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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 140 2 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 58 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 54 0 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 44 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 31 1 Browse Search
John G. Nicolay, A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay and Hayes' Abraham Lincoln: A History 30 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 14, 1863., [Electronic resource] 24 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 22 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 23, 1863., [Electronic resource] 16 4 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 19, 1863., [Electronic resource] 16 0 Browse Search
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of the John Brown raid at Harper's Ferry on Sunday, October 19, fell with startling portent. The scattering and tragic fighting in the streets of the little town on Monday; the dramatic capture of the fanatical leader on Tuesday by a detachment of Federal marines under the command of Robert E. Lee, the famous Confederate general of subsequent years; the undignified haste of his trial and condemnation by the Virginia authorities; the interviews of Governor Wise, Senator Mason, and Representative Vallandigham with the prisoner; his sentence, and execution on the gallows on December 2; and the hysterical laudations of his acts by a few prominent and extreme abolitionists in the East, kept public opinion, both North and South, in an inflamed and feverish state for nearly six weeks. Mr. Lincoln's habitual freedom from passion, and the steady and common-sense judgment he applied to this exciting event, which threw almost everybody into an extreme of feeling or utterance, are well illu
our's attitude- draft Riots in New York Vallandigham Lincoln on his authority to suspend writ te quotas. The military arrest of Clement L. Vallandigham, a Democratic member of Congress from order, he modified the sentence by sending Vallandigham south beyond the Union military lines. Thet, the Ohio Democrats unanimously nominated Vallandigham for governor. Vallandigham went to RichmonVallandigham went to Richmond, held a conference with the Confederate authorities, and, by way of Bermuda, went to Canada, from rm so accurately described the character of Vallandigham, and the pointed query so touched the heartOhio was emphatic. At the October election Vallandigham was defeated by more than one hundred thousd majority. In sustaining the arrest of Vallandigham, President Lincoln had acted not only withiompt execution of the draft law. Though Vallandigham and the Democrats of his type were unable tm of their leaders, is hard to determine. Vallandigham, the real head of the movement, claimed fiv
he delegation from New York, were working for a military candidate; while the peace Democrats, under the leadership of Vallandigham, who had returned from Canada and was allowed to remain at large through the half-contemptuous and half-calculated len principles in the platform. Both got what they desired. General McClellan was nominated on the first ballot, and Vallandigham wrote the only plank worth quoting in the platform. It asserted: That after four years of failure to restore the Uniohat they considered the platform of secondary importance, and the fatal resolutions were adopted without debate. Mr. Vallandigham, having thus taken possession of the convention, next adopted the candidate, and put the seal of his sinister approvcago were blazing with Democratic torches, Hood was preparing to evacuate Atlanta; and the same newspaper that printed Vallandigham's peace platform announced Sherman's entrance into the manufacturing metropolis of Georgia. The darkest hour had pass
t J. Smith, Paymaster, for having deserted his post at Key West, Florida.--Army Order No. 38. The Twenty-third Regiment N. Y. S. V., arrived at Washington. It is commanded by Colonel H. C. Hoffman.--National Intelligencer, July 9. Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, visited, this afternoon, the Ohio encampments in Virginia, and was greeted with the sight of a hanging effigy, bearing the inscription: Vallandigham, the traitor. When he approached the Second Ohio Regiment, he was saluted by a diVallandigham, the traitor. When he approached the Second Ohio Regiment, he was saluted by a discharge of stones, and, on the interposition of the officers, they were also pelted, until it amounted almost to a riot. He was finally released from his unpleasant position.--N. Y. Tribune, July 8. Very impressive and interesting services took place in the Church of the Messiah in New York this evening. The exercises were chosen with special reference to their fitness for the first Sunday after National Independence. The services began with Collins' Requiem of Heroes: How sleep the
notes of fifty dollars, and semi-annually on notes of larger denominations. The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged for the payment of the interest and the redemption of the principal of the loan; and for the full and punctual payment of the interest, the United States specially pledge the duties of import on tea, coffee, sugar, spices, wines and liquors, and also such excise and other internal duties or taxes as may be received into the treasury. In the debate on the bill, Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, took occasion to charge the Executive with a usurpation of power, and declared himself for a speedy, immediate, and honorable peace.--(Doc. 75.) The entire postal service, embracing post-offices, post-routes, and route agencies in Middle and West Tennessee, were discontinued by order of the Postmaster-General.--National Intelligencer, July 12. A resolution passed the Lower House of the Virginia Legislature, at Wheeling, to-day, instructing Senators and requesting Rep
t all commercial intercourse between other portions of the Union and States, or parts of States, declared to be in insurrection, according to the terms of the act of 1795, shall cease and be unlawful so long as such condition of hostility exists.--National Intelligencer, July 13. The Thirty-sixth Regiment N. Y. S. V., commanded by Colonel Charles S. Innes, departed from Riker's Island, direct for Washington.--N. Y. Times, July 13. In the House of Representatives at Washington, Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, offered a preamble and resolution, declaring vacant the seats of such members as have accepted commands in the militia of their several States, which occasioned a lively passage of words between various representatives, when the matter was tabled by ninety-two votes to fifty-one. Colonel Pegram, the commander of the rebel forces, near Beverly, Virginia, surrendered to General McClellan. This morning he sent a messenger to the Federal camp at Huttonsville, Va., stating th
war until that end was accomplished. He alluded to a meeting at the New York Tabernacle, at which it was declared that the war should not end until Slavery was driven from our soil! But he felt it must continue until every nation on earth should recognize our independence and our institutions. He spoke of the imbecility, usurpation, and tyranny of Lincoln — unparalleled since the days of Charles I. He would have said that the North was almost unanimously against us, if he had not heard Vallandigham's voice. (Tremendous cheering.) But he felt there were many brave men at the North, who strongly sympathized with our cause. He felt the certain success of our cause, because right and truth were on our side. Not till the crush of worlds would our country be subjugated. A series of resolutions were adopted, of which the following is the first: 1. That we recognize in these victories on the side of liberty, against tyranny and oppression, the hand of the same just and righteous Go
Book and the Daily News of New York: Post office Department, August 22, 1861. Sir: The Postmaster-General directs that from and after your receipt of this letter, none of the newspapers published in New York City, which were lately presented by the Grand Jury as dangerous, from their disloyalty, shall be forwarded in the mails. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, T. B. Trott, Chief Clerk. To the Postmaster of New York City. Sixty-four of the leading Democrats in Vallandigham's district, Montgomery County, Ohio, issued a circular against the despotic and traitorous course of the Vallandigham clique. They say: It is the mission of the Democratic party to give strength and vigor and efficiency to the Constitution and Government when they are attacked by rebels and traitors. In the language of the lamented Douglas, No man can be a true Democrat without being at the same time a loyal patriot; and there are but two positions to assume: we must either be for or ag
and fifty rebel cavalry suddenly came upon them, and three who were in the house were taken prisoners. Their names were Dennis H. Williamson, who was wounded; Cornelius Lowe, and Hiram R. Parsons, all of the Second regiment. The other five escaped. The Fourth and Fifth regiments of the Irish brigade, under command of Acting Brigadier-General, Col. Thomas Francis Meagher, left New York to-day for the seat of war. In the House of Representatives, at Washington, D. C., to-day, Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, offered a resolution commending the bold and patriotic conduct of Captain Wilkes, of the U. S. steamer San Jacinto, in seizing the rebel emissaries, Mason and Slidell, while on board an English steamer, and urging the President to approve and adopt the act, in spite of any menace or demand of the British Government. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.--(Doc. 228.) The Eleventh regiment of Connecticut volunteers, under the command of Colonel K
tpone it indefinitely. The Kansas contested seat case was then taken up, but the Senate adjourned without proceeding with it. In the House, a message was received from the President, accompanying the documents relating to the Trent affair. Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, took occasion to express his dissatisfaction at the course pursued by the Government in delivering up Mason and Slidell; remarking that in less than three months we would be at war with Great Britain, or else we would tamely submit to the recognition of the Southern Confederacy, and the breaking up of the blockade. Mr. Hutchins, his colleague, replied, saying that Vallandigham had heretofore been opposed to coercion as to the South, while now he is against the delivery up of Mason and Slidell, and consequently in favor of war. The position of his colleague was liable to suspicion that his belligerent attitude was one which would benefit the rebels, by causing a war between England and the United States--a war which the S