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is that tried men's souls in their day. These are the virtues that sustained them in their hour of need. Their illustrious and glorious example bids us not to underestimate the priceless inheritance they achieved for us at such a cost of treasure and blood. Great as are the odds we are struggling against, they are not greater than those against which they successfully struggled. In point of reverses, our condition is not to be compared with theirs. Should Mobile, Savannah, Charleston, Augusta, Macon, Montgomery, and even Petersburg and Richmond fall, our condition would not then be worse or less hopeful than theirs was in the darkest hour that rested on their fortunes. With wisdom on the part of those who control our destiny in the Cabinet, and in the field, in husbanding and properly wielding our resources at their command, and in securing the hearts and affections of the people in the great cause of right and liberty for which we are struggling, we could suffer all these lo
; and General McPherson to direct his course from Roswell straight against the Augusta road, at some point east of Decatur, near Stone Mountain. General Garrard's caparatively open ground of the valley of Peach-tree creek, his right beyond the Augusta road to the east, and his left well toward Turner's ferry on the Chattahoocheeday before I had detached General Garrard's cavalry to go to Covington, on the Augusta road, forty-two miles east of Atlanta, and from that point to send detachment of whom was killed by accident. Having, therefore; sufficiently crippled the Augusta road, and rendered it useless to the enemy, I then addressed myself to the tasby the right, below Proctor's creek, and General Schofield to extend up to the Augusta road. About the same time General Rousseau had arrived from his expedition to Chattahoochee river. The crossing of the Chattahoochee and breaking of the Augusta road was most handsomely executed by us, and will be studied as an example in
men rest and get up stores, until the seventeenth of July, when he resumed his operations, crossed the Chattahoochee, destroyed a large portion of the railroad to Augusta, and drove the enemy back to Atlanta. At this place General Hood succeeded General Johnston in command of the rebel army, and, assuming the offensive-defensive pforce to get Columbus, Georgia, either by the way of the Alabama or the Appalachicola, and that I keep Hood employed and put my army in final order for a march on Augusta, Columbia, and Charleston, to be ready as soon as Wilmington is sealed as to commerce, and the city of Savannah is in our possession. This was in reply to a lett that Sherman should start for the sea-coast. Having concentrated his troops at Atlanta by the fourteenth of November, he commenced his march, threatening both Augusta and Macon. His coming-out point could not be definitely fixed. Having to gather his subsistence as he marched through the country, it was not impossible that a
to Blackville. In the meantime General Kilpatrick had brought his cavalry rapidly by Barnwell to Blackville, and had turned toward Aiken, with orders to threaten Augusta, but not to be drawn needlessly into a serious battle. This he skilfully accomplished, skirmishing heavily with Wheeler's cavalry, first at Blackville and afterwn the railroad from Midway to Johnson's station, thereby dividing the enemy's forces, which still remained at Branchville and Charlestonon the one hand, Aiken and Augusta on the other. We then began the movement on Orangeburg. The Seventeenth corps crossed the south fork of Edisto river at Binnaker's bridge and moved straight fenemy. But I was then aware that the fragments that had left Columbia under Beauregard had been reinforced by Cheatham's corps from the West, and the garrison of Augusta, and that ample time had been given to move them to my front and flank about Raleigh. Hardee had also succeeded in getting across Cape Fear river ahead of me, an
d the brigades of Miller, Brown, and Palmer, then in Western North Carolina, to concentrate at Anderson, South Carolina, and scout down the Savannah river to Augusta, Georgia, if possible, in search of the fugitives. General Gillem being absent, Colonel Palmer, Fifteenth Pennsylvania cavalry, took command of the expedition. By ron from General Sherman direct, through the enemy's territory, and immediately took measures to receive the surrender of the enemy's establishments at Atlanta and Augusta, and to occupy those points, detailing for that purpose Brevet Major-General Upton, with his division. General McCook was sent with a force to occupy Tallahasseeeneral Rawlins, directed me to order to some point north of the Tennessee river all of Wilson's cavalry except four thousand veterans, who are to remain at Macon, Augusta, and Atlanta, Georgia; those returning to be concentrated at some convenient point in Tennessee or Kentucky, preparatory to being mustered out or otherwise dispos
with his command, reached Lexington about noon, Friday, and, hastily remounting a portion of his forces, started in pursuit. He came upon Morgan Sunday morning, at Cynthiana, drawn up in line of battle and awaiting him. Burbridge immediately attacked him, and in fifty-five minutes had Morgan's command routed and flying in every direction. Morgan's loss here was about five hundred. His force was divided into half a dozen parts, each part taking care of itself. The main force fled toward Augusta, under Morgan himself, which was pursued by Colonel Hanson, again attacked and routed, and again losing several hundred prisoners. The whole country is full of the disorganized and fleeing rebels, and they are being picked up all over the country. Thus has ended Morgan's last raid. He came into the State with about two thousand seven hundred men. He robbed and plundered on all sides. He was pursued and whipped badly three times in six days, and will lose nearly two thousand of his men. M
Orders No. 65, and would send General Upton's division to Augusta, General McCook's division to Tallahassee, to receive the m a supply of clothing, sugar, coffee, &c., by way of Augusta, Georgia, whence he could get it by rail. I therefore went the evening of April thirtieth, and ordered him to send to Augusta at once what clothing and small stores he could spare for orders to occupy temporarily the United States arsenal at Augusta, and to open up communication with General Wilson at Maconmmanded by General Molyneaux, to follow by a land march to Augusta as its permanent garrison. Another brigade of infantry waned me, and the arrangements ordered for the occupation of Augusta were consummated. At Savannah I found the city in the mortunely ordered General Gillmore to occupy Orangeburg and Augusta, strategic points of great value at all times, in peace orsurrendered at Greensboroa are added those at Tallahassee, Augusta, and Macon, with the scattered squads who will come in at
, April 19, 1865. Via Columbia, April 19; via Augusta, April 20. Major-General H. Cobb: Inform Go form a junction with me at this place or at Augusta. The admirable judgment and sagacity displirected General Upton to proceed in person to Augusta, and ordered General Winslow, with the FourthHawkinsville, Ga. May. General Upton 6,315 Augusta, Ga. May. General McCook 7,200 Tallahassee, Fla5 Eufala. May. General Fry, C. S. A. 2,181 Augusta, Ga. April. Total 59,878     Commissioned oicial despatches. [By Telegraph from Augusta, Georgia, May 3, 1865.] Brevet Major-General Wilsor, coffee, and clothing sent from Savannah to Augusta, they can be brought hither by way of Atlantaend Brevet Major-General Upton to Atlanta and Augusta to-morrow-and General McCook to Tallahassee —the surrender of the garrisons at Atlanta and Augusta; he left here for that purpose on the first instant, and reached Augusta this morning. I am expecting to hear from him every moment by telegrap[2 more...]<