D. Bester, S. O., A. & I. G. O., April 23, 1863.
3. P. A. H. Brown, S. O., A. & I. G. O., September 9, 1864.
4. Mason M. Burrows, S. O., A. & I. G. O., November 12, 1862.
5. E. S. Gregory, S. O., A. & I. G. O., November 23, 1863.
6. Joseph K. Irving, S. O., A. & 1.
G. O., October 28, 1862.
7. A. W. Pearce, S. O., A. & I. G. O., November 21, 1862.
8. Junius L. Powell, S. O., A. & I. G. O., November 12, 1862.
9. J. B. Smith, S. O., A. & I. G. O., July 4, 1863.
10. H. A. Tutwiler, S. O., A. & I. G. O., April 16, 1863.
11. N. J. Watkins, S. O., A. & I. G. O., November 12, 1862.
Memorandum of officers of the Signal Corps of the Confederate States Provisional army, appointed under act of the Confederate Congress of September 27, 1862, providing for the appointment of one major, ten first and ten second lieutenants, and twenty additional sergeants:
William Norris, S. O., A. & I. G. O., October 24, 1862.
First Lieutenants.
1. Edmund Burke, S.
Torpedo System of the South, 282.
Totopotomoy Creek, Incidents of skirmish at, 47.
Townsend, Gen. E. D., 81.
Trabue, Col., 310.
Trask, Capt., 71.
Tredegar Iron Works, 288.
Trenches before Petersburg, 395.
Trenholm Hon G. A, 273.
Trevillian's Station. Battle of, 26.
Trim. Lt . 404.
Troops, Disparity in number of between North and South, 437.
Troup, Capt., 394.
Trudeau. Gen., 96, 97
Turnbull, Col. Geo., 8, II.
Turney. Hon. Peter, Address of, 319.
Tutwiler, Sergeant H. A., 92.
University of Virginia. Efforts of for materials for a history of the late war, 56.
Urquhart, Col., David, 315.
Vance. Gov Z. B., 269, 274, 318.
Vandeford, Lt., 405.
Vanderhorst, Col., John, 13.
Vaughan, Gen. A. J ,58, 76, 313: his cavalry brigade, 61, 62, 64. 67.
Venable Col. C. S , 314.
Vicksburg, Miss, 25 257
Von Holst, Dr. Herman, 357.
Voorhees, Hon. D. W., 360.
Vorlandigham. Capt., 19.
Virginia Cavalry, The Second, its efficiency and defiant resoluti