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droits. Secession badges have become universal.--Even children are all adorned by mothers with the blue ribbon. All classes are arming for the contingency of coercion. Revolvers and patent fire arms are selling like hot cakes. Not a ship in the harbor has the federal flag flying, but far down the Bay it can still be discerned flying over Fort Moultrie. There was another great demonstration tonight. The stand near the pole was beautifully illuminated. Speeches were made by Captain Thomas, of the State Military Academy, who assured the audience that the Cadets were ready at a moment's notice; also by Chancellor Carroll, and Messrs. Mikell, Cooper, Tennent, Kirkwood and others. To-day the citizens are raising a great clamor for the banks to suspend now. It is supposed that it may be done about the middle of next week. The notes here, however, are as good as gold. The Bank of Charleston to-day hoisted the State flag. Notwithstanding the stringency in money affairs,
H. Anthony74,245 B. H. Shackelford.74,377J. W. Massie74,155 A. B. Caldwall74,249Isaac B. Dunn73,585 L. H. Chancellor74,020Z. Kidwell73,495 Jos. Christian74,097T. F. Goods73,671 Walter Presson73,927T. T. Tredway72,865 J. T. Thomson73,208B. B. Douglas72,529 T. H. Epes.73,168Eppa Hunton72,464 J. F. Johnson73,102J. G. Newman72,457 W. R. Staples72,747J. L. Kemper71,687 A. E. Kennedy72,466T. M. Isabel71,106 Scattering votes. BellElectors.BreckinridgeElectors. J. H. Chandler332Thomas E Goods1174 L. B. Chandler150T. F. Tredway601 Francis H. Epps1361J. T. Tredway185 L. H. Chambers19T. J. Treadway94 John S. Thornton1176James F. Kemper447 John J. Thornton140James S. Kemper458 Jas T. Johnson1225Joseph L. Kemper894 Jas S. Johnson197John L. Kemper432 O. Christian427James L. Kimber327 D. H. Shackelford147Beverly R. Douglas1716 Andrew F. Kennedy995Eppa Hutton887 Andrew S. Kennedy526E. Hunter894 Andrew J. Kennedy33Thos. S. Isabel966 and. W. E. Kennedy12Thos. W. Isabe
rs have been dispatched to St. Louis, to transfer $300,000, sent there to pay army and other demands to New York, to satisfy these drafts. There are only a few hundred thousand dollars in all the depositories, scattered in small sums, and thus rendered unavailable at any particular point. The Mint fund, which is rarely touched for any other purpose, is exhausted, and there are warrants, amounting to $2,000,000, on the Secretary's table, which are not signed, because they cannot be paid. Mr. Thomas will take immediate steps to secure payment of interest on the public debt due on the first of January, if all other demands have to be temporarily postponed. A melancholy state of facts surround the Post-Office Department, so far as the domestic affairs of its principal officers are concerned. Postmaster General Holt is confined to his house with pneumonia, and is considered quite dangerous. Assistant Postmaster General King is depressed by the illness of his daughter, who is quite
ne is far worse. Bro.Heterick has said, this morning, to you, "I can't take on myself the ordination vows." He said right. This is a doctrine. Bishop Scott well gave this as his decision. He said, that "it claimed to be the doctrine of the Church. " The General Conference makes this claim. Now, let us inquire, is it a true doctrine, or a false doctrine? If it be true, you must carry it out.--Is the "holding of human beings to be used as chattels contrary to the law of God?" etc. D. Thomas asked whether the first restrictive rule related merely to articles of religion or to morals in general? Thos. Sewall said: "Admit that the General Conference has done this thing; is it merely unconstitutional, and null and void, or does it dispossess the General Conference and possess us — that is, make us the M. E. Church?" Mr. Israel said: The General Conference has violated the Constitution of the Church, and are the revolutionists. There is the rock on which I stand. I ho
--If refused, then a peaceable separation. If this last be refused, then let a General Convention be called, in 1862, to act in the matter of separation. This was signed by Messrs. Armstrong, Cook, Corckran. Addison, Sullivan, Watkins, Thomas, Brundige, Sheckels, Garrett, Hiss, Steinemann Watkins, and Watkins, and some 12 others. J. W. Hoover presented the resolutions of Calvert Circuit, addressed to the Conference. They were similar to the last paper. They were made the order report, not according to history, will ruin us. If determined to go to-morrow, for these reasons I would vote against it.-- You, my fathers, taught me the doctrines of the old Discipline. Unteach me them, and I will vote for this report. D. Thomas, said --I want to hold on to all Virginia and Maryland. Though not considering this New Chapter as technically a new doctrine, yet I regard it as a great insult. This New Chapter says that slaveholding as chattels is against the law of God, e
sion of this delicate subject. I crave the earnest attention of all true Southerners to the great discovery I am about to make public. That poem, lightly denounced as "meaningless" and "absurd" by unimaginative Submissionists and taunting Republicans — that poem is an allegorical prophecy, quelling suspicion of its true character by apparent literalness, but in reality profound, exact and awe-inspiring as the mysterious oracles of ancient sibyls, the wonderful "second-sight" revelations of Thomas the Rhymer and other Caledonian seers, or the still more amazing predictions of Merlin, which, delivered in King Arthur's time, are being even now fulfilled in England. I do not speak unadvisedly or without being able to bring ample proof of the truth of my assertion. A very cursory examination of the song itself will be sufficient to convince any unprejudiced mind of its allegorical shape; and when it is considered that the words were composed more than a year ago, when the events to
use, on Sunday Schools, and on Seminaries, were read and adopted. On motion, a committee of six was appointed to make one more effort to secure a plan of harmonious action. The following were elected to serve on this committee, viz: B. F. Brooke, N. J. B. Morgan, Samuel Register, John Lanahan, Wm. B. Edwards, Jno. Longstreet. On motion, they were permitted to retire. The report of the Committee on the Baltimore Advocate was taken up. Messrs. Gibson, T. Sewall, S. Cornelius, D. Thomas, T. H. W. Monroe, F. Israel, John S. Martin, E. P. Phelps, etc., etc., discussed the report at great length. After an amendment recommending to the Publishing Committee Dr. Bond as editor of the paper, the report was adopted. It was given in my letter of yesterday. The reports of the Committees on Temperance and Colonization were read and adopted. S. S. Roszel, in an amusing manner, presented to the Conference the bill of the editor of the Staunton Spectator for printing the pl
Stealing a Watch. --Thomas, slave to Charles Jones, has been arrested and imprisoned to answer the charge of stealing a gold watch from Alexander Nott. When captured, Tom had the watch in his possession. He will be tried before the Hustings Court.--Two other negroes in the service of Mr. Jones--Woodson and Harrison — both of whom had been suspected of robbing Mr. Nott, but examined and acquitted, were gaming with Tom when he was caught, and were ordered the lash.
From Washington. Resignations--Postmaster General Holt acting as Secretary of War--the last Congress of the United States--the President's message, &c., &c. Washington, Dec. 31. --It is currently reported that Gen. Scott is acting as Secretary War. Secretary Thomas, of the Treasury, is said have resigned. Senator Benjamin, in a speech to-day, said that this day would be the last session of the United States Senate. Doubts are expressed in high quarters if from hereafter either House of Congress will have a quorum. It is the general opinion that today's proceedings are the finis of the Republic of the United States of America. [second Dispatch.] Washington, Dec. 31, 9 P. M. --The reported appointment of Gen. Scott acting Secretary of War is evidently a mistake, as Postmaster General Holt is now acting in that position, temporarily or permanently. [third Dispatch.] Washington, Dec. 31, 11 P. M. --No decisive action was ta
The Daily Dispatch: January 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], Shocking accident--a father Kills his little Son. (search)
He has also a large, comfortable apartment connected with his office, where those servants who are not provided with places to stay at night during the hiring, may remain, with a good fire, free of charge. Negroes for hire the coming year, had better be sent in to me as early after Christmas as possible. To those at a distance to whom I am personally unknown, I beg to refer to the following persons; Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Butane, Arthur Temple. John Lumpkin. Thomas auntlery, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo. Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss, Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Hudgin. Dr. John D. Butler, Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlock, Dr. James H. Latane, Ed. F. Noel, Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micou, Wilsey Fogg, Geo. T. Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C. Clopton. Jefferson Stubbs, Jasper C. Hughes, Gloucester county; Parke