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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Diary of Robert E. Park, Macon, Georgia, late Captain Twelfth Alabama regiment, Confederate States army. (search)
company, was instantly killed. We had driven the enemy to the banks of and in the river, and, having halted on a little eminence, were peppering them with bullets as they rushed into and attempted to cross the river. They replied as best they could, but under great disadvantage. A large number remained concealed near the river at the foot of the hill, and did some execution, firing at our men as they exposed themselves. They escaped under cover of darkness. When Eberheart was killed, Private Tom K------called me earnestly to him, and, amid a heavy shower of bullets, I went to him, and inquired what he wanted. Nothing, he replied, I just thought you would like to see Eberheart after he was dead. A rather poor reason, I thought, for causing a man to unnecessarily expose himself to hundreds of death-dealing missiles. I took care of his pocket-book, his wife's ambrotype and bible, and will send them to her at Fredonia, Alabama, the first opportunity. E---was a brave, uncomplainin
ou find your back on the grass and your heels in the air. But I've some steadygoing cousins I want to introduce you to. Suit you exactly. Confound the boy! Where did he get that idea? But I was introduced to the steady-going cousins and to me now the Richmond of memory begins and ends in their circle. The jovial, pleasant family dinner around the old-time board; the consciousness of ready welcome to the social fireside, or partake of the muffin at eight, or the punch-brewed very near Father Tom's receipt-at midnight. Then the never-to-be-forgotten coterie of the brightest women of the day under the shaded droplight, in the long winter evenings! And none were excluded by the steady goers because they had committed matrimony. They did quantities of work that season; baskets of socks, bales of shirts and boxes of gloves, in numbers marvelous to see, went from that quiet circle to warm the frozen hands and feet, keeping watch and ward for them. And the simple words of cheer and lo
discovered the junior laureate, the writer will not essay to do so. Colonel Tom August, of the First Virginia, was the Charles Lamb of Confederate war-wits; genial, quick and ever gay. Early in secession days, a bombastic friend approached Colonel Tom, with the query: Well, sir, I presume your voice is still for war? To which the wit replied promptly: Oh, yes, devilish still! Later, when the skies looked darkest and rumors of abandoning Richmond were wildly flying, Colonel August was limping up the street. A quidnunc hailed him: Well! The city is to be given up. They're moving the medical stores. Glad of it! called back Colonel Tom-We'll get rid of all this blue mass! From the various army camps floated out stories, epigrams and anecdotes unnumbered; most of them wholly forgotten, with only a few remembered from local color, or peculiar point. General Zeb Vance's apostrophe to the buck-rabbit, flying by him from heavy rifle fire: Go it,--cotton-tail! If I
volunteers, in another part of the town, and beat their brains out.--Newbern Progress, May 10. General Hunter declared the persons in the three States, Georgia, Florida, and South-Carolina, heretofore held as slaves, forever free. --(Doc. 28.) Captain Connet, company E, Twenty-seventh Indiana volunteers, (Colonel Gazlay's,) stationed with a squad of forty-eight men to guard a bridge at Elkton station, twelve miles from Athens, Ala., was attacked by six hundred rebel cavalry, under Col. Tom. Woodward, of Kentucky, and after a fight of half an hour, was captured, with all his men, five of them being killed. Captain C. was severely wounded. The rebels lost thirteen, who were buried at Athens.--Nashville Union, June 5. Two guerrillas were hung at Chester, Va., this day.--The House of Representatives adopted a resolution tendering its thanks to Major-General George B. McClellan, for the display of those high military qualities which secure important results with but little
urrender, 743-4; visits Sherman at Raleigh, 753; issues general order congratulating the troops on the end of the Rebellion, 758. great Run, Va., Sigel fights Rebels at, 179. Greathouse, Brig.-Gen. Lucien, killed near Atlanta, 631. Greeley, Horace, writes to the President on Slavery in the War, 251; at Niagara Falls, 664-5. Green river, Ky., railroad communication reopened to, 270. Green, Col., wounded at Fort Wagner, 477. Green, Gen., wounded at Wauhatchie, 435. Green, Gen. Tom, killed on Red river, 548. Gregg, Gen., taken prisoner at Farmville, 743. Gregg, Gen. (Union), attacked, and 500 men captured from him near Jefferson, Va., 395. Gregg, Brig.-Gen. (Rebel), wounded at Antietam, 210; at Gettysburg, 389. Grenada, Miss., cavalry raids to, 615. Grierson, Col. B. H. (since Gen.), raids from Lagrange to Baton Rouge, 301; raids toward Mobile, 695. Griffin, Gen., at Gaines's Mill, 156; at Malvern Hill, 165; captures 1,500 Rebels at Five Forks, 733.
mson sea! The battle on Monday, April 7. our muster-roll. I have given the line of battle agreed upon for our forces on Monday: right wing, Maj.--Gen. Lew. Wallace; left wing, Brig.-Gen. Nelson. Between these, beginning at the left, Brig.-Gens. Tom. Crittenden, A. McD. McCook, Hurlbut, McClernand and Sherman. In the divisions of the three latter were to be included also the remains of Prentiss's and W. H. L. Wallace's commands — shattered, disorganized, and left without commanders, cky, commanding--First Kentucky, Col. Enyart; Second Kentucky, Col. Sedgwick; Twentieth Kentucky, Lieut.-Col.--commanding. Third brigade, Colonel Hazen, Forty-first Ohio, commanding--Forty-first Ohio, Sixth Kentucky, and Ninth Indiana. Brig.--Gen. Tom. Crittenden's division: First brigade, Gen. Boyle; Nineteenth Ohio, Col. Beatty; Fifty-ninth Ohio, Colonel Pfyffe; Thirteenth Kentucky, Col. Hobson; Ninth Kentucky, Col. Grider. Second brigade, Col. William S. Smith, Thirteenth Ohio, command
Tom, Popularly known as blind Tom, musician; born blind, and of negro slave parents, near Columbus, Ga., May 25, 1849. During infancy he gave no sign of intelligence excepting when he heard a sound; was afterwards precocious in learning words, but while he could repeat whole conversations that he had heard, words had no meaning to him, and he made known his wants by inarticulate sounds. His performances on the piano were wonderful and he could reproduce from memory over 5,000 compositions, including the most difficult selections from Beethoven, Chopin, Thalberg, Bach, and Gottschalk.
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 21: editorial repartees. (search)
Provocation. An allusion in the Courier and Enquirer to Mr. Greeley's diet, attire, socialism, philosophy, etc. Reply. It is true that the editor of the Tribune chooses mainly (not entirely) vegetable food; but he never troubles his readers on the subject; it does not worry them; why should it concern the Colonel? * * * It is hard for Philosophy that so humble a man shall be made to stand as its exemplar; while Christianity is personified by the here of the Sunday duel with Hon. Tom. Marshall; but such luck will happen. As to our personal appearance, it does seem time that we should say something, to stay the flood of nonsense with which the town must by this time be nauseated. Some donkey a while ago, apparently anxious to assail or annoy the editor of this paper, and not well knowing with what, originated the story of his carelessness of personal appearances; and since then every blockhead of the same disposition and distressed by a similar lack of ideas, has re
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), From Manassas to Frazier's Farm. (search)
From Manassas to Frazier's Farm. Recollections of a soldier in many Battles—General Lee to the rear. Sir,—I read in the Confederate Column of The TimesDis-patch some time ago Corporal Tom's article, in which he gave some intensely interesting accounts of his close calls and other experiences in the War of the Sixties. This has encouraged me to offer a few of my own experiences, and other incidents that have never found their way in print. I was a native of Warren County, and in the early days of 1861, when I was just a plain farmer, twenty-four years of age, I assisted in organizing an infantry company of eighty-four men. The organization was completed on the 17th day of June, 1861, and M. T. Wheatley, a graduate of Lexington, was elected captain; B. S. Jacobs, first lieutenant; J. B. Updyke, second lieutenant; R. S. Funkhouser, junior second lieutenant; E. V. Boyd, orderly sergeant; John G. Brown, color sergeant. Later Boyd was made second lieutenant; Brown, junior
The Daily Dispatch: December 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], Sudden death on
Pennsylvania Avenue
, Washington. (search)
l John L. JcGarroh; privates W. F. Williams, W. P. Land. Wounded, privates John A. Capps, (since dead,) mortally; Thomas Mills, mortally; J. L. Proctor, mortally; Corporal C. H. Varnes, severely; privates John Murphy, severely; James Jones, severely; James M. Cannor, severely; G. L. Smith, severely; Sergeant W. H. Fletcher, slightly; privates H. T. Rodgers, slightly; S. D. Frazier; slightly; William Richards, slightly; J. N. English, slightly; Thomas Calhoun, slightly. First Kentucky--Col. Tom. Taylor. Company A.--Corp. E. Long, C. Cable, and J. Parker — missing. Company B.--None. Company C.--Capt. Jo Detha, wounded in shoulder; Corp. G. W. Lait, wounded in leg; J. W. brown, in arm; W. N. Fishback arm; F. G. Alexander; left on the field, supposed mortally wounded; John Mullin, left on the field, severely wounded; John L. Barbes, mor. tally, in the head; J. W. Brown, dangerously if not mortally wounded — received three shots; Wm. B. Phelps, wounded in arm and br