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William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik 395 13 Browse Search
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery. 214 4 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 79 3 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 74 22 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 55 45 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 31 1 Browse Search
John G. Nicolay, A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay and Hayes' Abraham Lincoln: A History 31 3 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 25 3 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 23 3 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 16 4 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik. You can also browse the collection for Springfield (Illinois, United States) or search for Springfield (Illinois, United States) in all documents.

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hing taken at second hand. He has visited — as I also did in 1865--Lincoln's birthplace in Kentucky, his early homes in Indiana and Illinois, and together, so to speak, he and I have followed our hero continuously and attentively till he left Springfield in 1861 to be inaugurated President. We have retained the original Mss. in all cases, and they have never been out of our hands. In relating facts therefore, we refer to them in most cases, rather than to the statements of other biographers.ginal Mss. in all cases, and they have never been out of our hands. In relating facts therefore, we refer to them in most cases, rather than to the statements of other biographers. This brief preliminary statement is made so that posterity, in so far as posterity may be interested in the subject, may know that the vital matter of this narrative has been deduced directly from the consciousness, reminiscences, and collected data of William H. Herndon. Springfield, Ill., November 1, 188
all, it was with great reluctance and significant reserve. There was something about his origin he never cared to dwell upon. His nomination for the Presidency in 1860, however, made the publication of his life a necessity, and attracted to Springfield an army of campaign biographers and newspaper men. They met him in his office, stopped him in his walks, and followed him to his house. Artists came to paint his picture, and sculptors to make his bust. His autographs were in demand, and peoWhile he was easy of approach and equally courteous to all, yet, as he said to me one evening after a long day of hand-shaking, he could not understand why people should make so much over him. Among the earliest newspaper men to arrive in Springfield after the Chicago convention was the late J. L. Scripps of the Chicago Tribune, who proposed to prepare a history of his life. Mr. Lincoln deprecated the idea of writing even a campaign biography. Why, Scripps, said he, it is a great p
sman. Oliphant's poetry. the reception at Springfield. the Captain's wife. return trip of the Ts now called Jamestown, five miles east of Springfield, then known as Judy's Ferry. Here Johnstonin charge of one Uriah Mann, they walked to Springfield, where after some inquiry they found the ges kind in the then unpretentious village of Springfield. The figure of a buck's head painted on a him. The early spring of 1832 brought to Springfield and New Salem a most joyful announcement. Talisman would put out from Cincinnati for Springfield, we can well imagine what great excitementnded enthusiasm followed the announcement. Springfield, New Salem, and all the other towns along tcription lists, were held; the merchants of Springfield advertised the arrival of goods direct fromought it was a dream. On its arrival at Springfield, or as near Springfield as the river ran, trs openly offended the high-toned nature of Springfield's fair ladies; but not more than the lament[4 more...]
l, 1856, and was located by himself at Springfield, Illinois, December 27, 1859, on the east half oPappsville, a village eleven miles west of Springfield. After the sale was over and speech-making, John T. Stuart, who was practicing law in Springfield, frequently walking there to return one andost intense order. On the road to and from Springfield he would read and recite from the book he c shrewd young merchant who had come up from Springfield and taken quite a fancy to Lincoln. The twand admired him. After Lincoln's removal to Springfield they frequently held joint debates on polit, and had mounted his horse and started for Springfield. Meanwhile, my neighbors, continued Chandlnt him and put him through. When you reach Springfield put him up at Herndon's tavern and I'll cal to follow on the jaded animal. He reached Springfield over an hour in advance of his rival and th is increased to 1390. Dr. A. W. French, of Springfield, is the possessor of an official return of [3 more...]
with the line, Oh! Why should the spirit of mortal be proud. Lincoln's love for this poem has certainly made it immortal. He committed these lines to memory, and any reference to or mention of Miss Rutledge would suggest them, as if to celebrate a grief which lay with continual heaviness on his heart. There is no question that from this time forward Mr. Lincoln's spells of melancholy became more intense than ever. In fact a tinge of this desperate feeling of sadness followed him to Springfield. He himself was somewhat superstitious about it, and in 1840-41 wrote to Dr. Drake, a celebrated physician in Cincinnati, describing his mental condition in a long letter. Dr. Drake responded, saying substantially, I cannot prescribe in your case without a personal interview. Joshua F. Speed, to whom Lincoln showed the letter addressed to Dr. Drake, writing to me from Louisville, November 30, 1866, says: I think he (Lincoln) must have informed Dr. Drake of his early love for Miss Rutle
Mrs. Able visited Kentucky, and he said to her in Springfield, Tell your sister that I think she was a great fosted for the removal of the seat of government to Springfield, he gets down to personal matters by apprising hethe adjournment of the Legislature he returned to Springfield, from which point it was a matter of easy drivingborne in mind that he had by this time removed to Springfield, the county seat, and entered on the practice of in his mind. Here is one characteristic letter: Springfield, May 7, 1837. friend Mary: I have commenced t, turn out as it may. This thing of living in Springfield is rather a dull business after all — at least ithinking of what we said of your coming to live at Springfield. I am afraid you would not be satisfied. Thereim but little encouragement, for on his return to Springfield he immediately indulged in an epistolary effusionss Owens made her final departure from Illinois. Springfield, April 1, 1838. Dear Madam:-- Without apologiz
mprovements. the removal of the capital to Springfield. the Committee on Finance. the New Englan Stone protest. return of the long Nine to Springfield. Lincoln removes to Springfield. licenseditution. The return of the Long Nine to Springfield was the occasion of much enthusiasm and joycome to our office — Stuart's and mine — in Springfield from New Salem and borrow law-books. Sometomprehended by the terms, the poor whites. Springfield, containing between one and two thousand pe great influence with the leading people in Springfield. He used to relate that on the next mornin. Lincoln's first attempt at settlement in Springfield, which preceded a few days his partnership the removal of the capital from Vandalia to Springfield, took no little interest in Lincoln, while ionism pure and simple. On my return to Springfield from college, I hired to Joshua F. Speed assides this organization we had a society in Springfield,, which contained and commanded all the cu[13 more...]<
rld. The State Capital had been removed to Springfield, and he soon observed the power and influenat myself, and after mingling in society in Springfield she repeated the seemingly absurd and idle away. In the fall he and Speed returned to Springfield. At this point, as affording us the most ren Dr. Merryman and myself. I travelled to Springfield part of the way with him, and part with Mr.ade it necessary to start at once. We left Springfield at eleven o'clock on Tuesday night, travellped to avoid any difficulty with any one in Springfield while residing there, by endeavoring to conoln or any other person; and we started for Springfield forthwith. We all, except Mr. Shields, arrived in Springfield late at night on Monday. We discovered that the affair had, somehow, got grst there for the night. Word was sent into Springfield, and of course the leading Democrats of thehe bravest men and the best legal talent in Springfield had marched. Hardin, Baker, Bissell, and e[25 more...]
an amusing incident illustrating Kentucky hospitality. He set out from Ransdell's tavern in Springfield, early in the morning. The only other passenger in the stage for a good portion of the dista circuit with Lincoln probably one-fourth of the time. The remainder of my time was spent in Springfield looking after the business there, but I know that life on the circuit was a gay one. It was es Court. It reads like the letter of a politician in the midst of a canvass for office: Springfield, Ill., December 6, 1854. Hon. Justice McLean. Sir: I understand it is in contemplation to dist Grand Rapids, Mich., and on hearing from my brother I immediately packed up and started for Springfield. I arrived there on Saturday night. On Sunday Mr. Lincoln was pointed out to me. I well reme might look in the future. I venture the assertion that he was the only member of the bar in Springfield who would have taken such a conscientious view of the matter. One phase of Lincoln's char
ile this and other apparent contradictions. I was not only associated with Mr. Lincoln in Springfield, but was frequently on the circuit with him, but of course not so much as Judge Davis, who hy that he became her surety for costs, paid her way home, and her hotel bill while she was in Springfield. When the judgment was paid we remitted the proceeds to her and made no charge for our serviored the few papers to be used in court, and underclothing enough to last till his returns to Springfield. He slept in a long, coarse, yellow flannel shirt, which reached half-way between his knees ty the displeasure that filled his bosom, and shook its dust from his feet. On his return to Springfield he was somewhat reticent regarding the trial, and, contrary to his custom, communicated to hiln grew into public favor and achieved such marked success in the profession, half the bar of Springfield began to be envious of his growing popularity. I believe there is less jealousy and bitter f