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irie Grove, 500 killed, 154 wounded, Including the mortally wounded. and 13 missing; the 22d, at Resaca, 11 killed, 56 wounded, and 1 missing; the 29th, at Champion's Hill, 19 killed, 92 wounded, Including the mortally wounded. and 2 missing, and, at Port Gibson, 10 killed and 65 wounded. The 11th Wisconsin Battery was also k Iuka 37 179 1 217 22d Iowa Vicksburg 27 118 19 164 6th Iowa Shiloh 52 94 37 183 23d Iowa Big Black 13 88   101 7th Iowa Belmont 51 127 49 227 24th Iowa Champion's Hill 35 120 34 189 9th Iowa Pea Ridge 38 176 4 218 26th Iowa Arkansas Post 18 99   117 10th Iowa Champion's Hill 36 131   167 32d Iowa Pleasant Hill 35 117 5Champion's Hill 36 131   167 32d Iowa Pleasant Hill 35 117 56 208 11th Iowa Shiloh 33 160 1 194 39th Iowa Allatoona 40 52 78 170 There were only three missing numbers in the Iowa line. The 41st was a battalion which was transferred to the 7th Iowa Cavalry. The 42d and 43d Regiments failed to complete their organizations. Missouri.--The losses of the Missouri regiments were sev
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 14: the greatest battles of the war — list of victories and defeats — chronological list of battles with loss in each, Union and Confederate. (search)
's Heights and Salem Church, viz.; 493 killed, 2,710 wounded, 1,497 missing. Also, loss at Fitzhugh's Crossing.Chancellorsville, Va 1,606 9,762 5,919 17,287 May 12 Raymond, Miss 66 339 37 442 May 14 Jackson, Miss 42 251 7 300 May 16 Champion's Hill, Miss 410 1,844 187 2,441 May 17 Black River Bridge, Miss 39 237 3 279 May 19 Assault on Vicksburg, Miss 157 777 8 942 May 22 Assault on Vicksburg, Miss 502 2,550 147 3,199 May 23 Vicksburg Trenches, Miss 147 613 9 769 July 4 March 5 Thompson's Station, Tenn 56 289 12 357 March 17 Kelly's Ford, Va 11 88 34 133 May 1 Magnolia Hills, Miss 68 380 384 832 May 1-4 Chancellorsville, Va 1,665 9,081 2,018 12,764 May 12 Raymond, Miss 73 251 190 514 May 16 Champion's Hill, Miss 380 1,018 2,441 3,839 June 6 Milliken's Bend, La 101 285 266 652 June 9 Beverly Ford, Va 51 250 132 Not including 90 killed, wounded, and missing in White's battalion.433 June 10-24 Middleburg; Upperville, Va 65 279 166 51
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
iam E. Starke Killed at Antietam. Brigadier-General Henry Little Killed at Iuka. Brigadier-General Thomas R. Cobb Killed at Fredericksburg. Brigadier-General Maxcy Gregg Killed at Fredericksburg. Brigadier-General James E. Rains Killed at Stone's River. Brigadier-General Roger W. Hanson Killed at Stone's River. Brigadier-General E. D. Tracy Killed at Port Gibson. Brigadier-General E. F. Paxton Killed at Chancellorsville. Brigadier-General Lloyd Tilghman Killed at Champion's Hill. Brigadier-General Martin E. Green Killed at Vicksburg Brigadier-General William Barksdale Killed at Gettysburg. Brigadier-General Lewis Armistead Killed at Gettysburg. Brigadier-General Richard B. Garnett Killed at Gettysburg. Brigadier-General Paul J. Semmes Mortally wounded. Killed at Gettysburg. Brigadier-General J. J. Pettigrew Mortally wounded. Killed at Falling Waters. Brigadier-General Preston Smith Killed at Chickamauga. Brigadier-General Benjamin
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
neral Grant to attack it. Although averse to both opinions, General Pemberton adopted that of the minority of his council, Lieutenant-General Pemberton's official report. and determined to execute a measure which he disapproved, which his council of war opposed, and which was in violation of the orders of his commander. Twenty-four hours after the adoption of this resolution, in the afternoon of the 15th, the army commenced its march, and, after crossing Baker's Creek, encamped near Champion Hill, some three miles from the ground it had left. It had been compelled to march twice as far, however, by the destruction of a bridge by a flood in Baker's Creek. General Pemberton was informed at night, that the camp of a strong body of Federal troops was near, in the direction of Bolton. Lieutenant-General Pemberton's official report. The fires were distinctly visible. It was that of Hovey's division, of the Thirteenth Corps. Early in the morning of the 16th, Lieutenant. Gen
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
up immediately. I could, however, learn nothing of General Loring's whereabouts; several of my staff-officers were in search of him, but it was not until after General Bowen had personally informed me that he could not hold his position longer, and not until after I had ordered the retreat, that General Loring, with Featherston's brigade, moving, as I subsequently learned, by a country-road which was considerably longer than the direct route, reached the position on the left known as Champion's Hill, where he was forming a line of battle when he received my order to cover the retreat. Had the movement in support of the left been promptly made, when first ordered, it is not improbable that I might have maintained my position, and it is possible the enemy might have been driven back, though his vastly superior and constantly-increasing numbers would have rendered it necessary to withdraw during the night to save my communications with Vicksburg. Early in the day, Major Lockett,
A brave loyal boy.--Rev. John Summers, a home missionary in Benton County, Iowa, has three sons, all of whom have been in the army of the country. One is still in the service, one has been honorably discharged, and the third, a boy less than eighteen years of age, was mortally wounded at the battle of Champion Hill. His funeral sermon was preached by Elder King. An immense audience was present. The following is a copy of the last letter of the dying boy. It exhibits most remarkable coolness, and was written at his own dictation: battle-ground on Railroad, East of black River, Miss., May 17, 1863. Dear parents, brothers, and sisters: This is the last letter you will receive from me. I am mortally wounded in the thigh, and mortification has already commenced. I was wounded in two places, and at the same time. As I said, one ball entered my right thigh, glancing upward, shivering the bone of my hip, making it impossible to save my life by amputation. The other ball en
glers, who can never be collected and organized; arms and munitions of war for an army of sixty thousand men have fallen into our hands, beside a large amount of other public property, consisting of railroads, locomotives, cars, steamboats, cotton, etc., and much was destroyed to prevent our capturing it. Our losses in the series of battles may be summed up as follows:  Killed.Wounded.Missing. Port Gibson1807185 Fourteen Mile Creek skirmish,424  Raymond,6984132 Jackson,402406 Champion's Hill,4261842189 Big Black Railroad Bridge,292422 Vicksburgh,5458638803 Of the wounded, many were but slightly wounded, and continued on duty; many more required but a few days or weeks for their recovery, and not more than one half of the wounded were permanently disabled. When we consider the character of the country in which this army operated, the formidable obstacles to be overcome, the number of the enemy's force, and the strength of his works, we cannot but admire the courage
did not fight as bravely. Their bold attack upon Tunnel Hill drew upon them the concentrated might of half the rebel army, and, although some of them gave way in confusion, it was simply because they were assailed by overwhelming numbers. This was particularly the case with General John E. Smith's division. But they need not even this explanation at my hands. That the courage of the men and the ability of the officers who bore the American flag in triumph at Raymond, at Jackson, at Champion Hill, and at Vicksburgh, is no longer a matter of question. Tunnel Hill had been abandoned by the rebels in the night; and when I left the summit of the Ridge about noon, the right and left wings of our army were advancing, while the centre still held its position. No enemy was visible, but columns of smoke rising from various points told that the enemy was burning the bridges over the Chickamauga, and such of his stores as he could not carry away. Sherman was throwing a shell, occasiona
Doc. 192.-battle of Champion Hill, Miss. Colonel Spicely's report. headquarters Twenty-Fourth Indiana Vols., Champion Hill, Miss., May 17, 1863. Captain Jos. H. Linsey, Acting Assistant AdjChampion Hill, Miss., May 17, 1863. Captain Jos. H. Linsey, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, First Brigade. sir: In pursuance to orders, I have the honor to report the part taken by the Twenty-fourth regiment Indiana volunteers, in the battle of Champion Hill, Mississippi, oChampion Hill, Mississippi, on the sixteenth day of May, 1863. On the sixteenth instant, at six o'clock A. M., we moved from our camp near Bolton's Depot, four miles from the distant battle-ground, in the direction of Edwards'ls, we were apprised by our cavalry advance that the enemy were posted in force in front, on Champion Hill. General McGinnis then ordered me to form my line of battle on the right of the road leadinnd in less than an hour the enemy gave way, leaving our gallant troops in full possession of Champion Hill. But amid our rejoicing over this great victory, we are called upon to mourn the gallant
Doc. 193.-battle of Black River, Miss. bridge across Big Black, May 17, 1863. The battle of Big Black bridge was fought on Sunday, the seventeenth, the (lay after the battle of Champion's Hill. In this spirited engagement only the Thirteenth army corps was engaged. It is superfluous to add that the troops comprising this corps fought as they always do, excellently well. In the morning, after a night's bivouac on the hill overlooking the village of Edwards's Station, the column, with McClernand at its head, moved toward Black River bridge. The citizens who were questioned on the subject said the position was most strongly fortified at the crossing, and we naturally thought the enemy would make stubborn resistance there. We were! not surprised, therefore, to learn that our advance-guard was fired upon by the rebel pickets as the column moved toward the river. The country between Edwards's Station and the bridge loses that hilly and broken character which distinguishe