Whiteborn j. w. Wood J. h. Wilbs G. Whiteburst G. w. White it G. A. West it F. h. Wood F. Westhern F. h. White E. h. Washington D. Wesiger D. w. White D. D.
For hire --Two cook women, without encumbrance; three chambermaids; one superior washerwoman; four small girls, from 10 to 14 years old accustomed to house service; one sprightly boy, 13 years old These servants are of good character. Apply to me at I H Walke's store, Main street Ed. M. Morgan. N. B.--Also, two factory hands, and one valuable man, accustomed to general service. E. M. M. ja 1--3t*
For hire. --Two cook women, without encumbrance; three chambermaids; one superior washerwoman; four small girls, from 10 to 11 years old accustomed to house service; one sprightly boy, 13 years old. These servants are of good character. Apply to me at I H Walke's store, Main street. Ed. M. Morgan. N. B.--Also, two factory hands, and one valuable man, accustomed to general service. E. M. M. ja 4--1t*