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ave removed it. In the register, Vol. XVII, pp. 15 and 42, are articles relative to this matter, in which interest is revived by examination of original documents in the Massachusetts Archives, of which the following is copy: To the Honble Lt. Governer & Council & Representatives in Genl Court Afsembled The Humble petition of the Inhabitants of the Towne of Medford Showeth That Whereas Your Petitioners have hitherunto been necefsitated for want of a Grist mill within the sd Towne to carry their Corne to be ground as far as Charlestowne or Watertowne and sometimes to Boston and Noddles Island, Whereby many times before they can get their meal home, it costs them as much as the Corne was worth. And Whereas there is a very Suitable place upon the River A little above Mistick Bridge where A Mill may be Erected to the Easg of your Petitioners And Advantage And Convenience of places Adjacent And without damage to the Passage of Boats Timber Rafts &c Wherefore yor most hum