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Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union, Company I. (search)
m; mason. Aug. 8, 1862. Trans. to Co. C, 14th Regt. V. R.C. July 1, 1863. Disch. June 28, 1865. Henry F. Baker, Provincetown, 26, s; sailor. Aug. 7, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. Henry C. Barker, North Reading, 19, s; clerk. July 18,865. Unof. John Carnes, Roxbury, 18, s; paper-stainer. July 23, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. William R. Carnes, Provincetown, 21, s; seaman. July 30, 1862. Disch. disa. Aug. 24, 1863. Edward Carroll——Deserted Aug. 1865. Daniel Certeriu Present, Oct. 30, 1862. No further record. (Reported as remaining with the 33rd Regt.) Unof. Thomas J. Gibbons, Provincetown, 23, s; tailor. July 30, 1862. Died Nov. 10, 1863, of wounds received in action, Port Hudson, La. Russel W. Giffomas 0. Reily, Roxbury, 19, s; laborer. July 24, 1862. Died of wounds Oct. 11, 1864, Frederick, Md. James Rivett, Provincetown, 20, s; seaman. July 30, 1862. Wounded Oct. 19, 1864. Disch. May 20, 1865. Curtis B. Robinson, Chesea, 32, s; bl
Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union, Reunion of Third Mass Cavalry (search)
rican HouseCapt. R. C. Elliot 1877. Sept. 17American HouseLieutenant J. P. Maxfield 1878. Oct. 18G. A. R. Hall, LawrenceCol. L. D. Sargent 1879. Sept. 19Maverick HouseCol. L. D. Sargent 1880. July 8Downer LandingCapt. W. A. Gove 1881. Sept. 19American HouseCapt. W. A. Cunningham 1882. Sept. 19American HouseLieut. N. S. Dickey 1883. Sept. 19American HouseCapt. C. E. Grover 1884. Dec. 4Young's HotelCapt. C. W. C Rhoades 1885. Sept. 19New BedfordCol. D. P. Muzzey 1886. Sept. 3 and 4ProvincetownCapt. J. W. Hervey 1887. Sept. 19LynnJ. C. Thomas 1888. Oct. 19American HouseHon. H. B. Lovering 1889. Oct. 19American HouseHon. H. B. Lovering 1890. Aug. 12Tremont HouseCapt. R. B. Granger 1891. Oct. 19The QuincySurg. A. H. Blanchard 1892. Aug. 31American HouseCapt. J. H. Kingsley 1893. Sept 22Berkeley HallsCapt. P. S. Curry 1894. Sept 19Berkeley HallsLieut. Milan A. Harris 1895. Sept. 22Berkeley HallsCapt. Wm. Harris 1896. Sept. 22BrocktonCapt. H. D. Pope 1897. Oct. 19Faneuil
Hotchkiss type, V., 184, 190; the Parrott type, V., 184, 190; the Schenkl type, V., 184, 190; the Armstrong type, V., 190; the Blakely type, V., 190; the Whitworth type, V., 190. Prospect Hill, Washington, D. C. : camp of New York Thirteenth cavalry at, IV., 173. Prospect Hill, Va.: New York Thirteenth cavalry at, IV., 27. Proteus,, U. S. S., VI., 107. Provence's battery, Confederate, I., 358. Providence, it. I.: First Maine Infantry leaving, VIII., 60. Provincetown, Mass., VI., 312. Provost guard: patrols of the, VIII., 81. Provost marshal: duties and responsibilities of, II., 157; headquarters of, at Corinth, Miss., II., 157; activities of., VII., 85; office, Department of the Cumberland, VII., 183, 187 seq.; the army's police, VII., 187-212; general, duties of, VII., 188; duties of, combined offices of chief of police and magistrate, VII., 188, 189, seq.; and the citizen, VII., 188-212; practical illustration of the work of, VII., 189; d
nt and bright chat on different subjects. I wish I could do his character justice, but we never value our parents until they are gone or until we ourselves are nearing the close of life. The memories of those days are sweet and precious. I am hardly the one to write of my father. To me he was a most remarkable man, retaining to the very last, at ninety-two years of age, his fine intellect, his strength of purpose, his judgment unimpaired.—H. D. H. His first wife was Mary Nickerson, of Provincetown, who was born June 26, 1784, and died in Boston, July 24, 1800, leaving three children, Elijah Nickerson, and twin brothers, who died in infancy. Mr. Train's second wife, Hannah Putnam Flint, of North Reading, died in Medford on the thirty-first of December, 1850, leaving seven children. Mr. Train moved from Boston to Medford in 1827 and died in this town April 7, 1874, at the age of ninety-two. His business was in Boston, where he began life as a merchant at No. 1 Codman's wharf in 18
For in spite of their prime object of isolation from foreign entanglements, they never had any idea of giving up communication with the home country. That they desired to make as easy as possible, and that meant, of course, a harbor. They missed Boston harbor for various reasons, perhaps chiefly because they had never heard of it; and you will remember Professor Brigham's hint that only a blinding snowstorm hid Barnstable harbor from the adventurers on that memorable expedition from Provincetown which finally found and selected Plymouth. Barnstable as a harbor would appear far more attractive than Plymouth. What if it had not snowed on that boisterous December day? But here again, those of us who stand by providential dispensation will find a text. Plymouth was practically a deserted village site cleared for settlement and in some part made ready for their habitation. Could they have survived anywhere else on this coast that first terrible winter? The later colonists who
onday evenings of October to May (inclusive). On October 18 Rev. Thomas C. Richards of the Mystic Church, and secretary of the John Brown Association, favored us with an interesting address on John Brown, recounting many events of the years before the Civil War. The attendance was not such as to encourage the committee to invite other speakers to address us, so the remaining have been sustained by our own membership. In November it was fitting that the subject should be The Pilgrims at Provincetown. Mr. Wilson Fiske led off in a talk on the timely subject and was followed by several others, and the meeting was one of much interest. At the December meeting, special consideration, this being the Plymouth Day. Mr. Remele read historic selections, Miss Atherton told the story of Elder Brewster's life in England and Holland, and Mr. Mann read a short paper on the time and causes of the Pilgrim movement. This meeting was of much interest and more largely attended. The annual meeti
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Women of the Mayflower and Plymouth Colony. (search)
avors, their fearlessness and faith, the foundation of their colony was laid. Mary Chilton-Winslow lies beside her husband in King's Chapel Burying Ground, Boston. Their names are marked upon a slab at the gate on Tremont street. Descendants of the women of Plymouth colony are now estimated to number more than a million. We rejoice that we know as much as we do of the women. Recently a plan was made that a chime of bells should be placed in the tower of the Pilgrim monument at Provincetown, and dedicated to the Women of the Mayflower by their descendants. More recently still Henry H. Kitson has modeled a statue of a Pilgrim woman for erection at Plymouth in their memory. We may recall here the noble monument erected by the nation to the Pilgrims. In this design a woman is the exalted figure who holds the book and gazes over the sea. And of the four important but lesser figures, two are women. Governor Long has said of the heroic figure: Her eyes look toward the se
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Old ships and ship-building days of Medford. (search)
abin door. Stevedores disguised as Indians unloaded the vessel, which had her hold filled with English goods, wire, etc., from Halifax. During a large part of the night wagons were taking the contraband merchandise to Boston, Malden and West Cambridge. Her cargo was very valuable. The goods escaped without discovery, but the vesse was confiscated and condemned. Usher. History of Medford. Capt. Chas. C. Doten of Plymouth, during a northeast gale, slipped by the revenue cutter at Provincetown, with the brig Hope. He was pursued and fired upon, but escaped to St. Lucia, where he sold the vessel and cargo of fish for twenty-five thousand dollars. He brought his Spanish doubloons home sewed into his clothing. Morison. Maritime History of Massachusetts. Jefferson signed the repeal of the embargo on his last day in office. Immediately there ensued a tremendous boom in shipping to Mediterranean, Russian and Oriental ports, which continued until the war of 1812. Hall Gleaso
New York,March 25.--Cleared, schr. Saginaw, Norfolk. Arrived, schr. Fairfax, do. March 26--Cleared, schr. J. Wixon, Norfolk. Arrived, schr. Joshua Bates, Norfolk; Orrin Cowl, do., for Waneham. Belfast,March 4.--Arrived, Volant, Turner, Norfolk. Bremen,March 3.--Arrived, Pepperill, Hill, Richmond, Va. Boston,March 23.--Cleared, schr. Westover, Richmond via City Point. Providence,March 25.--Arrived, schr. Albert Field, Norfolk. Baltimore,March 26.--Cleared, schr. Hope, Richmond. Liverpool,March 7.--Arrived, ship Avona, City Point. Newport,March 22.--Arrived, schr. Charles Alistrom, Boston, for Richmond. Provincetown,March 22.--Arr'd, schr. Corve, Rockland, for Richmond. Philadelphia,March 25.--Arrived, schr. Caspar Heft, Petersburg. New Bedford--Sailed, (no date,) schr. Nimrod, Norfolk. Alexandria,March 26.--Arrived, schr. R. H. Hinckley, Norfolk.
Baltimore, Dec. 21. --Cl'd. schr. Problem, Richmond; Mary Frances, Norfolk. Dec. 22--Cl'd, steamer Belvidere, Richmond. Havana, Dec. 14.-- Arr'd, brig Herald, Norfolk. Newport, Dec. 20.--Arr'd, schr. Chas. Thomas, Provincetown for Norfolk. Philadelphia, Dec. 21.--Arr'd, steamship Virginia, Richmond. New York, Dec. 22.--Cl'd, steamship Roanoke, Richmond; schrs. Senator, Norfolk; Marshall, Richmond. Arr'd, schr. Banquet, Suffolk, Va.