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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
d April 14, 1862) Brig.-Gen. William A. Hammond Brig.-Gen. Joseph K. Barnes (appointed Aug. 22, 1864). Pay Department Colonel Benjamin F. Larned (died Sept. 6, 1862) Colonel Timothy P. Andrews (retired Nov. 29, 1864) Brig.-Gen. Benjamin W. Brice. Corps of Topographical Engineers Colonel John J. Abert (retired Sept. 9, 1861) Colonel Stephen H. Long. (This corps was consolidated with the Corps of Engineers, under act of March 3, 1863.) Corps of Engineers Brig.-Gen. Joseph G. Totten (died April 22, 1864) Brig.-Gen. Richard Delafield. Ordnance Department Colonel Henry K. Craig (until April 23, 1861) Brig.-Gen. James W. Ripley (retired Sept. 15, 1863) Brig.-Gen. George D. Ramsay (retired Sept. 12, 1864) Brig.-Gen. Alexander B. Dyer. Bureau of military justice Major John F. Lee (resigned Sept. 4, 1862) Brig.-Gen. Joseph Holt. Bureau of the provost Marshal General (created by act of March 3, 1863) Brig.-Gen. James B. Fry.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Wilson's Creek, and the death of Lyon. (search)
was held by the 1st Missouri; on its left were Totten's battery. Osterhaus's battalion, the 1st Kanf's battery had from the start chiefly engaged Totten; and now Churchill, and next Greer's and Carro and Carroll, who had been quickly repulsed by Totten; Lyon's being as above, 3550, exclusive of 220o companies of the 2d Missouri Volunteers, and Totten's battery. A body of 200 mounted Home Guards e 1st Missouri and the 1st Kansas, assisted by Totten's battery, who drove back the Confederates on directing his most determined efforts against Totten's battery, for which Woodruff's, which was pitizure of the Little Rock arsenal, of which Captain Totten had been in command. Woodruff and his gunthe heat of the engagement with the line, near Totten's battery. He maintained an imperturbable coo1st Kansas, and the regular infantry supported Totten's battery in the center, and the 2d Kansas helvored to gain the rear of the right flank, but Totten's battery in the center was the main point of [5 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Arkansas troops in the battle of Wilson's Creek. (search)
e Missouri troops were attacked by the main column or right wing of the enemy. Totten's (Federal) battery was pushed forward, and took its first position on the sidrected Captain Woodruff, who was posted within easy range, to give attention to Totten, and the two batteries were soon engaged in a lively artillery duel, being wellill and mettle. Lieutenant Weaver, of Woodruff's battery, was killed, and 4 of Totten's men were killed and 7 wounded in this engagement. General Lyon's right, althjuncture a gallant charge was made by Greers and Carroll's mounted regiments on Totten's battery, but it was not a complete success, as the gunners turned about and red anxiously for signs of victory to come from the north side of the creek, but Totten's battery seemed to belch forth with renewed vigor, and was advanced once or twn relieved of Sigel, and Reid's battery was inactive because it could not reach Totten. This was fortunate, for my command, in a measure fresh and enthusiastic, was
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.55 (search)
our full reports should be read, which I could not, of course, ask to be done, without seeming to attach too much importance to them. General Scott said at the conclusion, they were of singular ability, and he adopted every word of them; and General Totten told me there was not a criticism made. The meeting consisted of General Scott, General Totten, General Meigs, Colonel T. W. Sherman, Captain H. G. Wright, of the Engineers, and Colonel Cullum, aide-de-camp to the general. Memoirs dated AGeneral Totten, General Meigs, Colonel T. W. Sherman, Captain H. G. Wright, of the Engineers, and Colonel Cullum, aide-de-camp to the general. Memoirs dated August 9th, September 2d and 3d, follow, giving a discussion of the blockade on the west coast of Florida, and to the border of Mexico. A memoir dated September 12th discusses a proposition submitted from the department in relation to the taking of Fort Macon, which closes as follows: We beg leave to observe that here, and in all our previous reports and memoirs, we have confined ourselves to the treatment of cases, more or less special or general, connected with; and tending to promote, the
N. P. Banks, U. S. volunteers, have reported that in compliance with said orders they have examined he law and facts involved in the question referred to them, and the arguments submitted thereupon, and find as follows: The Board, after careful examination of the law and facts involved in the question referred to them, and the arguments submitted therefrom, unanimously find, the question having been separately submitted as to the precedence in point of rank of each of them, that Major-Generals Geo. B. McClellan and J. C. Fremont, U. S. A., and Major-Generals J. A. Dix and N. P. Banks, U. S. V., have precedence respectively in point of rank over Major-General B. F. Butler, U. S. V. Jos. G. Totten, Brigadier-General and Chief of Engineers. J. H. Martindale, Brigadier-General and Military Governor, D. C. E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant-General. J. Holt. Approved. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant-General.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Siege and capture of Fort Pulaski. (search)
sition of the work, and the nature of its environs, rendered any successful siege operations against it absolutely impracticable. The Confederate commander, Colonel Charles H. Olmstead, appears quite naturally to have been governed by the opinions of his superior officers; The officer in command of the department was Brigadier-General A. R. Lawton, C. S. A.--Editors. and the measures adopted for adding strength and safety to the work were of the most meager character. Moreover, General Joseph G. Totten, Chief Engineer United States Army, wrote, in reply to a letter requesting his views on the subject, that the work could not be reduced in a month's firing with any number of guns of manageable calibers. I had been appointed chief engineer of the Expeditionary Corps, and in that capacity was directed by General T. W. Sherman, on the 29th of November, to make an examination of Tybee Island and Fort Pulaski, and to report upon the propriety of holding the island, and upon the pract
of the siege. The officers and men did a large part of the reconnoitring necessary to determine the plan of the siege, the officers reporting immediately to Colonel Totten, the chief of engineers, and executing in detail the works subsequently prescribed by orders from Headquarters. The corps of engineers, including the companyoubt the labors of the army would have been materially lessened and the result expedited. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Jos. G. Totten, Colonel and Chief Engineers. Major-General W. Scott, Commanding the Army of the United States, Mexico, The city of Vera Cruz and Castle of San Juan d'ulldue preparations might be made for a march upon the city of Mexico. And here seems a fitting place to introduce that portion of the official annual report of Colonel Totten to the Secretary of War in which he speaks of the services of the company of sappers and miners and their officers, though it was not drawn up until a somewha
his wish; but he set about his new duties with his usual promptness and energy. We find him at Corpus Christi in January, 1853, diligently at work upon estimates and reports; and on the 13th of that month he addressed to the Chief Engineer, General Totten, a letter giving a general description of the bars on the coast. For the rest of the winter and far into the spring he was hard at work. Here is a taste of his experiences, taken from a letter dated Corpus Christi, March 9, 1853:--I left hefinish Paso Cavallo Harbor, and hope to finish the field-work by the end of that month at furthest. Then I shall sell out my boats, and go to Galveston and make out my reports and maps. On the 18th of April, Captain McClellan addressed to General Totten a report of the result of the surveys on the coast of Texas, as far as they had then been completed. It embraces the bars along the coast from Paso Cavallo to the mouth of the Rio Grande, the harbors of Brazos Santiago, Corpus Christi, Aranz
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army, Appendix. Oration at West Point. (search)
ing and dangerous wars with the Indians of the plains. Thus thirteen long years were spent, until the present war broke out, and the mass of the army was drawn in, to be employed against a domestic foe. I cannot proceed to the events of the recent past and the present without adverting to the gallant men who were so long of our number, but who have now gone to their last home; for no small portion of the glory of which we boast was reflected from such men as Taylor, Worth, Brady, Brooks, Totten, and Duncan. There is a sad story of Venetian history that has moved many a heart, and often employed the poet's pen and the painter's pencil. It is of an old man whose long life was gloriously spent in the service of the state as a warrior and a statesman, and who, when his hair was white and his feeble limbs could scarce carry his bent form towards the grave, attained the highest honors that a Venetian citizen could reach. He was Doge of Venice. Convicted of treason against the state
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 2 (search)
loss most small, when you consider that we have some thirteen thousand men, and that a large proportion have been exposed to the heavy firing of six of the enemy's batteries for nearly a week. But we have been enabled by the advantages of the ground, and throwing up works, to protect ourselves. For my individual part I have been pretty much a spectator for a week, the Corps of Engineers having performed all the engineering that has been done. This is attributable to the presence of Colonel Totten, who wishes to make as much capital for his own corps, and give us as little, as possible. My great regret now is that I was separated from General Taylor. His brilliant achievement at Buena Vista, exceeding any feat ever yet performed by our arms, or which ever will be, I should have gloried to have shared in, and regret exceedingly fate should have decided otherwise. Harry Ingersoll commanded yesterday the gun from his ship in the naval battery. He had several men killed at his g