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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.53 (search)
rage perpetrated upon them or upon their families would be severely punished. An enlistment-roll was accordingly made out, and about one hundred men signed their names at once. Too much cannot be said of the devotion of these men under peculiar dangers — of these men of the 1st North Carolina. On the 1st of February, 1864, a large Confederate force, under the command of Major-General G. E. Pickett, made an advance upon New Berne, N. C., and after destroying the United States gun-boat Underwriter, burning a bridge or two, and capturing some prisoners, withdrew to Kinston. Among the prisoners captured were several natives of North Carolina, who had enlisted in our service. A court-martial was convened, composed of Virginians, and twenty-two of these loyal North Carolinians were convicted of and executed for (constructive) desertion. June 1st, 1865, Pickett applied to President Johnson for a pardon. Secretary Stanton and Judge Advocate-General Holt were for trying him, and his a
would collect a few trusty men and picked officers; glide silently out from Richmond, where his duties as colonel of cavalry on the President's staff chained him most of the time. Soon would come an echo from the frontier, telling of quick, sharp struggle; victorious boarding and a Federal gunboat or two given to the flames. I have already alluded to his dashing raid upon the fishery fleet; but his cunning capture of the gunboats in the Rappahannock, or his cool and daring attack on the Underwriter, during Pickett's movement on Newberne, would alone give him undying reputation. The United States had a navy in her waters that would class as the third maritime power of the world; and this she rapidly increased by every appliance of money, skill and energy. She bought and built ships and spent vast sums and labor in experiments in ordnance, armoring and machinery. As result of this, the Federal navy, at the end of the second year of the war, numbered some 390 vessels of all grad
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 61: the Washington artillery of New Orleans. (search)
service, took part in the fight between the Virginia and the Congress, Cumberland, Wabash, Monitor, and others, and served efficiently during the enemy's attempt to pass Drury's Bluff. In the summer of 1863, Lieutenant Wood succeeded in capturing in Chesapeake Bay the United States gun-boats Reliance, Satellite, and a number of other vessels, and was promoted to be Commander in the Navy. At Newbern, N. C., Commander Wood, with his boat squadron, captured the United States gun-boat Underwriter under the guns of two of the enemy's forts. He destroyed two gun-boats at Plymouth, N. C., when General Hoke captured that place in 1864. In August, 1864, the Atlanta cruised off the north coast of the United States in the neighborhood of New York and Boston, and Commander Wood captured over thirty of the enemy's vessels. For these services he received the thanks of the Confederate Congress, and was promoted to be Post Captain. Throughout all these hot encounters his piety and gen
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
re, S. P. Quackenbush; granite, E. Boomer; granite, W. B. Avery; Gen. Putnam, W. J. Hoskiss; Huzzar, Fred. Crocker; Hunchback, E. R. Calhoun; Hetzel, H. K. Davenport; J. Nv. Seymour, F. S. Welles; Louisiana, Hooker; Lockwood, S. L. Graves; Lancer, B. Morley; Morse, Peter Hayes; Philadelphia, Silas Reynolds; pioneer, C. S. Baker; picket, T. P. Ives; rocket, James Lake; Ranger, J. B. Childs; Stars and Stripes, Reed Werden; Southfield, Behm; Shawsheen, T. S. Wood-ward; shrapnel, Ed. Staples; Underwriter, Jeffers; Valley City, J. C. Chaplin; Vidette,---------; White-head, French; young Rover, I. B. Studley. every thing necessary for the peculiar service assigned to the expedition was furnished and arranged. The fleet guns were equipped with ship and field carriages, that they might be used on land or water; and the cannon were mostly of the newest construction. A well-organized signal corps accompanied the expedition, and there were two extensive pontoon trains. Fully equipped in every
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
192. the National force in that State was light; and, in February, General Pickett, commanding the Confederate troops in that section? made an effort to capture New Berne. On the 17th, Feb., 1864. he attacked an outpost at Bachelor's Creek, eight miles above New Berne, held by the One Hundred and Thirty-second New York. It was captured, with one hundred men, when Pickett advanced on New Berne. Then, a part of his force, under Colonel Wood, went in small boats and boarded the gun-boat Underwriter, lying near the wharf, and not more than one hundred yards from three batteries. Before the captors could get up her steam and move off, these batteries opened upon her, when the Confederates, seeing no chance to secure her, set her on-fire and abandoned her. Pickett soon afterward withdrew, without attacking the defenses of New Berne, and claimed a victory, inasmuch, he said, as he had killed and wounded one hundred of the Nationals, made two hundred and eighty of them prisoners, captur
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
s. Comet, J. J. Crittenden, and sloop America 2,600 00 322 85 2,277 15 New York Oct. 22, 1863 Commodore Perry, Morse, Underwriter, General Putnam, Whitehead. Schooner Captain Spedden Waiting for prize list of the Water Witch. 1,387 50 289 50 2 1,765 24 do Jan. 4, 1864 Stars and Stripes, Louisiaua, Hetzel, Delaware, Commodore Perry, Philadelphia, Valley City, Underwriter, Commodore Barney, Southfield, Morse, Hunchback, Lockwood.   Cotton, 30 bales 6,276 05 859 25 5,416 80 do Jan. 4, 1179 36 13,680 90 48,498 46 New York Dec. 31, 1863 Stars and Stripes, Louisiana, Hetzel, Commodore Barney, Valley City, Underwriter, Commodore Perry, Southfield, Hunohback, Philadelphia, Morse, H. Brincker, Lockwood, Delaware, George Mangham.   Co97 New York Mar. 17, 1864 Stars and Stripes, Philadelphia, Louisiana. Hetzel, Delaware, Commodore Perry, Valley City, Underwriter, Commodore Barney, Hunchback, Southfield, Morse, H. Brinker, Lockwood. Steamer Neptune 40,820 58 4,460 44 36,360 14
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 13: aggregate of deaths in the Union Armies by States--total enlistment by States--percentages of military population furnished, and percentages of loss — strength of the Army at various dates casualties in the Navy. (search)
ton Greer Grand Gulf 9 19 -- 28 April 29 Tuscumbia Shirk Grand Gulf 6 24 -- 30 April 29 Pittsburg Hoel Grand Gulf 6 13 -- 19 April 29 Lafayette Walke Grand Gulf -- 1 -- 1 May 4 Albatross Hart Fort De Russy 2 4 -- 6 May 27 Cincinnati Sunk in action. Bache Vicksburg 5 14 15 34 July 7 Monongahela Read Mississippi 2 4 -- 6 Sept. 7 Clifton Crocker Sabine Pass 10 9 -- 19 Sept. 7 Sachem Johnson Sabine Pass 7 Wounded not stated. -- 7 1864.               Feb. 1 Underwriter Westervelt Neuse River 9 20 19 48 April 26 Cricket Gorringe Red River 12 19 -- More than half the crew.31 April 26 Hindman Pearce Red River 3 5 -- 8 April 26 Juliet Shaw Red River -- -- -- 15 May 13 Covington Lord Red River -- -- -- 44 May 31 Water Witch Pendergrast Ogeechee River 2 12 -- 14 June 19 Kearsarge Winslow Cherbourg 1 2 -- 3 June 24 Queen City Goudy White River 2 8 -- 10 June 24 Tyler Bache White River 3 15 -- 18 June 24 Naumkeag Rogers White Rive
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
rewry's Bluff 7 9   16 July 15 Arkansas Brown Yazoo 10 15   25 July 22 Arkansas Brown Vicksburg 7 6   Out of a crew of 41.13 1863               Jan. 1 Bayou City Lubbock Galveston 12 70   82 Jan. 1 Neptune Bayley Galveston Jan. 11 Alabama Semmes Hatteras   1   1 Feb. 24 Queen of the West McCloskey Indianola 2 4   6 Feb. 24 C. S. Webb Pierce Indianola   1   1 June 17 Atlanta Webb Warsaw Sound   16   16 1864               Feb. 1 Boat Crews, C. S. N. Wood Underwriter 6 22 1 29 May 31 Boat Crews, C. S. N. Pelot Water Witch 6 12   18 June 19 Alabama Semmes Kearsarge 9 21 Drowned.10 40 Aug. 6 Tennessee Buchanan Mobile Bay 2 10   12 Aug. 6 Selma   Mobile Bay 5 10   15 But any recital of casualties or battles would fail to convey a proper idea of the extent and activity of the Confederate Navy. Important and successful operations were carried on by privateers and swift cruisers flying the Confederate flag. Thes
icer Goldsborough, with their armaments, are as follows: Southfield, (flag-ship,) armament, three nine-inch shell guns and one one-hundred-pounder rifled gun; Delaware, one nine-inch shell gun; Stars and Stripes, four eight-inch shell guns, one twenty-pounder Parrott gun, and two Dalghren boat-howitzers; Louisiana, two heavy thirty-two pounders and twenty-eight-inch shell guns; Hetzel, one nine-inch shell gun and one eighty-pounder rifled gun; Commodore Perry, two nine-inch shell guns; Underwriter, one eight-inch gun and one eighty-pounder rifled gun; Valley City, four thirty-two-pounders and one rifled howitzer; Commodore Barney, two nine-inch shell guns; Hunchback, two nine-inch shell guns and one one-hundred-pounder rifled gun; Ceres, one thirty-two-pounder and one thirty-pounder Parrott gun; Putnam, one thirty-pounder rifled gun and one light thirty-two pounder; Morse, two nine-inch shell guns; Lockwood, one eighty-pounder rifled gun and one twenty-four pounder howitzer; J. N.
rebel navy, which, it was said, had made a stand at that point, with the intention of resisting our force to the last. Orders were also given to burn what steamers the rebels were building at that place, but not to destroy or molest any other property belonging to the citizens. The expedition, in command of Capt. S. C. Rowan left Roanoke Island on Sunday, February ninth, at three o'clock P. M. It was composed of the following steamers: Delaware, Lieut. Com. Quackenbush, the flag-ship; Underwriter, Lieut. Corn. W. N. Jeffers; Louisiana, Lieut. Com. Murray; Lockwood, Acting Master Graves; Seymour, Lieut. Corn. Wells; Hetzell, Lieut. Com. Davenport; Shawsheen, Acting Master Woodruff; Valley City, Lieut. Corn. Chaplin; General Putnam, Acting Master Hotchkiss; Commodore Perry, Lieut. Corn. Flusser; Ceres, Acting Master MacDiarmid; Morse, Acting Master Hayes; Whitehead, Acting Master French; Brincker, Acting Master Giddings, making fourteen in all. The distance to Elizabeth City f