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May 26. A letter from Major Sprague, U. S. A., giving an account of affairs in Texas, since the arrest of the federal troops in that locality, was published in the Albany (N. Y.) Argus.--(Doc. 197.) The privateer Calhoun, Capt. Wilson, arrived at New Orleans, La., having in tow the following prizes: schooners John Adams and Mermaid, of Provincetown, Mass., and the brig Panama, of Boston, Mass.; all these are whalers, and have on board about 215 bbls. of sperm and black whale oil. They were taken about 20 miles from the passes; their crews number 63 men; and all of them told that these vessels lad been whaling for some time and cruising in the Gulf.--Natchez Courier, May 30. The Mobile Register of yesterday, after announcing the invasion of Virginia by the Federal troops, observes: Servile insurrection is a part of their programme, but they expect no great amount of practical good to result therefrom-consequently, it is contended that it would be afar better course of
The arrangement for their return was very quietly made, and nothing was known at Boston in regard to the affair, until the hour arrived for their departure. The steam tugboat Starlight was employed by the Government to convey the prisoners to Provincetown, Cape Cod, where they were to be transferred to the British gunboat Rinaldo, which arrived at that port last night. Accordingly the tugboat Starlight left Boston shortly before ten o'clock this morning, and stopped at Fort Warren, where she ting their baggage, etc., the tug proceeded on her way to sea, leaving the fort about eleven o'clock. The whole affair was conducted without any display, in perfect quiet, and in the ordinary manner of conveying passengers. The tugboat reached Provincetown this afternoon, and the prisoners were transferred to the British gunboat, which immediately proceeded to sea. The Court of Inquiry, in the case of Colonel Miles, charged with being intoxicated at the battle of Bull Run, honorably acquitt
roceeded to Dyersburg, where they broke up a camp of rebel guerrillas, under the leadership of Captain Dawson. Thirty-four of Dawson's men were killed or captured, but he himself escaped. Yesterday one hundred conscript rebel soldiers went into Murfreesboro, Tenn., and voluntarily surrendered themselves, declaring their attachment to the Union, requesting the privilege of taking the oath of allegiance, and to-day two hundred more followed their example. The schooner Hanover of Provincetown, Massachusetts, was captured off the south side of San Domingo by the rebel schooner Retribution.--Boston Traveller. A fight took place at a point nine miles from Suffolk, Va., known as the Deserted House, between a force of Union troops under General Corcoran, and a body of rebels under the command of General Roger A. Pryor, resulting, after a desperate struggle of three hours duration, in the retreat of the rebels. The loss in this affair was about equal on both sides.--(Doc. 115.)
y Hook. Now it was we felt the need of good coal. Our brave Captain Maffit offered one thousand five hundred dollars for fifteen pounds of steam, but we could not get but eight and ten pounds, although we used pitch and rosin. All hands were anxious to catch her, for she had been sent out to catch rebel cruisers, but she caught a tartar this time. But we had the pleasure of burning two vessels under her nose — the brig N. B. Nash, from New-York, and the whaling schooner Rienzi, from Provincetown; but the crew, however, had left when they saw us burn the brig. We showed the crew of the Nash the steamer Ericsson making tracks for New-York. With a sad heart we left the Ericsson and steered for Bermuda, at which place we arrived on the sixteenth instant, and as soon as we coal we leave this place for a cruise, and you and your readers may be assured that the Florida will sustain her reputation, and do all she; can to annoy the Yankees. Hoping this will meet your approbation, I cl
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
tofore, exhausting not only all forms of peaceful discussion, but also the arbitrament of war itself, for more than half a century alienated the two countries from each other, and perplexed with fears and apprehensions all other nations. the Secretary then announced that the four persons confined at Fort Warren would be cheerfully liberated, and requested Lord Lyons to indicate the time and place for receiving them. The latter ordered the British gun-boat Rinaldo to proceed to Provincetown, Massachusetts, for that purpose, where, on the 1st of January, 1862, the prisoners were delivered to the protection of the British flag. They awere conveyed First to Bermuda, and then to St. Thomas, where they embarked for England, and arrived at Southampton on the 29th of the same month. when the captives could no longer serve a political purpose for the ruling class in great Britain, they sank into their proper insignificance, and, as a General rule, Mason was treated with courteous conte
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 7: the Trent affair. (search)
the determination to be taken. In view of the pressure brought to bear upon the government and the attitude taken by France, wise counsels finally prevailed; and it was determined by the Federal Government to give up Messrs. Mason and Slidell to the representatives of the British Government authorized to receive them, and instructions were sent to the commanding officer at Fort Warren to place them on a small steamer and have them delivered on board a British war steamer then lying at Provincetown. The Commissioners and their suite were conveyed in this steamer to the island of St. Thomas, and thence by the colonial steam line which took passengers to Southampton, England, where they arrived safely. But notwithstanding the excitement in England. they were received with no official distinction. The exultation of the Confederates at what they chose to call the humiliation of the United States was excessive, though it would have pleased them better if the Federal government ha
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., chapter 48 (search)
the fine large ship lying close by, awaiting his orders. She proved to be the whaler, Benjamin Tucker, of New Bedford, eight months out, with 340 barrels of oil. But the Confederate captain had no need for oil, so he took from her only the tobacco and small stores, and after transferring her crew of thirty persons to his own vessel, applied the torch, and before ten o'clock she was a mass of flames fore-and-aft. The next morning he overtook and burned the schooner Courser. of Provincetown, Massachusetts. For a moment the springs of pity opened in the breast of the Confederate as he surveyed this pretty little craft, and looked upon her handsome young captain; but he had just finished reading a Northern paper, in which he was spoken of in terms that were anything but polite, and he had to steel his heart against his better feelings and let the laws of war be executed. He had now the crews of his three last prizes on board, and as they somewhat crowded the Alabama, he stood in
6 3081844Sch.MedfordGeorge Fuller'sGeorge FullerP. CookProvincetown105 309 Sch.JosephineGeorge Fuller'sGeorge FullerJoseph AtkinsProvincetown122 310 ShipSophia WalkerSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorWalker & BrotherBoston343 311 BarkMarySprague 313 BrigHenricoSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorH. PaneProvincetown142 314 BarkWagramSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorWilli3 3301845BarkP. CookGeorge Fuller'sGeorge FullerP. CookProvincetown137 331 ShipVersaillesSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorT Sch.Jane HowesSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorG. BowleyProvincetown110 334 BarkZamoraSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorWillimily HilliardSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorJohn DunlapProvincetown101 336 BrigPlanetSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorJ. Hi350 Sch.Charles AlstonSamuel Teel'sPeter LewisJohn AdamsProvincetown98 351 Sch.TonquinT. Magoun'sF. Waterman & H. EwellMino72 Sch.EugeneT. Magoun'sH. EwellParker, Cook, and othersProvincetown100 373 BrigPaulinaT. Magoun'sH. EwellE. Flinn an
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), Naval chronology 1861-1865: important naval engagements of the Civil war March, 1861-June, 1865 (search)
vessels of the Stone fleet. December 31, 1861. Two boats under Acting-Masters A. Allen and H. L. Sturges, from the U. S. S. Mount Vernon, destroyed a light-ship off Wilmington, N. C., which the Confederates had fitted up for a gunboat. Capture of the town of Biloxi, Miss., by U. S. gunboats Lewis, Water Witch, and New London, with Federal forces from Ship Island. January, 1862. January 1, 1862. Confed. Commissioners Mason and Slidell left Boston for England via Provincetown, Mass., where the British war steamer Rinaldo received them. January 12, 1862. Expedition sailed from Fort Monroe under command of Flag-Officer Golds-borough and Gen. Burnside, for Albemarle Sound, N. C. January 13, 1862. Steamship Constitution with the Maine 12th regiment, and the Bay State regiment, sailed from Boston for Ship Island, Miss., via Fort Monroe. January 26, 1862. Second Stone fleet was sunk in Maffitt's Channel, Charleston Harbor, S. C. January 30, 1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pilgrim fathers, the (search)
t meet and convenient for the general good of the colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names, at Cape Cod, the 11th of November [O. S.], in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord, King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, Anno Domini 1620. the Mayflower first anchored in Cape Cod Bay, just within the cape, on Nov. 21 (N. S.), in what is now the harbor of Provincetown, the only windward port for many a league where the vessel could have long safely lain. Nearly all the company went ashore, glad to touch land after the long voyage. They first fell on their knees, and thanked God for the preservation of their lives. The waters were shallow, and they had waded ashore—the men to explore the country, the women Old relic from the Mayflower. to wash their clothes after the long voyage. The spot chosen by a party of explorers for the permanent landi