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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Xvii. (search)
original document was pinned up in a conspicuous place in the council-chamber, where it hung for several days, of course attracting the attention of all visitors, and creating much amusement. The disaster on the Red River was the subject of official consultation. The positions of the respective forces were traced on the war maps, and various suggestions and opinions offered. The Secretary of the Interior, looking over to where the Secretary of War sat, said he had a young friend whom he wished to have appointed a paymaster in the army. How old is he? asked Stanton, gruffly. About twenty-one, I believe, answered the Secretary of the Interior; he is of good family and excellent character. Usher, was the reply, I would not appoint the Angel Gabriel a paymaster, if he was only twenty-one. Judge Bates, who was to have a sitting after the adjournments, here beckoned to me, signifying that he was ready for the appointment. And so ended my brief glimpse of a cabinet in session.
Chapter 34. Blair Chase chief justice Speed Succeeds Bates McCulloch Succeeds Fessenden resignation of Mr. Usher Lincoln's offer of $400,000,000 the second inaugural Lincoln's literary rank his last speech The principal concession in the Baltimore platform made by the friends of the administration to their opponents, the radicals, was the resolution which called for harmony in the cabinet. The President at first took no notice, either publicly or privately, of this r who had made a favorable record as comptroller of the currency. Thus only two of Mr. Lincoln's original cabinet, Mr. Seward and Mr. Welles, were in office at the date of his second inauguration; and still another change was in contemplation. Mr. Usher of Indiana, who had for some time discharged the duties of Secretary of the Interior, desiring, as he said, to relieve the President from any possible embarrassment which might arise from the fact that two of his cabinet were from the same Stat
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 6 (search)
e was no officer in command who had to so great a degree the implicit confidence of all parties as myself; but he said there were several officers in my army that did not have the confidence of the country, and that I was injuring myself by retaining them. I told him I did not know who they were, but that if he was aware of this fact, I thought it was his duty to retire them, and I should not object; and I suppose the result will be a pretty general sweeping out. While with the Secretary, Mr. Usher, Secretary of the Interior, came in and invited me to his house at seven o'clock. Supposing it to be an evening party, where I could show myself and slip out, I accepted; but on going there I found it to be a regular dinner party. Senators Collamore, Wilson, Wilkeson and Powell, together with Judges Holt and Law, and the ladies of the family, constituted the party. All received and treated me with great distinction and civility, and about 10 P. M. I got home, and, after a talk with Cram,
333. Trimble, I. R., II, 129. Trudeau, I, 90, 96, 106. Tucker, Mr., I, 302. Tuckers, II, 278. Turnbull, I, 380. Turnbull, Mrs., I, 313. Turnbull, Charles, I, 233, 235; II, 270. Turnbull, C. N., I, 212. Turnbull, J. G., II, 83. Turnbull, Wm., I, 177, 194. Turner, Thomas, I, 191. Twiggs, David E., I, 173, 174, 178, 191, 200-202. Twiggs, D. N., I, 51, 87, 100. Tyler, John, I, 17. Tyler, Robert O., II, 8, 60, 64. U Urrea, Gen., I, 160, 171. Usher, Mr., II, 165. V Van Allen, Gen., I, 356. Van Horne, Lieut., I, 14. Van Rensselaer, Henry, I, 254, 267. Vaughn, Sir, Chas., II, 233. Vera Cruz, battle of, 1847, I, 191-193, 196. Vincent, Strong, II, 81, 83, 84, 331, 334, 339. Vinton, J. R., I, 192. Virginia Campaign of 1864, II, 194-204, 251. Volunteers: Civil War, I, 231, 237, 238, 317. Mexican War, I, 89, 94, 108, 109, 115, 116, 120, 121, 147, 161-165. Von Gilsa, L., II, 49, 51. Von Steinwehr, A., II, 48,
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 21: administration of War Department (search)
entatives. As far as my judgment goes, I should be well satisfied with either, though I am more intimate with Mr. Boutwell, and consider him the superior man of the two. At the same time, Mr. Hooper is a person of the most solid character and capacity, and of very great experience in commercial affairs. Whether any other members of the present cabinet will retire is at this time only a matter of speculation. I have supposed that Mr. Welles would not be likely to remain, and also that Mr. Usher's transfer to some other position of usefulness was probable. But these things are still without any sure indication, and I should not be surprised if all the present cabinet should be retained with the exception of Mr. Fessenden. I especially regard it as certain that Mr. Stanton will continue in the War Department, and Governor Denison in the General Post-Office. Mr. Speed will also no doubt remain as Attorney-General. There has been a good deal of talk about Mr. Seward's withdrawal
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Index (search)
21. Tribune, New York, 50, 60-63, 72, 77, 92, 94, 96-100, 108-110, 113-115, 118-121,123, 125, 127-129, 132-134, 136-141, 144, 146-154, 158-162, 165-168, 171-173, 175-183, 186,212, 401,413 414,432, 440, 500. Trumbull, Senator, 370, 431. Tupper, poet, 153. Turchin, General, 264. Tweed, William M., 424. U. Ulffers, 369. Union, dissolution of, etc., 98. Universal Association, article on, 52. University of Michigan, address at, 49, 60. Upton, General, 320, 325. Usher, Secretary, 354. V. Valley of Virginia, 342, 347, 348. Van Cleve, General, 259, 262. Vanderbilt, 458. Venezuela, 471. Vicksburg, 4, 191, 192, 199, 204, 207-209, 212-214, 216, 221, 223, 225-228, 233-236, 238, 239, 248, 252, 255, 256, 267, 276,282, 283, 301, 309, 516, 329, 338, 339. Vienna, 84, 86. Virgil, 56. Virginia, campaign in, 316, 349. Virginia, merchants of, 112, 113. Von Moltke, 314. W. Wade, president of the Senate, 389, 390, 397, 401. Wadsworth, G
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Short studies of American authors, Poe. (search)
work is solid as masonry, while Poe's is broken and disfigured by all sorts of inequalities and imitations; he not disdaining, for want of true integrity, to disguise and falsify, to claim knowledge that he did not possess, to invent quotations and references, and even, as Griswold showed, to manipulate and exaggerate puffs of himself. I remember the chagrin with which I looked through Tieck, in my student-days, to find the Journey into the Blue distance to which Poe refers in the House of Usher; and how one of the poet's intimates laughed me to scorn for being deceived by any of Poe's citations, saying that he hardly knew a word of German. But, making all possible deductions, how wonderful remains the power of Poe's imaginative tales, and how immense is the ingenuity of his puzzles and disentanglements! The conundrums of Wilkie Collins never renew their interest after the answer is known; but Poe's can be read again and again. It is where spiritual depths are to be touched, t
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 50: last months of the Civil War.—Chase and Taney, chief-justices.—the first colored attorney in the supreme court —reciprocity with Canada.—the New Jersey monopoly.— retaliation in war.—reconstruction.—debate on Louisiana.—Lincoln and Sumner.—visit to Richmond.—the president's death by assassination.—Sumner's eulogy upon him. —President Johnson; his method of reconstruction.—Sumner's protests against race distinctions.—death of friends. —French visitors and correspondents.—1864-1865. (search)
y, A. Lincoln. The President's carriage was at Sumner's lodgings at the time named. On entering the ball-room, Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Colfax (the Speaker) led; next followed Sumner escorting Mrs. Lincoln; and then Mr. Seward and daughter, Secretary Usher and wife, Senator Wilson and wife, and others. The correspondent of the New York Herald, March 8, remarked that it was presumed that the President had indorsed his [Mr. Sumner's] reconstruction theories. The inference was not justified; as intended to include negroes as well as white men. He objected to a discussion, but invited an expression of opinion and the members (Seward absent) were equally divided—Stanton, Dennison, and Speed for the inclusion, and McCulloch, Welles, and Usher against it. The President took the papers without expressing an opinion. Sumner was quickly informed of what had transpired in the Cabinet— as appears by his interview the next day with Welles—and he counted at this time on the President's decis<
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), The civil history of the Confederate States (search)
ion until the 8th of April that their peaceful mission would be rudely thwarted. Mr. Seward stands in the history of this transaction unrelieved from the charge of duplicity. His defense may be on the doctrine that all is fair in war and that in diplomacy words may be used to conceal the truth, but the evidence is ample that he dealt with Judge Campbell and Judge Nelson, and with Messrs Crawford and Forsyth in the same manner that he said he himself had once dealt with Jefferson Davis. Mr. Usher, formerly secretary of the interior, tells the following story (in Reminiscences of Lincoln, p. 80) about a speech made by Mr. Seward: Referring to a speech that Mr. Oakley Hall had then lately made in the city of New York, Seward said, Oakley Hall says that I said in the winter before the war in a speech at the Astor House that the trouble would all be over and everything settled in sixty days. I would have Mr. Oakley Hall to know that when I made that speech the electoral vote was not c
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, John Biddle (search)
ect of which was merely to secure his person, a purpose which might have been accomplished by much less rigorous means, had this additional hardship, that he was labouring at the time under a dangerous fever. From this confinement, however, a friend at Gloucester had influence enough to procure his enlargement, by giving security for his appearance when it should please the parliament to send for him. During the interval, which lasted about six months, he was visited by the celebrated Archbishop Usher, who happened to pass through Gloucester, and, hearing of his case, endeavoured to convince him of his error, but without success. Indeed, he was not very likely to succeed, if it be true that the argument he chiefly dwelt on was, that, if Mr. Biddle was right, the church for so many centuries had been wrong, and guilty of idolatry. His opponent would, doubtless, reply, Let the church bear its own burden: it is my business to inquire what says the scripture. Shortly afterwards he w