Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 13, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) or search for Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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ual allowance: Important military movements — an advance on Harper's Ferry. Washington, June 3. --There is military authority for will break camp at midnight, and leave per railroad direct for Harper's Ferry early to-morrow morning. Their marine battery was brought intoman literature. Position of Confederate forces at and near Harper's Ferry. Hagerstown, June 8. --No troops from Chambersburg havethe Potomac cannot be prevented. Reliable information from Harper's Ferry down to Thursday, says that no change had taken place in the po to-day from the Ferry confirms the statement of the bridges at Harper's Ferry and Shoppardstown being mined. Trains of gunpowder are laid frched. I have seen deserters from the Confederate troops at Harper's Ferry, Sheppardstown and Martinsburg to-day, who escaped over the Potlin, (the former twelve miles and the latter six miles east of Harper's Ferry,) were both destroyed by the Confederate troops this morning be
From Harper's Ferry.[special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Harper's Ferry, June 9--Night. I write you as a conclusion of my letter of the same date, written this morning. Active exertions are making to render our position a perfect recluse. This morning the bridge connecting Maryland and Virginia, at Point of Rocks, was burned, by order from this post. It is said the sight was grand and exciting. It was entirely destroyed, thus cutting off any possibility of Federal trooHarper's Ferry, June 9--Night. I write you as a conclusion of my letter of the same date, written this morning. Active exertions are making to render our position a perfect recluse. This morning the bridge connecting Maryland and Virginia, at Point of Rocks, was burned, by order from this post. It is said the sight was grand and exciting. It was entirely destroyed, thus cutting off any possibility of Federal troops crossing into Virginia, at or near that point. This afternoon a number of canal boats were burned opposite this place, and the water drawn from the Canal. On Saturday night the bridge at Berlin, six miles below here, was also destroyed. The Potomac will soon be clear of bridges, and Abe will have to "roll up his trowsers and wade, " if he gets across. From all transpiring, I judge there are important movements on foot. Large quantities of provisions and provender are const
referred to the Finance Committee. A member whose name we could not learns, submitted a motion that on Friday next, at 12 o'clock, the members of the Convention shall proceed to sign the Ordinance of Secession, prescribing the formalities to be observed on the occasion. This, with another resolution ordering that when the Convention adjourns to day, it shall be to Friday next at 10 o'clock, was carried. A resolution of inquiry was passed relative to the transfer of machinery from Harper's Ferry, and requesting the Governor to make no permanent disposition of the same at precent. After some two hours spent in the disposal and discussion of the resolutions and amendments noticed above, the President announced a communication from the Governor; where upon the Convention went into secret session, and sat with closed doors until seven o'clock,when our reporter left. The session was altogether of a business character, and the proceedings indicate that its members have come
al boats and destroyed two locks between the Point of Rocks and Harper's Ferry. The two bridges at Berlin and Point of Rocks were burnt yesteso destroyed all the skiffs and scows between Shepherdstown and Harper's Ferry. Fine fords have recently been discovered near the mouth of the Antietam, seven miles above Harper's Ferry. They are not more than three feet deep anywhere in low water. There is a perfect rock bed arrived here say the Secessionists claim to have 14,000 men at Harper's Ferry. The Union men of Virginia, however, say there are only 9000. s and Clarke Rifles, which left Martinburg on Saturday last for Harper's Ferry, number 130 men. A company of Rifle Rangers from Winchesteing with them their marine battery; destination supported to be Harper's Ferry. A detachment of about 80 cavalry to-day proceeded in opposite point is about 80 miles from Georgetown, and equi-distant from Harper's Ferry and Washington. A large train of wagons have been crossing