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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 296 8 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 64 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 54 0 Browse Search
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 48 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 44 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 24 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 22 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 20 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2 18 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3 18 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Mobile Bay (Alabama, United States) or search for Mobile Bay (Alabama, United States) in all documents.

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0 rounds of musket-cartridges, and other munitions of war. There was no defence.--Evening Post, Jan. 7. An appeal to the people of Florida, by the Charleston Mercury, to seize the forts and other defences at Pensacola and Key West, threatens the capture of the California treasure ships by letters of marque and privateers.--(Doc. 13.) Fast-day throughout the United States, by proclamation of the President. It is generally observed.--(Doc. 14.) Fort Morgan, at the entrance of Mobile Bay, was taken this morning by Alabama troops, and is now garrisoned by two hundred men.--The Press, Jan. 5. This evening a workingmen's meeting was held at Cincinnati, Ohio. Speeches were made, and resolutions adopted, declaring that the Union must be preserved in its integrity by the enforcement of the laws in every part of the Union, by whatever means may be necessary; that the remedy for all grievances can be had under the constitution, and that the only way to safety and peace is th
June 29. The British steamer Ann was cut out from under the guns of Fort Morgan, at the mouth of Mobile Bay, by the United States steamer Kanawha. She ran in during the night, passed the blockading fleet, and as it was very dark, she could not be seen by the vessels. Lights had been kept burning on the fort all night, so that she had no trouble in finding the channel. This morning she was discovered by the Susquehanna, within a half-mile of the fort, unloading her cargo into a rebel steamer alongside. The Susquehanna, accompanied by the Kanawha, then got under weigh, and steamed within gunshot and opened fire, which was returned by the fort, and kept up for an hour on both sides. In the mean time the crew deserted the steamer. She was soon discovered to be adrift, and dropped down with the current about a mile, when the Kanawha was ordered to go in and bring her out, which she did under a heavy fire from the fort. The battles of Peach Orchard and Savage's Station, V
nt of the Charleston Mercury gives the following account of the steamer: The vessel is the steam corvette Oreto, now called the Florida, and is not an iron-clad. Our readers are aware of the difficulties which the commander of this ship encountered at Nassau, owing to the rigor of the British neutrality regulations. Having finally escaped from the clutches of the Court of Admiralty, Capt. Maffitt steamed away to the Gulf and boldly ran the gauntlet of the blockaders at the mouth of Mobile Bay, in broad daylight. The Captain was at the time sick with fever, as were most of her small crew of thirteen men. The Florida ran within sixty yards of the Yankee vessels, and her sides are peppered all over with shrapnel and grape-shot. One eleven-inch shell went through her side a foot above the water-line, and lodged in the coal-bunkers. The Florida is a beautiful and well-armed corvette of great speed. Her armament consists of eight guns. Her dash through the blockaders, with a sic
after a brief skirmish, he dispersed, taking seventeen of the Choctaws prisoners. Colonel Davis afterward destroyed the rebel camp at Pontchatoula.--New Orleans Era. The English schooner Sea Bird was captured by the gunboat De Soto.--A skirmish took place at South-Union, Ky., between a party of rebels who fired upon a train and the Union guard, resulting in the defeat of the guerrillas, with considerable loss.--The schooners A. J. Hoge and Wonder were captured this day, the former at Mobile Bay, and the latter near Port Royal, S. C. Yazoo City, Miss., was this day captured by a fleet of Union gunboats, under the command of Lieutenant Walker. The rebel troops had evacuated the place, but not before destroying three rams that were being constructed in their navy-yard. Every thing of value in the navy-yard, and also a saw-mill, were destroyed by Lieutenant Walker. Altogether, the property destroyed was worth to the rebels, more than two millions of dollars.--Lieut. Com. Walk
ence.--(Doc. 69.) At nine o'clock this morning, on the return of the gunboat Lackawanna toward Mobile, in company with the steamer Neptune, captured yesterday, the black smoke of a steamer was seen ahead, for which the ship, as well as the Neptune, gave chase. She was not brought to until a shot struck her, which did no injury, however, and she was captured after having been chased twenty-six miles. She was the rebel steamer Planter, of Mobile, of three hundred and thirteen tons, and left Mobile Bay on the night of June thirteenth for Havana, with a cargo of six hundred and twenty-five bales of cotton and one hundred and twenty-four barrels of rosin. During the chase between sixty and eighty bales of cotton were thrown overboard and several barrels of rosin burned.--Captain Marchand's Report. Governor David Tod, of Ohio, in accordance with the proclamation of President Lincoln, issued an order calling out thirty thousand volunteers for the defence of the border.--(Doc. 70.)
July 6. Portions of the Tenth Kentucky and First Ohio, under the command of Major Brown, made an expedition through Pound Gap, Ky., into South-western Virginia, and succeeded in surprising the rebels, capturing one hundred and twenty-five prisoners, killing thirty, and wounding about the same number. The National loss was one killed and fourteen wounded.--the English schooner Lady Maria, was captured off Mobile Bay, by the National gunboat De Soto. A fight took place near Quaker Bridge, on the Trent River, N. C., in which the rebels were defeated by a force under the command of General Heckman.--the case of the British prize ship Peterhoff, was opened before Judge Betts, sitting in prize court at New York.--the cavalry battles of Hagerstown and Williamsport, Md., were fought this day.--(Doc. 32.) Knights of the Golden Circle entered the depot at Huntington Indiana, at an early hour this morning, and seized and distributed among themselves a quantity of guns and ammun
he assault, the rebel General issued the following instructions to the commanders of the brigades who were to attempt it: Headquarters, November 29, 168. General: Please impress your officers and men with the importance of making a rush when they once start to take such a position as that occupied by the enemy yesterday. If the troops, once started, rush forward till the point is carried, the loss will be trifling; whereas, if they hesitate, the enemy gets courage, or, being behind a comparatively sheltered position, will fight the harder. Beside, if the assaulting party once loses courage and falters, he will not find courage, probably, to make a renewed effort. The men should be cautioned before they start at such work, and told what they are to do, and the importance and great safety of doing it with a rush. Very respectfully, J. Longstreet, Lieutenant-General. Major-General McLaws. The schooner Winona was captured by the gunboat Kanawha, off Mobile Bay, Ala.
must husband our resources. Wise, cool, decided, prompt action would put us in good condition for the spring campaign of 1864, and the close of next year would furnish a more agreeable retrospect than the annus mirabilis of blunders which we now consign to the dead past.--Major-General Butler, from his headquarters at Fortress Monroe, Va., issued a general order, dismissing several officers of his command for intoxication. The rebel steamer Grey Jacket, while attempting to run out of Mobile Bay, was captured by the Union gunboat Kennebec.--President Lincoln approved the additional instructions to the tax commissioners, for the district of South-Carolina, in relation to the disposition of lands. Jefferson Davis having approved the following rule, by virtue of authority vested in him by the confederate Congress, the rebel Secretary of State gave notice thereof: No passport will be issued from the department of state, during the pending war, to any male citizen, unless th
January 9. To-day the noted guerrilla McCown and three of his men were captured by the Forrester New York cavalry regiment, reconnoitring in the direction of Sperryville, Va.--A fight took place in Mobile Bay, between the rebels in Fort Morgan and the National gunboats stationed on the blockade. On the discovery, this morning, of a steamer ashore under the guns of the Fort, all the gunboats of the fleet got under way; and, while some repaired to the flag-ship for instructions, the Octorara steamed in and opened fire on the rebel craft, which speedily drew a reply from the Fort. The rest of the fleet soon steamed in and took up their positions, when the fire became quite spirited. The rebel steamer was struck several times, and abandoned; but she lay so near the Fort, it was impossible to get her out. Finding the efforts to set her on fire were fruitless, the fleet withdrew, after firing two hours.--A squad of rebel cavalry entered Cleveland, Tenn., and conscripted every man a