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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 106 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 20 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 18 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 14 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana 6 0 Browse Search
L. P. Brockett, Women's work in the civil war: a record of heroism, patriotism and patience 6 0 Browse Search
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery. 6 0 Browse Search
John F. Hume, The abolitionists together with personal memories of the struggle for human rights 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 6, 1861., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adams, John Quincy, 1767- (search)
d expressed in a previous message: To the Senate of the United States,--In the messages to both Houses of Congress at the commencement of the session, it was mentioned that the governments of the republics of Colombia, of Mexico, and of Central America had severally invited the government of the United States to be represented at the congress of American nations to be assembled at Panama to deliberate upon objects of peculiar concernment to this hemisphere, and that this invitation had beef their own consciences. This privilege, sanctioned by the customary law of nations and secured by treaty stipulations in numerous national compacts — secured even to our own citizens in the treaties with Colombia and with the Federation of Central America--is yet to be obtained in the other South American states and Mexico. Existing prejudices are still struggling against it, which may, perhaps, be more successfully combated at this general meeting than at the separate seats of government of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), America, discoverers of. (search)
st almost to Hudson Bay: and it is believed that he discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In 1504 Columbus, in a fourth voyage to America. sailed with four caravels through the Gulf of Mexico, in search of a passage to India, and discovered Central America. In 1506 John Denys, of Honfleur, explored the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Two years later Thomas Aubert, a pilot of Dieppe, visited, it is believed, the island of Cape Breton, and gave it its name. He carried some of the natives with him to Frad, who owned mines in Santo Domingo, voyaged northwesterly from that island, and discovered the coast of South Carolina. Meanwhile the Spaniards had been pushing discoveries westward from Hispaniola, or Santo Domingo. Ojeda also discovered Central America. In 1513 Vasco Nuñez de Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean from a mountain summit on the Isthmus of Darien. Francisco Fernandez de Cordova discovered Mexico in 1517. Pamphila de Narvaez and Ferdinand de Soto traversed the country borderin
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Antiquities, American. (search)
es which attest their antiquity. In connection with those in the more southern regions, there are remains of elaborate carvings and ornamental pottery. There are many features in common between the temples and other works of art in Mexico, Central America, and Peru. The explorations of Stephens and Catherwood (1840-43) revealed to the world vast remains of cities in Central America, which were doubtless inhabited at the period of the conquest, 350 years ago. There they found carved monolithsCentral America, which were doubtless inhabited at the period of the conquest, 350 years ago. There they found carved monoliths and the remains of highly ornamented temples. The monoliths at Copan some antiquaries are disposed to rank, as to use, with those ruder ones at Stonchenge, in England, and older ones in Arabia. The remains of Aztee art in Mexico attest the existence of a high degree of civilization there at the period of their structure. So, also, the ruins of the Temple of the Sun, at Cuzco, in Peru, tell of great advancement in the arts under the empire of the Incas. These remains occupy a living place o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, 1475- (search)
Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, 1475- Discoverer of the Pacific Ocean; born in Xeres de los Caballeros. Spain. in 1475; went to Santo Domingo in 1501; and thence to the Isthmus of Darien in 1510. Pope Alexander VI. (q. v.) gave to the Spanish crown, as God's vicegerent on the earth, all lands that lay 300 leagues westward of the Azores — in fact, all of America. Ferdinand of Spain divided Central America, whose shores Columbus had discovered, into two provinces, over one of which he placed as governor Ojeda, the navigator, and over the other Diego de Nicuessa, with Bachelor Enciso as lieutenant. Nuez, deeply in debt in Santo Domingo, escaped from his creditors by being carried in a provision-cask on board Enciso's ship. When she had weighed anchor Nuņez came from his cask. Enciso, angered by the deception, threatened him, but became reconciled. At Darien, where the seat of government was to be established, Nuņez, taking advantage of the discontent of the Spaniards, headed a revol
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Centennial Exhibition, (search)
d the building to the United States Centennial Commission. After a cantata, composed by Sidney Lanier, of Georgia, was sung, General Hawley, president of the Commission, presented the exhibition to the President of the United States, after which the latter made a brief response. The American flag was then unfurled over the Main Building, which gave notice to the multitude that the Centennial Exhibition was opened. The government of the United Sandstone Rock, Rio Abajo, Tegucigalpa, Central America. States, separate States, foreign governments, different industries, corporations, and individuals erected buildings on the grounds, making the whole number of structures 190. The exhibition was open for pay admissions 159 days, the pay-gates being closed on Sundays. The total number of cash admissions at fifty cents each was 7,250,620; and at twenty-five cents, 753,654. The number of free admissions was 1,906,692, making the grand total of admissions 9,910,966. The largest number
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Central America, (search)
Central America, A large expanse of territory connecting North and South America, and comprising in 1901 the republics of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. The region was discovered by Columbus, in his fourth voyage, in 1502. He found the bay of Honduras, where he landed; then proceeded along the main of America. Many attempts have been made in recent years to bring about a federation of the five republics, the latest in 1895, when the Greater Republic of Central America was formed, and in 1898, when, by treaty, Honduras. Salvador, and Nicaragua formed the United States of Central America, Guatemala and Costa Rica declining tublics, the latest in 1895, when the Greater Republic of Central America was formed, and in 1898, when, by treaty, Honduras. Salvador, and Nicaragua formed the United States of Central America, Guatemala and Costa Rica declining to enter the compact. Local revolutions and mutual jealousies have so far prevented a permanent union.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Clayton-Bulwer treaty, the (search)
ns commanding the same or in the vicinity thereof, nor fortify, or colonize, or assume any dominion over any part of Central America. Further, the treaty pledged that in case of war between Great Britain and the United States all vessels of both cossisting in so important a work. Now, previous to the adoption of this treaty Great Britain had held possessions in Central America. She had owned Balize, or British Honduras, since 1783. and had later acquired a protectorate over the Mosquito co Bay Islands, a group near Honduras. The question, therefore, arose whether by the pledge not to occupy any part of Central America in the future she was bound to surrender possessions held in the present. There was considerable debate over the ma direct violation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, for its object was to provide for the construction of a canal across Central America, at the expense of the United States, and to be controlled when completed by this country. The treaty was not accep
n continent. The island was discovered by Columbus on Oct. 28, 1492, when, it is believed, he entered a bay near Nuevitas, on the north coast. He gave it the name of Juana, in honor of Prince Juan, or John, son of Isabella. Other names were afterwards given to it, but that of the natives—Cuba—is retained. It was very thickly populated by a docile and loving copper-colored race, who were rightfully called by themselves The Good. When, in the winter of 1509-10, Ojeda was sailing from Central America to Santo Domingo with some of his followers, his vessel was stranded on the southern shores of Cuba. He and his crew suffered dreadfully in the morasses, and more than half of them perished. They feared the natives, to whose protection persecuted ones in Santo Domingo had fled, but hunger compelled the Spaniards to seek for food among them. These suffering Christians were treated most kindly by the pagans, and through their good offices Ojeda was enabled to reach Jamaica, then sett
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Davis, Richard Harding, 1864- (search)
Davis, Richard Harding, 1864- Author; born in Philadelphia, Pa., April 18, 1864; son of Rebecca Harding Davis; educated at Lehigh University and Johns Hopkins University; became a newspaper reporter. In 1888 he joined the staff of the New York Evening sun, to which he contributed some of his best short stories. In 1890 he became the managing editor Of Harper's weekly. He particularly distinguished himself as a chronicler of the Czar's coronation and Queen Victoria's jubilee, and as a reporting observer of the American-Spanish War. His publications include Soldiers of fortune; The Princess Aline; Our English cousins; Van Bibber and others; About Paris; The rulers of the Mediterranean; Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America; Cuba in War time; A year from a correspondent's note-book; Stories for boys; Cuban and Porto Rican campaigns, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), De Soto, Fernando, 1496- (search)
De Soto, Fernando, 1496- Discoverer; born in Xeres, Estremadura, Spain, about 1496,( of a noble but impoverished family. Davila, governor of Darien, was his kin patron, through whose generosity he received a good education, and who too him to Central America, where he engaged in exploring the coast of the Pacific Ocean hundreds of miles in search of supposed strait connecting the two ocean When Pizarro went to Peru, De Soto a companied him, and was his chief lieutenant in achieving the conquest of that country. Brave and judicious, De Sot was the chief hero in the battle that resuited in the capture of Cuzco, the capital Fernando De Soto. of the Incas, and the destruction of their empire. Soon after that event he returned to Spain with large wealth, and was received by King Charles V. with great consideration. He married Isabella Bobadilla, a scion of one of the most renowned of the Castilian families, and his influence at Court was thereby strengthened. Longing to rival