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rs shall be received, a more detailed account of these operations will be given, and occasion will then be taken to speak more particularly of the conspicuous gallantry and good conduct of both officers and men. It is not yet in my power to give a correct statement of our casualties, which were severe, including many brave men, and an unusual proportion of distinguished and valuable officers. Among them I regret to mention the following general officers: Major-Generals Hood, Pender, and Trimble severely, and Major-General Heth slightly wounded. General Pender has since died. This lamented officer has borne a distinguished part in every engagement of this army, and was wounded on several occasions while leading his command with conspicuous gallantry and ability. The confidence and admiration inspired by his courage and capacity as an officer, were only equalled by the esteem and respect entertained by all with whom he was associated, for the noble qualities of his modest and u
Doc. 52.-General Trimble's address To the citizens of Maryland. headquarters Valley District, June 3, 1863. Major-General J. R. Trimble, having been assigned to the Department of Northern Virginia, invites all citizens of Maryland, in and out of the army, to join the Maryland troops now serving in this district, with Major-General J. R. Trimble, having been assigned to the Department of Northern Virginia, invites all citizens of Maryland, in and out of the army, to join the Maryland troops now serving in this district, with a view to increase the organization from that State to a body formidable by its number and gallantry. Under this command every Marylander will have a field for the display of that devotion and bravery in the cause of the South which it is well known they possess, but which have heretofore been much obscured by their separation iheir race, have done more outrage to the feelings of humanity, to Christian civilization, and to Christian freedom, than any nation of this enlightened age. Let us hope the day is near when, as Marylanders, we may do our part to avenge these wrongs. By Order: Major-General Trimble. W. Carvel Hall, Assistant Adjutant-General.
e assurance of protection. This makes the Missouri case of my action, in regard to which you express your approval. The remaining point of your letter is a protest against any person offering to vote being put to any test not found in the laws of Maryland. This brings us to a difference between Missouri and Maryland, with the same reason in both States. Missouri has, by law, provided a test for the voter with reference to the present rebellion, while Maryland has not. For example, General Trimble, captured fighting us at Gettys-burgh, is, without recanting his treason, a legal voter by the laws of Maryland. Even General Schenck's order admits him to vote, if he recants upon oath. I think that is cheap enough. My order in Missouri, which you approve, and General Schenck's order here, reach precisely the same end. Each assures the right of voting to all loyal men, and whether a man is loyal each allows that man to fix by his own oath. Your suggestion that nearly all the candid
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 18: the Capital secured.--Maryland secessionists Subdued.--contributions by the people. (search)
lunteer Regiments arrived, and reported the Fifth, Eighth, and Sixty-ninth at Annapolis. Baltimore, in the mean time, had become firmly grasped by the secessionists; and the authorities there, civil and military, had prepared to dispute the passage of any more loyal troops through their city. Armed men flocked into the, town from the country, with all sorts of weapons, scarcely knowing for what purpose; while the secessionists in the city were organized for treasonable work under Colonel J. R. Trimble and others. Winans's steam-gun. On Sunday, the 21st, cannon were exercised openly in the streets. A remarkable piece of ordnance, called a steam-gun, invented by Charles S. Dickinson, and manufactured by Ross Winans, a wealthy iron-worker of Baltimore, was purchased by the city authorities at the price of twenty-five hundred dollars. Much was expected of this invention, for it was claimed that it could throw two hundred balls a minute a distance of two miles. It was supposed
under Gen. Winder; the 2d brigade, Col. Campbell commanding; 3d brigade, Col. Fulkerson commanding; the troops recently under command of Brig.-Gen. Edward Johnson; and the division of Gen. Ewell. comprising the brigades of Gens. Elzey, Taylor, Trimble. and the Maryland Line, consisting of the 1st Maryland regiment and Brockenbrough's battery, under Brig.-Gen. Geo. H. Stewart, and the 2d and 6th Virginia cavalry, under Col. Flournoy. On our side, Brig.-Gen. Gordon, in his official report, stant, ready to be sent up as required. Fremont pushed out of Harrisonburg at 6 o'clock next morning, June 8. and before 9 his advance was engaged near a little hamlet known as Cross-Keys, some seven miles on. Ewell's three brigades, under Trimble, Elzey, and Stewart, ranged from right to left, with his artillery in the center. Gen. Dick Taylor, with a Louisiana, and Col. Patton, with a Virginia brigade, came to his aid when wanted. Gen. Fremont's order of battle, a mile and a half lo
and wounded, out of 26,000 or 28,000 under his orders. Brig.-Gen. Ransom reports the losses in his brigade at 499, out of 3.000. Brig.-Gen. Mahone, of Huger's division, reports a total loss of 321, out of 1,226. Gen. A. R. Wright reports the loss of his already weakened brigade, in this fight, at 362. D. R. Jones reports the losses in his division at 833. Among the wounded in this fight were Brig.-Gen. Jones, Va.; Col. Ransom, 35th N. C., severely; and Col. Ramseur, 49th N. C. Brig.-Gen. J. R. Trimble, of Ewell's division, giving an account of the conduct of his brigade in this battle, says: The next morning, by dawn, I went off to ask for orders; when I found the whole army in the utmost disorder; thousands of straggling men asking every passer-by for their regiment; ambulances, wagons, and artillery, obstructing every road; and altogether, in a drenching rain, presenting a scene of the most woeful and disheartening confusion. Darkness closed this one-sided carnage; thoug
istow soon after Jackson, to whom they fell an easy prey. So far, Jackson's success had been without flaw; but his position was critical, and there was obviously no time to be lost. Weary and footsore as were his men, he at once dispatched Gen. Trimble, with the 21st North Carolina and 21st Georgia infantry, under Stuart — who took part of his cavalry — with orders to strike Manassas Junction, seven miles farther north, carry it at all hazards, and capture the large amount of stores there co, 73d Pa., commanding a brigade, Cantwell, 82d Ohio, and Brown, 20th Ind. Among our wounded on the 30th, were Maj.-Gen. Robert C. Schenck and Col. Hardin, of the Pa. Reserves. Among the Rebels wounded in these fights, were Brig.-Gens. Field and Trimble, and Cols. Forno and Baylor, commanding brigades. How far Pope's disasters are justly attributable to his own incapacity, and how far to the failure or withholding of support on which he had a right to calculate, it is time now to consider.
tle was commenced in earnest: the left of Meade's and the right of Ricketts's line becoming engaged at nearly the same moment, the former with artillery, the latter with infantry; while a battery was pushed forward beyond the woods directly in Hooker's front, across a plowed field, to the edge of a corn-field beyond it, destined before night to be soaked with blood. Hood's thin division, which had confronted us at evening, had been withdrawn during the night, and replaced by Lawton's and Trimble's brigades of Ewell's division, under Lawton, with Jackson's own division, under D. R. Jones, on its left, supported by the remaining brigades of Ewell. Jackson was in chief command on this wing, and here was substantially his old corps around him. Against these iron soldiers, Hooker's corps hurled itself, and, being superior in numbers, compelled them to give ground; but not until Jones and Lawton had been wounded, with many more field officers, and Starke, who succeeded Jones in command,
oners. Here, in attempting to rally Orr's rifles, which had been disorganized, fell Brig.-Gen. Maxcy Gregg, Governor elect of South Carolina. mortally wounded. But the enemy rallied all their forces; Early's division, composed of Lawton's, Trimble's, and his own brigades, which, with D. H. Hill's corps, had arrived that morning from Port Royal, after a severe night-march, and been posted behind A. P. Hill, rushed to the front; and Meade's division, lacking prompt support, was overwhelmed our demonstration under Sedgwick, below Fredericksburg; but, when Lee heard that Hooker had crossed in force above, he at once inferred that the movement below was a feint, and called Jackson away toward Chancellorsville, adding the division of Trimble to his command and impelling him on a movement against Hooker's extreme right; leaving only Early's division and Barksdale's brigade in front of Sedgwick on our remote left, and to hold the heights overlooking Fredericksburg, which he judged no
this day are famous, and should be commemorated in detail. Every Brigadier in the division was killed or wounded. Out of 24 regimental officers, only two escaped unhurt. The Colonels of five Virginia regiments were killed. The 9th Virginia went in 250 strong, and came out with only 38 men; while the equally gallant 19th rivaled the terrible glory of such devoted courage. Among the Rebel killed were Brig.-Gens. Barksdale, Miss., and Garnett, Va. Among their wounded, Maj.-Gens. Hood, Trimble, Heth, and Pender, the latter mortally: Brig.-Gens. Pettigrew, Kemper, Scales, G. T. Anderson, Hampton, J. M. Jones, Jenkins, Armistead, and Semmes: the two latter mortally.--our men fighting on the defensive, somewhat protected by breastworks, and having the advantage of position. Doubtless, our loss was much the greater on the first day, a little more than the enemy's on the second, and far the less on the third. Probably, 18,000 killed and wounded, with 10,000 unwounded prisoners, woul