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The Daily Dispatch: August 30, 1861., [Electronic resource], The French press on the battle of Manassas (search)
Police Affairs. --The police arrested and caged the following parties yesterday evening: Tinsley P. Boatwright and James Smith, for drunkenness; Geo. Russell, for feloniously cutting Dan Anderson with a knife, and threatening to shoot Jas. McColley; Edward Sullivan, for stealing two watches from Adam, slave of J. E. Wadsworth; Wm. Dannisson, for drunkenness and chasing people in the public streets.
Appointment of Bank Directors. --A meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers' Bank was held yesterday at their banking- house in this city, when the following Directors for the year 1864 were appointed: Wm. H. Macfarland, J. E. Wadsworth, E. Wortham, Jas. Dunlop, A. Y. Stokes. As soon as the appointments for the State are sent in by the Executive, we will publish a full list of them in our columns.
he city have received notices of protest of the bills they bought, though not the protests themselves. Mr. Samuel J. Harrison requests us to state that he is not the Samuel Harrison noticed by the Virginian as having been swindled by Decie. Mr. Wadsworth, of the firm of Wadsworth, Palmer & Co., also asks us to correct the report that he was a loser by or had any transactions with the alleged swindler. It is proper and just to state that several business men in the city, who have had tranWadsworth, Palmer & Co., also asks us to correct the report that he was a loser by or had any transactions with the alleged swindler. It is proper and just to state that several business men in the city, who have had transactions with Decie, still have the most entire confidence in him, and think that the protests resulted from the fact that the parties he drew on, in consequence of the difficulties of communication, had not been advised of his draft. He did not leave the country under suspicious circumstances, but his intended departure was known in Richmond long before it took place, and he made no secret of it. He went to carry his wife to England, on account of her very delicate health, and they believe th
Appointments of Bank Directors. --The following appointments of Directors for the year 1864 by the Executive and Stockholders of the Farmers' Bank and Bank of Virginia, of Richmond and their branches, have recently been made: Farmers' Bank. By the Stockholders. By The Executive. Richmond. Wm H Macfarland, J. E. Wadsworth, Edwin Wortham, Jas Dunlop, A. Y. Stokes, S. C. Robinson, Wm. Rutherfoord Robt A. Mayo, Jas. B. Dupuy, Petersburg. John Kevan, Peter McEnry, Andrew Dann, Chas. Corling. W. L. Lancaster, Jas. M. Venable, P. H. Booth. Fredericksburg. J. H. Wallace, Jos. Alsop, John D. Stansbery, Robt B. Reanolds, John J. Chew, A. K. Phillips, John Coakley. Danville. W. S. Green, Thos. D. Stokes, W. C. Paxton, John R. Wilson, E. B. Estes, Jacob Davis, Wm T Clark. Lynchburg John M Speed, Ambrose B Rucke, Jno. S. Langhorne, Jno. T. Davis. Wm. H. Hall, Wm. A. Miller, Edwin R. Page.
icers Charles H. Moore and William S. Jenkins arrested yesterday a white woman, named Jane Bossieux, charged with the theft of a large quantity of ladies' silk dress patterns, hose, cotton goods, &c. About four months since, the residence of J. E. Wadsworth was entered and robbed, the perpetrators leaving no clue behind by which they could be identified. On Saturday last, some of the stolen goods were discovered in a small shop in Screamersville, owned by a German named Crews, who stated that mall shop in Screamersville, owned by a German named Crews, who stated that he had received them from Jane Bossieux, in pawn for certain funds advanced. Subsequent to the arrest of the accused, Officer Moore obtained from Crews a handsome green silk dress pattern, one piece of brilliant and a lot of ladies' hose, all of which were fully identified by Mr. Wadsworth as part of the articles which had been stolen from his residence. The matter will be investigated before the Mayor this morning.