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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 5 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Hagood's brigade: its services in the trenches of Petersburg, Virginia, 1864. (search)
d Mulvaney and Lieutenant White, of the Twenty-seventh, Captain Rayser and Lieutenant Riley, of the Eleventh, and Lieutenant Clements, of the Twenty-first, are missing. Lieutenants Huguenin and Trim, of the Twentyseventh, Lieutenants Ford and Vandeford and Chappell, of the Twenty-first, and Lieutenant Smith, of the Eleventh, are wounded, and Captain Axson, of the Twenty-seventh, was killed at the head of his company. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Johnson Hagood, Brigadielingered painfully for some hours, where succor could not reach him. Captain Mulvaney was captured upon the enemy's works waving his cap and cheering on his men. Lieutenant Trim lost his arm, and was put on the retired list. Lieutenants Smith, Vandeford and Chappell died of their wounds. Chappell was a young officer, whose good conduct at Walthall Station, and again at Drewry's Bluff, had attracted the attention of the brigade commander, and had in each instance procured him a compliment on
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
ks, 288. Trenches before Petersburg, 395. Trenholm Hon G. A, 273. Trevillian's Station. Battle of, 26. Trim. Lt . 404. Troops, Disparity in number of between North and South, 437. Troup, Capt., 394. Trudeau. Gen., 96, 97 Turnbull, Col. Geo., 8, II. Turney. Hon. Peter, Address of, 319. Tutwiler, Sergeant H. A., 92. University of Virginia. Efforts of for materials for a history of the late war, 56. Urquhart, Col., David, 315. Vance. Gov Z. B., 269, 274, 318. Vandeford, Lt., 405. Vanderhorst, Col., John, 13. Vaughan, Gen. A. J ,58, 76, 313: his cavalry brigade, 61, 62, 64. 67. Venable Col. C. S , 314. Vicksburg, Miss, 25 257 Von Holst, Dr. Herman, 357. Voorhees, Hon. D. W., 360. Vorlandigham. Capt., 19. Virginia Cavalry, The Second, its efficiency and defiant resolutions, 354, Virginia Infantry, 88; Twenty-sixth Battalion, 47; Eighteenth Regiment, 223, 230. Virginia Military Institute cadets in 1861, 39; State arsenal at, 40. Virginia'