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Arrived, Brig Rolling Wave, Collins, New York, in ballast. Schr. Manchester, Nelson, New York, mdze., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Emma Jane, Phillips, Baltimore, sugar, C. Y. Morriss. Schr. Baltimore, Phillips, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Ben Vandiver, Jones, Charleston, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Charles Foulks, James River, lumber, Libby & Burton. Sailed, Schr. O. M. Pellet, Clark, Boston, mdze., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Mariner, (Br.,) Parr, Matanzas, mdze., C. T. Wortham & Co. Schr. E. Goldsborough, Todd, Baltimore, tobacco, W. D. Colquitt & Co.
hemispheres. They are not to escape these evils unscathed, themselves — by no means — as we shall see. We give below the quotations of this market, from which it will be seen that there are not many changes. Breadstuffs are a little better. Money is still scarce; but there are no failures. Exchange is a little higher. Apples.--Northern $2.50@3.60; Virginia Pippins $2.50 to $4. Bacon.--Sides 11@11 ½ cents; Shoulders 9 cts.; plain Hams 12 cents; Sugar-cured 12@13 ½ cents; Todd's Sugar-cured Hams 15 cents. Quotations nominal; market dull. Bags.--Seamless Bags, 25; Manchester Bags, 19 @23; Gunny Bags, 12@14 Beans.--White $1,37 ½@1.50 per bushel. Beeswax.--27 cts. Brooms.--$2@3, according to quality. Buckets, &c.--Painted Buckets $1. 87 ½@$2 per dozen; three-hoop. ainted Pails $2.25@2.50 per dozen; heavy Cedar Tubs, neat, $3.50@$5 per nest; heavy Cedar Feed Buckets $6.50 per dozen. Butter.--We quote good Butter at 20 to 25; inferior 8 to 10
Bacon. --Sides 11@11 ½ cents; Shoulders 9 cts.; plain Hams 12 cents, Sugar-cured 13@13 ½ cents; Todd's Sugar-cured Hams 13 cents. Quotations nominal; market dull. Coffee.--We quote Rio 14@15 cents; Laguayra, none in market; Java 16 ½@ 17 cents; Mocha 18 cts. Molasses.--New Orleans 45 cts.; Cuba Muscovado, in bbls., 35@37 cts. in hhds., 2@ cts.; English Island 37 ½ cts., Ochenhousen's 28 cts. Sugars.--New Orleans Sugar (one cargo arrived) we quote 7 ½@8 cents; Cuba 7 ½@8 ½ cent, Porto Rico cents; Loaf 11@11 ¼ cents, Crushed and Powdered 10 ¼ cents; Coffee Sugar; A 10 cents, B 9 ¼ cents, Extra Whiskey.--Richmond Rectified 21 ½@22 ½ cents, Stearns' Old Malted Rye $1.50; other qualities 75 cts. @$1.50 p
animity. He denounced coercion, which would put an end to all hope of a reconstruction of the Union, and of its preservation as it was framed by our fathers. The necessity of good order in the proceeding was urged, through the influence of which alone the proper weight and dignity could be given to a primary assemblage of the people. On motion of Mr. Brooke, Messrs. John Purcell, Thomas W. McCance, Thomas H. Wynne and James Alfred Jones were elected Vice Presidents. On motion of Mr. Todd, Mr. John Bell Bigger was appointed Secretary. Mr. Wm. F. Watson moved that Messrs. O. J. Wise, Wm. Old, Jr., and Robert Ridgway be also appointed Secretaries; but much noisy opposition being manifested, he withdrew the motion. Mr. John M. Patton said he understood the object of the meeting was to nominate men who were prepared to say on the floor of the Convention that Virginia should withdraw from the Confederacy before the 4th of March, unless satisfactory guarantees were speed
Commercial. Richmond Markets, Jan. 31, 1861. Apples.--Northern $2.50@3.50; Virginia Pippins $2.50 to $4. Bacon.--Sides 11@11 ¼ cents; Shoulders 9 cts.; plain Hams 12 cents; Sugar-cured 13@13 ½ cents; Todd's Sugar-cured Hams 13 cents. Quotations nominal; market dull. Bags.--Seamless Bags, 25; Manchesterdo., 19@23; Gunny do., 12@14 Beans.--White $1.37@1.50 per bushel. Beeswax.--27 cts. Brooms.--$2@3, according to quality. Buckets, &c.--Painted Buckets $1.87 ½@$2 per dozen; three-hoop Painted Pails $2.25@2.50 per dozen; heavy Cedar Tubs, neat, $3.50@$5 per neat; heavy Cedar Feed Buckets $6.50 per dozen. Butter.--We quote good Butter at 20 to 25; inferior 8 to 10 Candles.--Tallow 13 ½@14 per lb.; Jackson's 14; Hull's 16; Adamantine 18@20; Sperm 45; Patent Sperm 54@56 Cement.--James River $1.70@1.80. per bbl.; Northern Rosendale at $1.7 @1.80. Coal.--White and Red Ash Anthracite Coal, for grates, $7.50 per cart load of 25 bushels
. We are inclined to the opinion that even if the slave-holding States form a Confederacy, if they are united, there will be no war; and therefore, that whether the Union be restored or dissolved in that manner, a few months after the result will find commerce and industry as prosperous as ever. Apples.--Northern $2.50@3.50; Virginia Pippins $2.50 to $4. Bacon.--Demand moderate. We quote Sides 11 ½@11 ½ cents; Shoulders 9 cts.; plain Hams 12 ½ cents; Sugar-cured 13@13 ½ cents; Todd's Sugar-cured Hams 15 cents. Stock light. bags.--Seamless Bags, 25; Manchester do., 19@23; Gunny do., 12@14 Beans.--White $1.37 ½@1.50 per bushel. Beeswax.--27 cts. Brooms.--$2@3, according to quality. Buckets, &c.--Painted Buckets $1.87 ½@$2 per dozen; three-hoop Painted Pails $2,23@2.50 per dozen; heavy Cedar Tubs, neat, $3.50@$5 per nest; heavy Cedar Feed Buckets $6.50 per dozen. Butter.--We quote good Butter at 20 to 25; inferior 8 to 10 Candles.--Tallow 13 ½@14 p
lia B Sallie mrs Jennie H Smith mrs Sarah F Smith mrs Wm Stephens mrs Ann Stegar mrs J H Simms Jane (colored) Turner miss A E Toler miss H Tomson miss M V Thompson miss M H Tucker mrs L H Trimmer mrs L E Traubue mrs M E Todd mrs Jane L Todd mrs Jane Tinsley mrs B T Tailor mrs Emily Vauniss miss Georgia Willis mrs E A Wise mrs E Wingrowe mrs E Wingfied mrs J E 2 West mrs E F Watkins mrs H W Warwick mrs A E Wimbish miss E C Wilson miss India Todd mrs Jane Tinsley mrs B T Tailor mrs Emily Vauniss miss Georgia Willis mrs E A Wise mrs E Wingrowe mrs E Wingfied mrs J E 2 West mrs E F Watkins mrs H W Warwick mrs A E Wimbish miss E C Wilson miss India Westbrook miss M E Wilson miss J A Walker miss Alice Wallace miss Ann Walker miss S J 2 Gentlemen's list. Adams L Anderson P Ed Addison Thos Allen R C Adams T E Angel Jno S 2 Allison Jas Armstrong W R Anderson W Armstead Wm P Acton Wm 2 Austin Wm S Bart Chas W Brooks E W Bragg Ed Brown G A Bryant H Brand, Starr & Co Baldwin & McRae Berger H A Baker Basil (colored) Brown Henry Burnley Henry Bond Jno O Burnett Albin Baldwin C C Brun
Supreme Court of Appeals. --The following decisions have been rendered by this tribunal since our last report: Robbins vs. Todd's Ex'or. Argued by C. G. Griswold for the plaintiff, and R. T. Daniel for the defendant. Judgment of the Circuit Court of King and Queen county affirmed. Davis, Sheriff, vs. Commonwealth. Argued by Arthur A. Morson for the plaintiff, and John R. Tucker, Attorney General. on behalf of the Commonwealth. Judgment of the Circuit Court of the city of Richmond affirmed. Brown vs. Reucher. &c. Argued by Peachy R. Grattan, R. T. Daniel and L. J. Bowden for the appellant, and John O. Steger, Cyrus A. Branch and Wm. S. Peachey for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of the city of Williamsburg and county of James City reversed. Davis vs. the Commonwealth. Argued by James Garland for the plaintiff, and the Attorney General for the Commonwealth.--Judgment of the Circuit Court of Amherst county reversed. Holman vs. Hart. Argued
Port of Richmond, March 7, 1861.high Water this day (Friday) at 2 o'clock. Arrived, Steamship Jamestown, Skinner, New York, mdze. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Schr. Mary Tice, Tice, Philadelphia, coal, J. R. Anderson. Schr. Samaria, Todd, Baltimore, guano, E. H. Skinker & Co. Schr. Butterfly, Hubbard, Baltimore, guano, E. B. Bently. Schr. Emma, Shorter Baltimore. pig iron. Schr. Emma Jane, Phillips, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Mary C. Town, New York, bay, Bridgford & Co. Sailed, Schr. J. W. L. Sturgess, Scott, down the river, light. Schr. St. Cloud, Gwatney, down the river, light. Schr. Fashion, down the river, light. Memoranda. Schr. E. Nickerson, from Boston, at City Point. Schr. Crenshaw, from New York, at City Point.
Arrived. Steamship Jamestown, Skinner, New York, mdze. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Sailed. Schr. R. H. Kemp, Wootten, Baltimore, wheat, W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. E. Goldsborough, Todd, Norfolk, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Sir Collin, Campbell, (Br.,) Halifax, flour, C. T. Wortham &Co. Schr. Mary Willis, North, Baltimore, light. Schr. M. L. Johnson, Passwater, down the river, light.