shop; and they are seen hanging at the doors in every street.
The price is $3 per pound.
Wild turkies, geese, ducks, partridges, etc. are also exposed for sale, at enormous prices, and may mitigate the famine now upon us. The war has caused an enormous increase of wild game.
But ammunition is difficult to be obtained.
I see some perch, chubb, and other fish, but all are selling at famine prices.
The weather is charming, which is something in the item of fuel.
I sowed a bed of early York cabbage, to-day, in a sheltered part of the garden, and I planted twenty-four grains of early-sweet corn, some cabbage seed, tomatoes, beets, and egg-plants in my little hotbed — a flour barrel sawed in two, which I can bring into the house when the weather is cold.
I pray God the season may continue mild, else there must be much suffering.
And yet no beggars are seen in the streets. What another month will develope, I know not; the fortitude of the people, so far, is wonderful.
all Jackson in Heaven
two Pennsylvania boys make friends with the rebels
Extra Billy Leads the Confederate column into York, his brigade band playing Yankee Doodle, and makes a speech on the public Green
old Jube breaks up the meeting
Dick Ewecially concerned about the musical part of the performance.
We were about entering the beautiful Pennsylvania town of York, General Smith's brigade in the lead.
Under these conditions, feeling sure there was likely to be a breeze stirring aboutn and called a halt, his brigade stacking arms, and constituting, if not formally organizing, themselves and the people of York into a political meeting.
It was a rare scene — the vanguard of an invading army and the invaded and hostile populatio to say the matter was amicably arranged and the brigade and its unique commander moved on, leaving the honest burghers of York wondering what manner of men we were.
I should add that General Early had the greatest regard and admiration for General
0, 62-63; 24th Regiment, 79-80.
Virginia State guard, 42
Virginians and Virginia lauded, 35
Walker, Reuben Lindsay, 41
War of the Rebellion: ... Official Records, 343
Warren, Gouverneur Kemble, 178, 248
Washington, D. C., before the war, 25-32, 39
Washington and Lee University, 102
Waterloo Campaign, 347
Westover, Va., 106
Whitworth guns, 52
Wigfall, Louis Trezevant, 76
Wilderness Campaign, 191, 238-48, 299, 303
Williamsburg, Va., 78-85.
Williamson, William Garnett, 183-84.
Willis, Edward, 120-24.
Winchester, Va., 185, 192-97, 210
Winter camps, 120, 127, 242-43, 312-15.
Wise, Henry Alexander, 32
Wofford, William Tatum, 275, 278, 281-83.
Women and army morale, 324-26, 349-51.
Women on battlefields, 130-33, 229, 273, 309
Wright, Ambrose Ransom, 112
Yale University, 25, 34, 48-49, 62, 68, 115-16, 130, 175, 200, 292, 351, 354-55, 363
Yankee Doodle, 202
York, Pa., 202-206.
York River Railroad, 93, 95
Yorktown, Va., 73, 75