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at discipline and rapidity the breaking up of the camp was managed. I suffered the whole regiment, 800 strong, to pass me, that I might observe more narrowly its composition. The scrutiny called forth my admiration. The men were all Virginians, whose easy and graceful seat betrayed the constant habit of horseback exercise, and they were mounted mostly on blooded animals, some of which the most ambitious Guardsman or the most particular swell in London would have been glad to show off in Hyde Park. Looking back across three eventful years to that morning's march, I realise how little it was in my thought that my lot should be knit so closely with that of these brave fellows in fatigue and in fight, and that I should have to mourn the loss of, alas! so many who afterwards fell around me in battle. After a ride of three hours, passing directly through Richmond to the opposite side of the city, we reached our destination, and Colonel Lee pointed out to me a man, galloping rapidly al
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 14: (search)
hour's walk of our camp, and I had the gratification of taking our new guest to see it. General Jenkins received us with his habitual courtesy, and manifestly felt great pride in showing off his magnificent brigade, which consisted of about 3500 men, veterans who had participated in nearly all the great battles of the war. Captain Phillips was highly pleased with the appearance of the brigade, and the material of which it was composed, saying, that while they would not do for a parade in Hyde Park, with their motley uniforms and their style of marching, the men looked like work. One of the regiments, the Hampton Legion, raised at the breaking-out of the war by the distinguished patriot and soldier whose name it bore, carried a flag displaying many rents of shot and shell, which had been presented to it by Mrs Hampton, who, with her own fair hands, had made it out of a robe worn by her several years previous at a Drawing-room of her Majesty Queen Victoria. We accepted General Je
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Steamboats, Hudson River (search)
every Saturday morning at nine o'clock the North River, do., every Tuesday morning at nine o'clock. prices of passage. From New York to Verplanck's Point, $2; West Point, $2.50 Newburgh, $3 ; Wappinger's Creek, $3.25; Poughkeepsie, $3.50; Hyde Park, $4; Esopus, $4.25; Red Hook, $4.50; Catskill, $5; Hudson, $5; Coxsackie, $5.50; Kinderhook, $5.75; Albany, $7. From Albany to Kinderhook, $1.50; Coxsackie, $2; Hudson, $2: Catskill, $2.25; Red Hook, $2.75; Esopus, $3; Hyde Park, $3.25; PougHyde Park, $3.25; Poughkeepsie, $3.50; Wappinger's Creek, $4; Newburgh, $4.25; West Point, $4.75; Verplanck's Point, $5.25; New York, $7. All other way passengers to pay at the rate of $1 for every twenty miles. No one can be taken on board and put on shore, however short the distance, for less than $1. Young persons from two to ten years of age to pay half price. Children under two years, one-fourth price. Servants who use a berth, twothirds price: half price if none. The invention of the steamboat.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Weld, Theodore Dwight 1803-1895 (search)
Weld, Theodore Dwight 1803-1895 Reformer; born in Hampton, Conn., Nov. 23, 1803; received a good education; was an abolitionist lecturer in 1833-36; became editor of the books and pamphlets of the American Anti-slavery Society in the latter year. In 1854 he founded a school for both white and negro children at Eagleswood, N. J. His publications include The power of Congress over the District of Columbia; The Bible against slavery; American slavery as it is, or the testimony of a thousand witnesses (said to have suggested the writing of Uncle Tom's cabin to Harriet Beecher Stowe); and Slavery and the internal slave-trade in the United States. He died in Hyde Park, Mass., Feb. 3, 1895.
point and a series of cutting edges of steps of increasing radius. Coal-break′er. A machine for crushing lumpcoal as taken from the mine. Also adapted to cleanse and assort it. The principle is illustrated in the annexed cut; rollers with spikes. Coal-breaker. The new breaker erected near Carbondale by the Erie Railway Company cost $300,000. Some in Schuykill County have cost over $200,000, and the new breaker of the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad Company, near Hyde Park, cost in the neighborhood of $250,000. Coal breaker and washer. In that invented by Berard, shown in Fig. 1354, the coal is carried to a hopper C, whence it falls on to a series of slanting movable gratings or perforated plates D suspended by chains or rods, and operated by a cam motion, by which it is sorted into various sizes. The larger pieces which fall through the first grating fall on the picking-table E, where stones and foreign substances are removed by hand, while the small
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
t 19 Feb ‘63; must. 26 Feb; 1st Lt 14 Apl 63, must. 23 Apl; Capt 20 Jan 64, must. 11 Mch. Discharged 30 Mch 65 expiration of personal service. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. Other service:—Co. I 1st Mass. 24 May 61, Corpl. Died 19 Aug 93 Hyde Park, Mass. Appleton, Thomas Larkin; Captain Co. G. 14 Oct 41 Boston; single; salesman; Brighton. 2nd Lt 19 Feb 63, must. 27 Feb; 1st Lt 24 May 63, must. 21 Aug; Capt 26 Jan 64, must. 30 Mch. Discharged 20 Aug 65 ex. term. Other service:—Co. C 1 18, sin.; farmer; Baltimore. 10 Dec 63; 20 Aug 65. $325. Watson, Henry Corpl. 18, sin.; laborer; Chatham Four Corners, N. Y. 9 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Weeden, Cornelius A. Corpl. 21, sin.; porter; Cambridge. 10 Jly 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Hyde Park. Williams, Charles E. 19, sin.; laborer; Chatham Four Corners, N. Y. 9 Mch 63; deserted 31 Mch 63 Readville. —— Williams, Daniel 21, sin.; farmer; Boston. 4 Dec 63; 20 Aug 65. $325. Williams, George W. 34, —— —— New Bedford
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 28: Philadelphia. (search)
personal cleanliness — than even the beauties of Fairmont Park. Yet Fairmont Park, containing three thousand five hundred acres, and lying along the Schuylkill River and Wissahickon Creek, is a wonder of the earth. Think of a park in which Hyde Park, with its four hundred acres (the Ring, the Serpentine, and the Ladies' Mile) would be lost! Central Park, New York, is more than double the size of Hyde Park, yet Central Park would lie in a mere corner of Fairmont Park. All the seven LondoHyde Park, yet Central Park would lie in a mere corner of Fairmont Park. All the seven London Parks thrown into one-Victoria, Greenwich, Finsbury, Battersea, St. James's, Hyde, and Regent's-would not make one Fairmont Park. Nor is the loveliness of Fairmont Park less striking than the size. Neither the Prater in Vienna, nor Las Delicias in Seville, nor the Bois de Boulogne in Paris, though bright and varied, can compare in physical beauty with Fairmont. The drive along the Guadalquiver on a summer evening is delicious; and the views of Sevres and St. Cloud are always charming; bu
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Preface. (search)
The author of this volume desires by way of preface to say just two things:--firstly, that it is his earnest hope that this record of a hero may be an aid to brave and true living in the Republic, so that the problems knocking at its door for solution may find the heads, the hands, and the hearts equal to the performance of the duties imposed by them upon the men and women of this generation. William Lloyd Garrison was brave and true. Bravery and truth were the secret of his marvelous career and achievements. May his countrymen and countrywomen imitate his example and be brave and true, not alone in emergent moments, but in everyday things as well. So much for the author's firstly, now for his secondly, which is to acknowledge his large indebtedness in the preparation of this book to that storehouse of anti-slavery material, the story of the life of William Lloyd Garrison by his children. Out of its garnered riches he has filled his sack. Hyde Park, Mass., May 10, 1891.
lobe, and ranges in size from pumps of a few hundred pounds weight to the highest grade of water-works pumping engines weighing over one million pounds each. Among the prominent American cities using the Blake water-works engines may be mentioned: Boston, New York, Washington, Camden, New Orleans, Cleveland, Mobile, Toronto, Shreveport, Helena, Birmingham, Racine, La Crosse, Mc-Keesport, etc. A partial list of places in Massachusetts includes: Cambridge, Newton, Brookline, Woburn, Natick, Hyde Park, Dedham, Needham, Wakefield, Malden, Arlington, Belmont, Walpole, Lexington, Gloucester, Marlboro, Weymouth, North Adams, Maynard, Mansfield, Randolph, Foxboro, Cohasset, Lenox, Chelsea, Brockton, Franklin, Provincetown, Canton, Stoughton, Braintree, and Wellesley. These engines are also in use in foreign water-works, as for instance at St. Petersburg, Honolulu, and Sydney. The new United States Navy is practically fitted out with Blake pumps, a partial list including the following ve
ill, 205; visit from G. 211; at R. Douglass's, 212; cause of womansuffrage movement, 381. Grimke, Angelina Emily [b. Charleston, S. C., Feb. 20, 1805; d. Hyde Park, Mass., Oct. 26, 1879], encouraged by E. Wright, 2.317; troubled by Clerical Appeal, 160, leaning to Perfectionism, 161; engagement to T. D. Weld, 211, marriage, 21, 215.—Letters to Catherine Beecher, 1.398, 2.134, G., 1.518, 2.38, 55; from E. Pease, 2.183. Grimke, Sarah Moore [b. Charleston, S. C., Nov. 26, 1792; d. Hyde Park, Mass., Dec. 23, 187], at sister's wedding, 2.213.—Letters to M. Parker, 2.134, H. C. Wright, 2.134, 160, 161. Grosvenor, Cyrus P., Rev., opposes Am. Union for t81.—Portrait in Life. Son of Sumner, Charles Pinckney [d. 1839, aged 63], 2.29. Sun (N. Y.), 1.521. Sunderland, La Roy, Rev. [b. April 22, 1804; d. Hyde Park, Mass., May 15, 1885], career, 1.236; warns G. of plot, 236; opposes enrolment of women, 2.297; at G.'s address, 358. Sussex, Duke of [1773-1843], patron of Cres<