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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Recollections of the Twiggs surrender. (search)
lmost destitute. I visited their camp and found them cursing the man who had placed them in this position. Major Vinton and family, with my husband and myself, were the last to leave. On the morning of our departure, the 11th of May, as the ambulances and baggage wagons stood at the door, to add to the gloom, a storm broke over the city, enveloping us in midnight darkness. The thunder and lightning was so loud and incessant as to seem like the noise of battle. For two weeks we journeyed over the park-like prairies, fragrant and brilliant with flowers. We forded streams and rivers, crossed the Brazos by a rope ferry, and, taking the railroad train from Harrisburg to Galveston, caught the last steamer before the blockade of New Orleans. We went up the Mississippi in the steamer Hiawatha, which was crowded with refugees, who made no sign until, in answer to a shot from shore at Cairo, the steamer rounded to and we found ourselves once more under the protection of our own flag.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., In command in Missouri. (search)
frontier: Pillow, with 12,000, advancing upon Cairo; Thompson, with 5000, upon Girardeau; Hardee, ical, and the small disintegrating garrison at Cairo was hourly exposed to assault by an overpoweriations. The waterways and the district around Cairo were of first importance. Upon the possessionthe steaming heat of the low, moist grounds of Cairo. This suggested the idea of floating hospitaland perfect drainage. The sudden relief of Cairo and the exaggerated form in which the news of t once. On the 10th Prentiss reported from Cairo that the enemy were again concentrating and ind of South-east Missouri, with headquarters at Cairo. He was fully instructed concerning the actua August 31st Captain Neustadter was ordered to Cairo to select a site opposite Paducah for a batter I sent heavy guns and an artillery officer to Cairo, where General Grant had just arrived from Gir Taking undisputed possession, he returned to Cairo the same day. In answer to my persistent a[4 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Recollections of Foote and the gun-boats. (search)
un-boats should be delivered, October 10th, at Cairo. As a matter of fact, they were not sent to CCairo until the latter part of November, and considerable work still remained to be done before thein and dispatching them down the Mississippi to Cairo, I was requested by Foote (who then went by thighth one of the fleet, in her passage down to Cairo. It was in December, and the water was fallinmiral Foote to have me see this boat safely to Cairo was prompted by his knowledge that I had had ebeen put on board of the boat for the fleet at Cairo. One of the largest was got out and secured tof the Alabama. When the Benton arrived at Cairo she was visited by all the officers of the armgton to Island Number10, a hundred miles below Cairo, on the Mississippi River, where Foote's flotiof Fort Henry the squadron was brought back to Cairo for repairs, and, on the Sunday following, theeve also in the gun-boats. On arriving at Cairo, I found Representative Elihu B. Washburne, af[1 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., General Polk and the battle of Belmont. (search)
the 1st of November, 1861, General Fremont ordered General Grant at Cairo, and General C. F. Smith at Paducah, to hold their commands in readof Sikeston, Mo. Next he ordered the garrison at Fort Holt opposite Cairo to advance in the direction of Columbus, and early on the morning oer and Shell, as they retired with their convoy in the direction of Cairo. General Polk was mistaken in concluding that all the Federal foColonel Frederick D. Grant says of this picture: It was taken in Cairo, Ill., in 1861, and is a remarkably good picture of General Grant as hi he did not trim his beard, nor did he do so on being stationed at Cairo after his appointment as brigadier-general. After he had fought th beard. Later in the winter, and a short time after our arrival in Cairo, General Grant got permission to go to St. Louis on business connec them, but we had a very pleasant day. I went up with him nearly to Cairo. He wanted me to go and spend the night with him; so you see how m
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The gun-boats at Belmont and Fort Henry. (search)
Shuter's Hill, and obtained an order for their transfer to Cairo, where they were placed on the receiving ship Maria Denning1861, Commander John Rodgers purchased, and Wharf-boat at Cairo. From a war-time photograph. he, with Commander Roger N. Ss company very desirable. Flag-Officer Foote arrived at Cairo September 12th, and relieved Commander John Rodgers of the th the army under General Grant, whose headquarters were at Cairo. On the evening of the 6th of November, 1861, I receive until I anchored for the night, seven or eight miles below Cairo. Early the next morning, while the troops were being landes would have involved the loss of our army and our depot at Cairo, the most important one in the West. Soon after we retud Tennessee. In January the ironclads were brought down to Cairo, and great efforts were made to prepare them for immediate On the morning of the 2d of February the flag-officer left Cairo with the Map of the region of Foote's operations. four a
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Holding Kentucky for the Union. (search)
its time, and a policy that had the respectful consideration of the leading men of that day could not have been so absurd as it seems now. On the 3d of September General Polk, who was in command in western Tennessee, caused Columbus, Kentucky, to be occupied, on account of the appearance of a body of Union troops on the opposite side of the Mississippi. Thus the neutrality of Kentucky was first broken by the Confederates.-editors. Hearing of this, on the 5th General Grant moved from Cairo and occupied Paducah. A few days afterward General Zollicoffer advanced with four Confederate regiments through Cumberland Gap to Cumberland Ford. The Union Legislature had met on the 2d. Resolutions were passed on the 11th requiring the governor to issue a proclamation ordering the Confederate troops to leave the State. They were promptly vetoed and promptly passed over the veto, and the proclamation was issued. In spite of the governor's opposition, acts were passed putting the State
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The capture of Fort Donelson. (search)
s to attack and the South to defend. The Mississippi River was a central object; if opened from Cairo to Fort Jackson (New Orleans), the Confederacy would be broken into halves, and good strategy red be made directly or by turning its defended positions. Of the national gun-boats afloat above Cairo, some were formidably iron-clad. Altogether the flotilla was strong enough to warrant the theorlle, and the stir and movement of multiplying columns under General U. S. Grant in the region of Cairo, he suddenly awoke determined to fight for Nashville at Donelson. To this conclusion he came asrate estimate of the Union force at that time in Kentucky alone was 119 regiments. The force at Cairo, St. Louis, and the towns near the mouth of the Cumberland River was judged to be about as great than the land. After receiving the surrender of Fort Henry, flag-officer Foote had hastened to Cairo to make preparation for the reduction of Fort Donelson. With six of his boats, he passed into t
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Western flotilla at Fort Donelson, Island number10, Fort Pillow and — Memphis. (search)
ort Donelson surrendered and the gunboats steamed up to Dover. After religious services the Carondelet proceeded back to Cairo, and arrived there on the morning of the 17th, in such a dense fog that she passed below the town unnoticed, and had great difficulty in finding the landing. There had been a report that the enemy was coming from Columbus to attack Cairo during the absence of its defenders; and while the Carondelet was cautiously feeling her way back and blowing her whistle, some peoer Foote. A few days later the Carondelet was taken up on the ways at Mound City, Illinois,--six or seven miles above Cairo on the Ohio River,---for repairs; and a crowd of carpenters worked on her night and day. After the repairs were completedlled and wounded and one hundred and fifty captured. Chief of all results of the work of the flotilla was the opening of the Mississippi River once for all from Cairo to Memphis, and the complete possession of Western Tennessee by the Union forces.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Ellet and his steam-rams at Memphis. (search)
River, the best he could find in the short time at his disposal. He took some old and nearly worn-out boats, strengthened their hulls and bows with heavy timbers, raised bulkheads of timber around the boilers, and started them down the river to Cairo as fast as they could be got off the ways. They were the Dick Fulton, Lancaster, Lioness, Mingo, Monarch, Monarch, Queen of the West, Samson, Switzerland, and T. D. Horner. While the work was progressing, and before any one of the rams was n, his rapidly failing strength gave way; the Switzerland, to which he had been removed, and on board which he had been joined by his heart-broken wife and his young daughter, left Memphis on the night of the 18th of June, and as the vessel neared Cairo on the 21st, his gallant spirit passed away. He was accorded a state funeral in Independence Hall. His devoted wife, stricken by grief, survived him but a few days. Both are buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia.-A. W. E. The boat
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Sawing out the channel above Island number10. (search)
t if one of them should be boarded and captured, she could be turned against us, and could whip the whole fleet and place Cairo, Louisville, and St. Louis at her mercy! One of the captains said that if he were allowed to go, he would blow the vesse, and that I would have the boats through in fourteen days. General Pope then gave me an order on the authorities at Cairo for steamboats and material. That evening Captain William Tweeddale, Lieutenant Mahlon Randolph, and I sat up till a latges to be fitted with heavy artillery to be used as gun-boats, and the next morning they started with one hundred men for Cairo, to meet me at Island Number8 with all the materials they could get Corrected line of the channel above Island no.10 cuconcluded that it would be best to make the leading boat a fighting boat that could not be disabled; so he telegraphed to Cairo and St. Louis for a great number of coal-oil barrels, which were laid in two tiers all over the bottoms of two barges; th