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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America, together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published: description of towns and cities. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 4 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 4 0 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 4 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 4: The Cavalry (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Franklin extended his picket lines a mile beyond Annandale, on the Little River turnpike, which leads direct to Fairfax Court House, Va.--Walter W. Smith, one of the crew of the privateer Jeff. Davis, captured on board the Enchantress, was convicted of the crime of piracy.--Col. Marshall, of the Seventh Maine regiment, died in Baltimore, of typhoid fever. He had been sick two weeks. His regiment started for Washington.--N. Y. Times, Oct. 26. An artillery duel was fought across the Potomac River, at Edwards' Ferry. Firing was kept up by rifled cannon from nine o'clock in the morning until two in the afternoon. A large number of shots were thrown from both parties. Several balls fell in a portion of Gen. Banks's encampment, killing two and wounding two or three. A few tents were struck and injured, rendering it prudent to move the encampment some distance back. Shot and shell were. thrown rapidly into the Confederate encampments, doing, as is believed, serious damage. The
this morning, the deputy provost-marshal overhauled the steamer George Weems, as she was about leaving for the Patuxent River landings, and arrested a man named W. T. Wilson, an Englishman, who had secreted in his clothing, and in a bladder in his lint, a quantity of morphine and quinine. He also arrested a man named Hanna, of Chester County, Pa., formerly of California. Both were supposed to be rebel agents. This morning a little before daylight, the pickets at Stump Neck, on the Potomac River, saw a boat with a man in it approaching from the Virginia shore. They concealed themselves till the man landed, when they arrested him. He brought with him a number of letters, which were taken charge of and conveyed, with the prisoner, to General Hooker's Headquarters. Another man was waiting with a horse, upon which to convey the mail-bag. He was also arrested and the horse seized. Early this morning, as the U. S. gunboat Resolute was on her way down the Potomac, from Washington
with such a force, they retreated in good order toward their works; but, being reinforced by Col. Max Weber's New York infantry, again advanced, when a sharp engagement took place. The rebel infantry discharged several volleys at the Federals, but at such distance that only five of Col. Weber's command were wounded. At two o'clock in the afternoon both parties retired.--(Doc. 237.) An account of various hostile operations between the rebel and National forces on opposite banks of the Potomac, near Williamsport, Md., was published to-day.--(Doc. 236.) At St. Louis, Mo., Gen. Halleck issued an order, in which he says that any one caught in the act of burning bridges and destroying railroads and telegraphs, will be immediately shot, and that any one accused of the crime will be tried by a military commission, and if found guilty, suffer death. Where injuries are done to railroads and telegraph lines, the commanding officer nearest the post will immediately impress into servi
h regiment of New York volunteers under the command of Colonel Chapin, left Buffalo for the seat of war.--The rebel schooner Rising Sun, was captured by the boats of the United States steamer Wyandotte, in Brittan's Bay, near the mouth of the Potomac River, Va.--Poolesville, Md., was taken possession of, and a detachment of Massachusetts cavalry stationed there was captured, by the rebel forces under Gen. Stuart. He crossed the Potomac River at Conrad's Ferry without opposition, and was receivPotomac River at Conrad's Ferry without opposition, and was received with exultant demonstrations of favor, nearly all the population turning out to welcome him.--Philadelphia Press. The One Hundred and Twenty-eighth regiment of New York volunteers, under the command of Colonel David S. Cowles, left Hudson for the seat of war.--The ship Ocmulgee, of Edgartown, Mass., was burned at sea by the rebel privateer 290, commanded by Capt. Semmes. Braxton Bragg, the rebel General at Sparta, Alabama, issued the following congratulatory order to his army:--
ree years. The steamer Emilie was boarded by a gang of guerrillas at Portland, Mo., and plundered of all her stores. The passengers were also robbed of their clothing and valuables.--The United States steam sloop-of-war Ticonderoga, was this day successfully launched from the Navy-Yard, Brooklyn, New York. A reconnoissance by part of the army of the Potomac was made from Harper's Ferry this morning. General Humphrey's division, supported by that of General Porter, crossed the Potomac River at Blackford's Ford and advanced on Shepherdstown. He was met by a strong force of the rebels, who opened a heavy fire upon him; and as General Humphrey had no artillery, and the object of the reconnoissance having been accomplished, he withdrew his forces across the river. The steamer John H. Dickey, plying between St. Louis, Mo., and Memphis, Tennessee, was this day attacked by a band of rebel guerrillas, in the vicinity of Pemiscot Bayou, Missouri, but escaped without much injur
being of a serious character. Some forty prisoners were captured, including six officers, a lieutenant-colonel, a major, a captain and three lieutenants. When the Tenth New York entered Middleburgh yesterday, they found five of the missing First Rhode Island troopers locked up in a store, their captors not having an opportunity even to parole or carry them off, so sudden was the charge into the town made. The rebels at Williamsport carried all their stores to the north side of the Potomac River, with the purpose of making that their base of operations for raids into Pennsylvania.--Boonesboro, Md., was evacuated by the rebels, who carried off a number of horses and some other property.--the Seventy-fourth and Sixty-fifth regiments of New York militia, left Buffalo, for Harrisburgh, Pa.--Two members of the staff of General Hooker, Major Sterling and Captain Fisher, were captured by guerrillas near Fairfax, Va.--Horatio Seymour, Governor of New York, issued an order organizing the
ing of two officers and fifty men, who were sent to Carlisle, Pa.--Two rebel schooners were destroyed at the Rio Grande, Texas, by a party of men, belonging to the National gunboat Scioto.--A detachment of National cavalry, under the command of Captain Greenfield and Lieutenant Kelley, of General Kelley's command, captured a train of fifteen wagons, sixty mules, two officers and twenty men, with their horses, at a point four miles from Williamsport, Md.--there was a heavy freshet in the Potomac River, which, it was supposed, would prevent the crossing of the retreating army under the rebel General Lee.--General Dabney H. Maury, commanding the rebel department of the Gulf, at Mobile, Ala., issued the following to the citizens of that place and its vicinity: The calamity which has befallen our arms at Vicksburgh has a peculiar significance for you. Mobile may be attacked within a very short time, and we must make every preparation for its successful defence. All able-bodied
e presentation of four flags, the gift of the women of Ohio, to the Fifty-fifth regiment Massachusetts colored volunteers.--one hundred guns were fired at Cambridge, Mass., in honor of the fall of Port Hudson. The rebel steamers, James Battle and James Bagaley, were captured off Mobile, Alabama.--at Baltimore, Md., an order was issued by General Schenck, directing all officers in the military service of the United States, residing at Barnum's City Hotel, to leave that establishment without delay.--Wytheville, Va., was captured by the National forces, under Colonel Toland.--(Doc. 132.) At Yates' Point, on the Potomac River, an action took place between a party of rebels on shore, and the gunboats Jacob Bell, Resolute, and Teaser, and mortar-boat Dan. Smith. While the firing was going on, a party of Nationals was sent on shore, and the rebels were put to flight.--Major-General John G. Foster assumed command of the Department of Virginia, in addition to that of North-Carolina.
etails of the battle of Gettysburgh, which have been delayed by failure to receive the reports of the several corps and division commanders, who were severely wounded in battle. On the twenty-eighth of June I received orders from the President, placing me in command of the army of the Potomac. The situation of affairs was briefly as follows: The confederate army, which was commanded by Gen. R. E. Lee, was estimated at over one hundred thousand strong. All that army had crossed the Potomac River and advanced up the Cumberland Valley. Reliable intelligence placed his advance thus: Ewell's corps on the Susquehanna, Harrisburgh, and Columbia; Longstreet's corps at Chambersburgh; and Hill's corps between that place and Cashtown. The twenty-eighth of June was spent in ascertaining the positions and strength of the different corps of the army, but principally in bringing up the cavalry which had been covering the rear of the army in its passage over the Potomac, and to which a lar
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The finding of Lee's lost order. (search)
It was at once taken to General McClellan's headquarters by Colonel Pittman. It was a general order giving directions for the movement of General Lee's entire army, designating the route and objective point of each corps. Within an hour after finding the dispatch, General McClellan's whole army was on the move, and the enemy were overtaken next day, the 14th, at South Mountain, and the battle of that name was fought. During the night of the 14th General Lee's army fell back toward the Potomac River, General McClellan following the next day. On the 16th they were overtaken again, and the battle of Antietam. was fought mainly on the 17th. General D. H. Hill says in his article in the May Century, that the battle of South Mountain was fought in order to give General Lee time to move his trains, which were then parked in the neighborhood of Boonsboro‘. It is evident from General Lee's movements from the time he left Frederick City, that he intended to recross the Potomac without hazar