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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 28, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 14, 1865., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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by a battery, designated as battery G, of two 8-inch howitzers; by battery F, of two 8-inch howitzers and two 42-pounders; by battery E, of one 8-inch columbiad; by battery D, of two 8-inch columbiads; by battery O, of two 24-pounders; by battery B, of two 24-pounders; by "Star of the West" battery, of four 24-pounders; by sunken battery of two 9-inch Dahlgren guns; by a battery at Vinegar Hill, of two 24-pounders; and by two 24-;pounders and two 12-pounders at Light-House Inlet. At Fort Johnston, on James' Island, there are two mortar batteries, of two 10-inch mortars in each, and one gun battery of one 24-pounder. At Fort Palmetto, on Cole's Island, near the mouth of Stone river, there is a battery of two 24-pounders and 18-pounders. At Battery Island, on Stone river, four 24-pounders have been ordered to be placed in battery. A mortar battery, of three mortars, is in the course of construction near Mount Pleasant. A floating battery, strongly made, and case
eston Mercury, of Saturday last, says: A gentleman who arrived here, yesterday, from Wilmington, North Carolina, informs us that a large ship — name unknown — got aground on the Frying Pan Shoal, on Wednesday last. Her boat came into Smithville, N. C., for assistance, when a tug-boat went to her aid. She was assisted off by the tug, her captain representing that she was bound on a whaling voyage; but from the very large amount of provisions on board, the suspicions of the North Caroliniaxcited, and they have reason to believe that she is a Government transport, bound to some military post on the Gulf — perhaps to Pensacola. They have consequently taken possession of her, had her cargo taken out, and have carried the ship into Smithville. The supply of food on board is said to have been immense, the ship drawing twenty-one feet of water when taken, and she is said to be a large and fine vessel. P. S.--A dispatch which we receive just as we go to press, informs us that the<
ltrie, of the Revolution, is now covered by the waters of the ocean, so does that part of Morris' Island, where our batteries were planted against Sumter, seem destined to be washed away. The encroachments of the sea have lately been greater than at any previous period, and Cumming's Point will, if they continue, soon cease to be. Some of the works which it was not deemed necessary to level, and which we had supposed might remain for years, evidences of the industry of our troops, have melted away. The tents even of some of the troops now guarding the channel batteries were washed down, and their camp had to be removed. What the effect will be upon our harbor, should this island wash away, we cannot say; but attention should be given to it, its effects closely watched, and, if injurious, guarded against. A good military road along the beach, from Fort Johnston to opposite the city, should at once be made, as well for military purposes as to preserve that shore line from change.
augurated here by the most unusual excitement, caused by the arrival of a special train from Wilmington. N. C., containing a committee, who came on a most remarkable errand. This committee consisted of the Hon. W. S. Ashe, Captain E. D. Hall, and Messrs. Larriset and Hedick. The business of the committee was to consult with Gov. Ellis upon the propriety of taking Fort Johnson, a revolutionary fortress situated on Cape Fear river, about two miles from its mouth, and near the town of Smithville. Gov. Ellis did not advise the taking possession of the fort, but the committee returned home this evening, resolved upon taking care of the entire Cape Fear section. The committee dined at the Kane House, with Speaker Clarke, of the Senate; John Spelman, editor of the State Journal; Capt. Hoke, a member of the House of Commons, from Lincoln county, and several others. The course of President Buchanan is universally condemned here. The revenue cutter William Aiken.
first-class fortification, of a hexagonal form, built of massive Northern granites masonry, having two tiers of guns under bombproof casemates, and one tier of guns en barbette. It is situated at the entrance of Cape Fear river, two miles from Smithville. Its armament consists of twelve 32 pounders, twenty-two 24-pounders, four 18-pounders, four 12 pounders, three field-pieces for flanking defences, six flank howitzers, six eight-inch howitzers, (heavy,) two ten-inch mortars and two Coehorn mowork of the covered way, as these portions now bear directly upon the channel, which has shifted from the east to the west snore.--New platforms for these guns will require to be constructed. The battery Johnson, mounting ten guns, Situated at Smithville, with a magazine, is auxiliary to Fort Caswell. Resolutions passed by New York. The New York Legislature has passed the following resolutions: Whereas,The insurgent State of South Carolina, after seizing the post office, custom-h
The Daily Dispatch: September 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], Another interesting narrative of a cruise in the ocean. (search)
On the 27th inst., soon after taking in a supply of fuel at Hatteras harbor, discovered about ten sell of vessels in the offing, supposed to be United States vessels-of-war; seven of them were steamers and three sailing vessels — stood south for Ocracoke, where we put in and landed several persons. Started immediately for Beaufort, but it was too dark to cross the bar when it was reached, and we were compelled to run for New Inlet, which we crossed and arrived safely at Wilmington. Left Smithville at 5 A. M. on Friday, and reached this port on the afternoon of the same day. When off Bull, saw a large U. S. steamer, with a walking-beam, steering northeast, and off this bar found two vessels, not keeping up the blockade — at least, they were unable to keep out the Gordon. Capt. Lockwood deserves great credit for the skill and good judgment which has characterized his management of the steamer, he having successfully run the blockade at several ports, and frequently been chased by war
se and infinite trouble, upon the most barren of beaches, at a long distance from the main land, and in localities to which it was necessary to transport everything save the sand used in the construction. A regiment has likewise been raised for the coast defence in the Eastern section of the State, composed of the very flower of Carolina's chivalry, and every effort made to perfect it in the heavy artillery drill, so as to prepare for emergencies. Nor is this all. Forts Macon, Caswell and Johnston have been repaired, strengthened, reinforced and rendered impregnable — a work of herculean labor, as all must admit who are acquainted with the facts of the case. In addition to these things, let me point you to the splendid regiments which this Board has raised, equipped, and sent to Virginia, to fight the battles of the Confederacy. In a word, sirs, much of the praise which, by universal consent, is lavished upon North Carolina, because of the efficient aid she has given to her sis
North Carolina coast. Correspondent at Smithville, N. C., that everything remains quiet in though three Federal steamers hovering about New Inlet, may be made any moment.-- situated near the mouth of Cape well known as the locality while Fort Caswell is situated in convenient proximity. The facts as relative to the preparation the coast to repel the invader, are character, yet too Without going further we may say that we have apprehension of a repetition of in the vicinity of Cape
k enough of us to come to see us we will endeavor to give them as warm a reception as possible. The militia of New Hanover and Brunswick counties (N. C.) called out. The Wilmington (N. C.) Journal, of the 29th inst., has the following call upon the militia of that State: We are requested by Gen. Anderson, commander of coast defences, to state that he has called on the civil authorities of Hanover and Brunswick counties for the assembling of the militia of Brunswick county at Smithville; and of New Hanover at Wilmington, without delay. Every man is requested to bring such arms and ammunition as they can procure, and come quick. Absconded to the fleet. The Charleston Mercury says: A canoe boat, containing six contrabands, was seen to go off to the fleet from the neighborhood of Long Island, on Wednesday last. They were noticed going up the sides of one of the ships after the boat got to the man-of-war, and they have, no doubt, remained on board. It is sa
4. --Reliable intelligence has been received here from Goldsboro' Headquarters which announces that the steamer Union (one of the Federal fleet) went ashore 15 miles from Fort Macon on Saturday night. She had passed to the south of Frying Pan shoals, when she was driven back by the gale. She was loaded with horses, gun carriages, powder, &c. There will be very little of value saved, Seventy-three prisoners fell into the hands of the Confederates. A small Federal steamer was off Smithville on Saturday evening with a white flag flying, but she could not be seen or found on yesterday. [second Dispatch.] Wilmington, N. C., Nov. 4. --Seventy-three prisoners from the Federal steamer Union, arrived at Goldsboro' at noon to-day, and were immediately sent forward to Raleigh under guard. It is currently reported here that three Federal transports went ashore near Georgetown, S. C. Several of the crews, including two negroes, were lodged in Georgetown jail on yesterd