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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Union and Confederate navies. (search)
omprised all that the Government had secured toward the creation of a modern steam fleet. The normal strength of the United States navy, if it is to be a navy at all, cannot be figured at much less than from 80 to 100 vessels, and this was the number in 1861. But of the actual total of 90, as shown by the navy list, 50 were sailing ships,--line-of-battle ships, frigates, sloops, and brigs,--which, splendid vessels as they had been in their day, were now as obsolete as the galleys of Themistocles. It was in placing a false reliance upon these vessels that the Government was at fault: it should have recognized in the course of twenty years that their day was gone forever, that they were of no more use than if they did not exist, that they would only be the slaughterhouses of their gallant crews in an encounter with a modern antagonist; and it should by that time have replaced every one of them by war-ships of the period. At the beginning of President Lincoln's administration,
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.), Sketch of the principal maritime expeditions. (search)
ce with its fifty islands and its numerous coasts. The prosperity of Athens, the fruit of its merchant marine, made of it a maritime power to which Greece owed its independence. Its fleets, then united to those of the islanders, were under Themistocles the terror of the Persians and the arbiters of the East. But they never executed great descents, because the land forces were not proportionate to those of the sea. If Greece had been a united empire in place of a republican confederation, andifficult to believe, is that at the same instant, and by a concerted effort, five thousand other vessels should have debarked three hundred thousand Carthagenians in Sicily, where they should have been destroyed by Gelon the same day on which Themistocles destroyed the fleet of Xerxes at Salamis. Three other expeditions, under Hannibal, Himilco, and Hamilcar, were to carry there at one time one hundred thousand men, and at another one hundred and fifty thousand; Agrigentum and Palermo were tak
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), William the Conqueror. (search)
ernor, and is not, by reason of his truancy from his dominion lessened in his authority by the ninth part of a hair. Are we not right in admiring the stern persistence which can maintain itself under such circumstances? The king is dead — long live the king! Sweet William has written to the lion. Lewis Cass — at this moment, unless dead, our Secretary of State--upon terms of equality, and as one great functionary should write to another. William appears to consider himself a modern Themistocles, quite entitled to what he calls the rights of hospitality. He does not happen to have a Secretary of State near him just about this time, and thus he is compelled to discard etiquette and to communicate in propria persona. He is quite pained to learn that Mr. Cass intends to prevent his return, with his companions, to his own Principality of Nicaragua. He is still more hurt to learn that there is a rumor that he designs to violate the Neutrality Laws — popularly supposed in the least w<
at their pleasure, on condition of obeying the laws of the college, and paying one-third more than the regular tuition for the time they remain. Course of study. Freshman class.--First Term.--Latin: Lincoln's Livy; Zumpt's Grammar, for reference; Roman Antiquities; Arnold's Latin Prose Composition. Greek: Felton's Greek Historians; Grecian Antiquities; Arnold's Greek Prose Composition. Mathematics: Smyth's Algebra. History: Weber's Outlines, to the MacEDONIANdonian period; Age of Themistocles, Pericles, and Aleibiades, in Smith's History of Greece. Rhetoric: English Grammar; Elocution; Murdock and Russell's Orthophony; Declamations. Second Term.--Latin: Livy, continued; Lincoln's Horace, Odes and Epodes; Latin Metres; Latin Prose Composition. Greek: Homer's Odyssey; Greek Prose Composition. Mathematics: Algebra, continued; Euclid, five books. History: Weber, continued to the end of Ancient history; Roman Commonwealth. Natural Theology: Paley's. Rhetoric: English Gramma
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), entry 1598 (search)
s to our consciousness instead of real persons whom we have seen and beard, and whom we know. We have to accept rumors concerning them, we have to know them through the variously colored accounts of others; we can seldom test our impressions of their sincerity by standing with them face to face. Here certainly the ancient pocket republics had much the advantage of us: in them citizens and leaders were always neighbors; they stood constantly in each other's presence. Every Athenian knew Themistocles's manner, and gait, and address, and felt directly the just influence of Aristides. No Athenian of a later period needed to be told of the vanities and fopperies of Alcibiades, any more than the elder generation needed to have described to them the personality of Pericles. Our separation from our leaders is the greater peril, because democratic government more than any other needs organization in order to escape disintegration; and it can have organization only by full knowledge of it
al and easily built up. It does not appear likely ever to become a favorite mode of building in those parts of the United States which are at present most thickly populated. It will not do to make too general a statement in a country whose climate varies between Alaska and Mexico. Ad-vice′--boat. A fast-sailing vessel used for reconnoitering. First used, say the authorities, in spying the operations of the French fleet in Brest, previous to the battle of La Hogue, 1692. Of course Themistocles and the consul Caius Duilius never had any light amphiprorae to overhaul the Persians or the Carthaginians, and when found make note on. Adze. Adze. The adze is a very ancient tool, and has a curved blade whose edge is at right angles to the handle; differing from the axe, in which the blade is parallel to the handle. The forms and sizes differ with the character of the work, and in some cases the bit is gouge-shaped in addition to its curve in the plane of its motion. It is s
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 29: end of life-work (search)
ntry for the half-century which closed his life. While he was certainly first in every political conflict, and brought to bear the extraordinary resources of his mind and pen, there were many who were glad to fly to his assistance when once he had sounded the charge. He neither carried on the fight alone, nor wasted time in gathering the spoils of battle. Like the great victor on the strand of Salamis, to his attendants he might well have exclaimed, Ye may take these things; Ye are not Themistocles. It was sufficient for him to know that the field was won, and that the Sun had been a leader not unworthy of the cause. That he was a very great editor, if not the greatest the country had produced, will be admitted generally. That he overtopped and overlooked all professional contemporaries of his later years no one will question. He stood alone in the last decade of the century. He had not only outlived the great men whom he had opposed and for whom he had fought, but he had outli
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 18: Stratford-on-avon.—Warwick.—London.—Characters of judges and lawyers.—authors.—society.—January, 1839, to March, 1839.—Age, 28. (search)
at Britain. The epigram is given in a note to page 508, where it was first made public. Admire, I pray you, the epigram by Johnny Williams on Napoleon. After reading it, I took down the Greek Anthology, and compared it with the famous one on Themistocles and with several others, and I must say that I think Williams's the best; it is a wonderful feat in the Greek language. Lord B. repeated it to me at table, before it appeared in print. I have also heard Baron Parke repeat it. Williams is saipley would have spoken. We then passed to other things, and spoke, as we often have before, of versification. I expressed to him my admiration of Johnny Williams's Epigram on Napoleon, and told him that I thought it compared well with that on Themistocles in the Anthology. He said the latter was very fine; that he thought, however, there were others in the Anthology better, but that the Marquis of Wellesley was of a different opinion on this point, and that the Marquis was a much higher author
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Jan. 27, 1839. (search)
the manuscript has been placed, and who will edit it. You will doubtless read the Edinburgh Review just published, and the brilliant article by Lord Brougham on Foreign Relations. Jan., 1839, Vol. LXVIII., pp. 495-537,—Foreign Relations of Great Britain. The epigram is given in a note to page 508, where it was first made public. Admire, I pray you, the epigram by Johnny Williams on Napoleon. After reading it, I took down the Greek Anthology, and compared it with the famous one on Themistocles and with several others, and I must say that I think Williams's the best; it is a wonderful feat in the Greek language. Lord B. repeated it to me at table, before it appeared in print. I have also heard Baron Parke repeat it. Williams is said to know Virgil and several other classics by heart. In society he is very dull; but he does write beautiful Greek. Lord Brougham's work will not be published till next week. It is on Natural Theology, in two volumes, and embraces an analysis of
a spot like this, were laid the remains of the patriarchs of Israel. In the neighborhood of their great cities the ancient Egyptians established extensive cities of the dead; and the Greeks and Romans erected the monuments of the departed by the road side; on the approach to their cities, or in pleasant groves in their suburbs. A part of the Grove of Academus, near Athens, famous for the school of Plato, was appropriated to the sepulchres of their men of renown; and it was the saying of Themistocles, that the monuments he beheld there, would not permit him to sleep. The Appian Way was lined with the monuments of the heroes and sages of Rome. In modern times, the Turkish people are eminent for that respectful care of the places of sepulture, which forms an interesting trait of the oriental character. At the heed and foot of each grave, a cypress tree is planted, so that the grave yard becomes in a few years, a deep and shady grove. These sacred precincts are never violated; they f