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Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
n the various islands in Charleston harbor until after the fall of Fort Sumter. On April 13, 1861, he was commissioned second lieutenant in the army of the Confederate States, and his early assignments to duty were, first as drillmaster at Smithville, N. C., then at Fort Macon, Beaufort harbor, and later at Richmond, Va., where he served for several months as mustering officer under General Winder. In April, 1862, he was promoted to first lieutenant of artillery and assigned to duty as ordnanf the board of trustees of the State university, filling that position until 1894. In 1890 he located at Florence, S. C., and engaged in his present general stock and agricultural business. He was married in 1864 to Miss Sarah E. Davis, of Southport, N. C., and they have had three children, two of whom are living, James C., a practicing physician at Whitesville, N. C., having been educated at the university of North Carolina and at the university of Maryland in Baltimore. The second son, Juli
James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 4: (search)
of forty miles. Each of the channels was protected by strong works, and each required a separate blockading force. Smithville, a small town on the Cape Fear River about equidistant from the two entrances, was the point of departure of the blockah him Acting-Ensign Jones, Acting-Master's Mate Howarth, and twenty men, he proceeded past the fort and up the river to Smithville. His object was to land at the town, capture the commanding officer, and board any vessels he might find in the harborrprise hardly worth the risk, for the danger was great, and the capture of a dozen commanding officers at such posts as Smithville would not compensate for the loss of one cushing. Still, cushing's coolness and audacity would counterbalance almost aanied him on his previous expedition, and fifteen men. Pulling up the river, the party passed the forts and the town of Smithville. Meantime the moon had come out, and when about fifteen miles from the mouth of the river, they were discovered by sen
Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 9: reduction of Newbern—the Albemarle. (search)
only fair to say that the narrators were quite as frequently of the National as of the Confederate forces. Cushing, commanding the — Monticello, blockading the western entrance to Cape Fear River, on the night of the 29th of February visited Smithville with two boats manned by twenty men. His object was to capture the commanding officer, and to carry out any vessel that might be at anchor near by. He landed directly in front of the hotel, captured some negroes to gain information, after whiche to determine the position of the Raleigh. On the night of the 23d he left his command in a ship's boat, taking with him Ensign Jones, Master's Mate Howarth, and 15 men, crossed the west bar, passed the forts, then the town and batteries of Smithville, and pulled swiftly up the river undiscovered. He was within the river some two days, visited the wreck of the Raleigh, and coming out effected his escape with his usual gallantry and cleverness. As auxiliary again to proposed army operatio
was filled with torpedoes. The work of dragging for them was painfully slow and laborious. The army was pressing onward also on both banks of the river to Wilmington. The march of General Sherman Lad been delayed by rains; a considerable force under Bragg opposed the progress of the comparatively small one under General Terry, who could well afford to move cautiously, as the end was inevitable and could not be far off. For the reduction of Wilmington General Schofield advanced from Smithville on the 17th of February. At the same time Admiral Porter attacked Fort Anderson, situated on the river, nearly half way to Wilmington, the monitor Montauk close to the works, and the gunboats Pawtuxet, Lenapee, Unadilla, and Pequot at some distance; the river had been previously dragged for torpedoes. The attacking force was limited, by reason of the difficulty of having more vessels in position. The following day (18th), in order to get more batteries to bear, at 8 A. M. the monitor Mo
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Maps, sketches, etc., Pertaining to the several volumes. (search)
arpeth River, Tenn 105 Volume XLVI. Amelia Court-House, Va. 78 Appomattox Court-House, Va. 78 Army of the Potomac 76 Army of the Valley 84 Bermuda Hundred, Va. 77 Beverly, W. Va. 84 Brunswick and New Hanover Counties, N. C. 132 Central Virginia 74, 100 Chester, Va. 78, 79 Dinwiddie Court-House, Va. 74 Farmville, Va. 78 Fifth Army Corps 94 Five Forks, Va. 66, 68, 77 Fort Burnham, Va. 68 Fort Caswell, N. C. 75, 129 Fort Johnston, N. C. 132 High Bridge, Va. 78 Jetersville, Va. 77 Manchester, Va. 78 Petersburg, Va. 77, 78, 79, 100, 118 Pocahontas and Highland Counties, W. Va. 116 Richmond, Va. 77, 100 Rude's Hill, Va. 84 Sailor's Creek, Va. 77 Smith's Island, N. C. 132 Washington, D. C. 89 Waynesborough, Va. 72 Wilmington, N. C. 132 Volume XLVII. Atlanta, Ga. To Goldsborough, N. C. 76 Averasborough, N. C. 79, 80, 133 Bentonville, N. C. 68, 79, 80, 1
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
9, H4; 143, H14; 144, D14; 171 Views 1, 2; 2, 2 Johnson's Crook, Ga. 50, 5; 97, 1; 111, 9 Johnson's Island, Ohio: Sketch of military prison 66, 10 Johnsonville, Tenn. 24, 3; 115, 1 Vicinity of 115, 1 Fort Johnston, N. C. 76, 2, 76, 4; 105, 8; 132, 3; 135-A Sketch 132, 3 Johnstontown, W. Va. 116, 2 Jollification, Mo. 160, C11 Fort Jones, Tenn.: Plan 111, 14 Jonesborough, Ala. 24, 3; 117, 1; 118, 1; 148, B5; 149, E4 JonesA; 149, B11 Smith's Island, N. C.: Defenses 51, 4; 132, 4 Smith's Mills, Ky. 150, B3; 151, G4 Smith's Store, Va. 20, 1; 21, 9; 74, 1; 100, 2 Smithville, Ark. 135-A; 153, F5; 171 Smithville, Mo. 161, B10 Smithville, N. C. 76, 2, 76, 4; 105, 8; 118, 1; 132, 1, 132, 3; 135-A; 139, D10; 171 Smithville, Tenn. 24, 3; 30, 2; 118, 1; 135-A; 150, H8 Smoky Hill, Kans. 119, 1 Smoky Hill Fork, Kans. 135-A; 171 Smoky Hill River, Kans. 119, 1
hich I have directed him to send to you. Should you find an advance on Wilmington impracticable, keep up such a threatening attitude that the enemy will be compelled to retain all the force he now has, and push on the column from Newbern. On the 9th of February, Schofield's advance arrived at the mouth of the Cape Fear river, and Cox's division of the Twenty-third corps was landed on the peninsula above Fort Fisher. Terry still held a line about two miles north of the fort, as well as Smithville and Fort Caswell, on the opposite side of Cape Fear river; while the squadron covered the flanks on the sea-coast and in the stream. The rebel line in front of Terry reached across the peninsula, and on the western bank the enemy occupied Fort Anderson, about twelve miles below Wilmington, with a line three-fourths of a mile in length, the right resting on a swamp: Hoke was in general command. Schofield pronounced Fort Anderson impregnable to a direct attack, and made his dispositions to
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Morris Island. (search)
by. He hailed it, and was informed, to his joy, that it was a ten-oared Confederate barge, which had turned back to avoid capture, and was going round by Sullivan's Island. The officer in charge, in reply to his earnest appeal, For God's sake take me with you! replied, The Yankees are too near to stop, but wade out, and we will take you in. So the last Confederate soldier who left Morris Island waded out breast-high in the water and was hauled aboard as the boat shot by. They reached Fort Johnston at about 3 o'clock in the morning, and found that Colonel Yates and a detachment of Regulars were about to set off for Morris Island, to make an attempt to rescue him, but the effort would probably have failed. A report that Captain Huguenin had been killed preceded him to the city, and when he reported himself, at about 8 o'clock, at General Ripley's headquarters, the greeting given him by the General was very characteristic. In his bluff, military manner he said: Is that you? Why,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A list of Confederate officers, prisoners, who were held by Federal authority on Morris Island, S. C., under Confederate fire from September 7th to October 21st, 1864. (search)
M. Gunther, 1st N. C. inft. Zzz=1st Lt. John Q. Bullock, 23d N. C. inft., Tranquility. Zzz=1st Lt. John F. Gamble, 14th N. C. inft., Shelby. Zzz=1st Lt. J. D. Maloy, 51st N. C. inft., Buckhorn. Zzz=1st Lt. H. Easp, 24th N. C. inft., Smithville. Zzz=1st Lt. J. C. McMillan, 1st N. C. inft., Wilmington. Zzz=1st Lt. C. P. Mallett, 3d N. C. inft., Fayetteville. Zzz=1st Lt. J. Hobson, 2d N. C. inft., Knoxville. Zzz=1st Lt. F. F. Patrick, 32d N. C. inft., Columbia. Zzz=1st Lt C. Carson, Gen. Young's A. A. C., Natchez. 2d Lt. W. T. Jeffreys, Powers' cav., Port Gibson. Zzz=2d Lt. W. L. Bartoes, 2d Miss. inft., Tupelo. Zzz=2d Lt. John R. Cason, Miss. inft., Watson. Zzz=2d Lt. J. W. Jones, 1st Miss. inft., Smithville. Zzz=2d Lt. R. J. Howard, 1st Miss. inft., Byhatia. Zzz=2d Lt. B. S. Grant, 42d Miss. inft., Pontatack. Zzz=2d Lt. F. M. Bassonell, 12th Miss. inft., Union Chun. Zzz=2d Lt. J. M. Allen, 29th Miss. inft., Granada. Zzz=2d Lt. Wm. M
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.13 (search)
ence of the Ashley and Cooper rivers These rivers in flowing together form a broad, picturesque and beautiful bay, lying to the southeast of the city, which has for its northern boundary the mainland, and for its southern, James island. Fort Sumter is constructed upon its own little island of artificial rock, and is situated within the entrance to the harbor. It is nearly equi-distant between James and Sullivan's islands, and is three and a half miles from East Bay battery of the city. Fort Johnston on James island is situated to the right of Sumter as you look from the battery towards the sea, and is one mile and a quarter from the Fort. Fort Moultrie, on Sullivan's island, is to the left of Sumter and about one mile distant from it. Morris island, upon which Battery Wagner was built, is a long, low, sandy sea island, denuded of growth, save here and there a solitary palmetto, and was considered practically the key to Charleston. Its northern end nearest the city, known as Cummin