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ng on their horses three days rations and forage. Owing to the condition of the roads the artillery attached to the division could proceed no farther than Warrenton. The command returned to-day, having travelled ninety miles during the three days absence, and encountered severe deprivations in consequence of the intensely cold weather; but no enemy was discovered. Owing to the depth of the Shenandoah River, no attempt was made to cross it. A fight occurred near Fort Sumner, New Mexico, in which the Union troops belonging to General Carlton's command, routed the Navijo Indians, killing forty and wounding twenty-five. Forty Sioux Indians surrendered themselves to the Union forces, at Pembina, Dacotah Territory.--rear-Admiral Farragut sailed from the navy-yard at Brooklyn, New York, in the flagship Hartford to assume command of the East Gulf squadron.--joint resolutions of thanks to General Robert E. Lee and the officers and soldiers under his command, by the rebel Congress.
s of buffalo and elk, and hunting for forage and water. They bring in all sorts of trophies. One night they discovered an old Indian pack ox, that looks some as I imagine the infernal bovines ought to, and yesterday a nest of young eagles, a pemican and wolf were brought in. Their life is a hard one, but they enjoy it. It is a rich treat to hear their stories of experience and adventure while engaged as fur traders and hunters on the prairies. One of the Indian scouts, Antoine by name, has offered to carry the mail to and from the expedition throughout the campaign, whether it be one hundred or three hundred miles, and however dangerous the venture. He wants the privilege of killing one horse to every trip, and good pay for his labor, which he will be sure to get. He cannot be induced to speak of any danger. It is to his pluck that I am indebted for this opportunity to send a letter. He is an old Red River Indian, and came into camp in a genuine Pembina cart a few days since.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
of the 31st of December. 1861. A large portion of the vessels went up the Broad River, on the westerly side of Port Royal Island, to approach the Ferry by Whale Creek; and at the same time General Stevens's forces made their way to a point where the Brick Yard Creek, a continuation of the Beaufort River, unites with the Coosaw. There he was met by Commander Rogers, with launches, and his troops were embarked on large fiat boats, at an early hour in the morning. Jan. 1, 1862. The Ottawa, Pembina, and Hale soon afterward entered the Coosaw, and at Adams's plantation, about three miles below the Ferry, the land Port Royal Ferry before the attack. and naval forces pressed forward to the attack, two of the howitzers of the Wabash accompanying the former, under Lieutenant Irwin. Stevens threw out the Eighth Michigan as skirmishers, and the gun-boats opened a brisk fire into the woods in their front. The Seventy-ninth New York led. Very soon a concealed battery near the Ferry was
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
tiago de Cuba. Schooner Emma Amelia 3,649 52 503 94 3,145 58 Key West Mar. 17, 1864 Roebuck. Sloop Elisha Beckwith 2,174 39 528 35 1,646 04 do Mar. 29, 1864 Pembina. Schooner Emma Tuttle 5,833 64 1,332 52 4,501 12 Philadelphia Mar. 29, 1864 Hope. Steamer Eugenie 24,239 67 1,597 99 22,641 68 Key West Mar. 29, 1864 R. R. Mar. 17, 1864 Tioga. Schooner Juniper 2,228 59 502 32 1,726 27 do Mar. 17, 1864 Kennebec. Schooner Joe Flanner 11,747 21 1,466 52 10,280 69 do Mar. 29, 1864 Pembina. Steamer Jeff Davis Waiting for prize lists of Benton, St. Louis, Louisville, Carondelet, Cairo. 500 00 47 45 452 55 Springfield   Benton, St. Louis, Louisv18, 1864 Primrose. Schooner Rebecca 2,022 41 612 04 1,410 37 Philadelphia Nov. 6, 1862 Bienville. Schooner Rowena 5,553 01 929 96 4,623 05 do Sept. 15, 1863 Pembina, Pawnee, Huron, Unadilla, H. Andrews, E. P. Hale, Ellen. Schooner R. O. Bryan, cargo of 1,209 78 371 13 838 65 Boston Jan. 13, 1863 Rhode Island.   Rum, 8 b
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 36. battle of Port Royal, S. C. Fought November 7, 1861. (search)
ory. To make a long story short, he is perfect master of his profession in my opinion, second to none, and so considered by all on board the Unadilla. On the morning of the 7th November at nine o'clock the signal was made from the flag-ship to get under way, a signal we had been watching anxiously for some time. I never saw an anchor come up livelier in my life. We then started up the bay in the following order: Wabash, Susquehanna, Seminole, Mohican, Pawnee, Unadilla, Ottawa, Seneca, Pembina, Augusta, Bienville, Curlew, Penguin, Pocahontas, Isaac Smith, and R. B. Forbes. The two batteries are called Forts Beauregard and Walker. The former on the right, on Bay Point, the other on the left, on Hilton Head. The former mounting eighteen guns, and the other twenty-two, and big ones, too--ten-inch columbiads and eighty pounders, rifled. We commenced on Fort Beauregard and so round to Fort Walker, keeping under weigh and going round, first one fort and then the other. The ball
oard quarter and maintaining it during the entire action. They were drawn up in the following order: Main column.Starboard column. Wabash,Bienville, SusquehannSeneca, Mohican,Curlew, Seminole,Penguin, Pawnee,Ottawa, Unadilla,Vandalia. Pembina.  The arrangement of the ships was a work of speedy accomplishment. They presented a noble and magnificent spectacle. It was apparent to all that the great mission upon which we had been sent, was now about to be undertaken in hearty earnusly feeling the way with the sounding line, arranged in two columns, of which the first was led by the flag-ship, and the second by the Bienville. The first column comprised the Wabash, Susquehanna, Mohican, Seminole, Pawnee, Unadilla, Ottawa, Pembina, and Vandalia, in tow of the Isaac Smith. The gunboats Penguin, Augusta, Curlew, Seneca, and R. B. Forbes, followed in the track of the Bienville. Sufficient space was given each vessel, in order that the fire from one column might not interfe
Doc. 137 1/2. capture of Beaufort, S. C. A correspondent of the New York Herald, gives the following account of this capture:-- Fort Walker, Port Royal harbor, S. C., November 11, 1861. On Saturday noon last, in pursuance of the orders of Flag-officer Dupont, the gunboats Seneca, Lieutenant-Commanding David Ammen; Pembina, Lieutenant-Commanding John Bankhead, and the Curlew, Lieutenant Whortmough, proceeded up the Beaufort River to reconnoitre, and to take possession of two lightboats, which had been removed there early in the summer. The boats proceeded rapidly up the stream, cleared for action, and ready for any emergency; but the banks of the river were found deserted save by groups of negroes, who were observed to gaze upon the novel sight of three war vessels bearing the Stars and Stripes on South Carolina waters, with curiosity, if not with lively fear. No whites could be seen, and no defences of any kind could be described, beside a battery near Beaufort, where
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 224. expedition to Ossabaw, Ga. (search)
Doc. 224. expedition to Ossabaw, Ga. Commander Rodgers' report. United States flagship Wabash, Port Royal harbor, Dec. 12, 1861. sir: I left Tybee Roads before daylight yesterday morning, with the Ottawa, Seneca, Pembina, and Henry Andrew, and crossed the bar at Ossabaw soon after eight o'clock. Entering and passing up Vernon River, we discovered, on the eastern end, on Green Island, a fort mounting eight guns, apparently of heavy calibre. Near it we saw about seventy-five tents. There was a barrack near the fort, and another building was in process of erection. I think the work is not yet completed. The fort is advantageously placed, and its approaches landward are well protected by marshes. It has three faces, upon two of which guns are mounted. It commands not only Vernon River, but Little Ogeechee and Hellgate Passage from Vernon River into Great Ogeechee. Its long-range guns will also reach the channel of the Great Ogeechee. We were exactly two nautical mil
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 13 (search)
-ninth Indiana; Northerner, One Hundred and Twentieth Ohio; Belle Peoria, headquarters Second Brigade, two companies Forty-ninth Ohio, and pontoons; Die Vernon, Third Kentucky; War Eagle, Forty-ninth Indiana (eight companies), and Foster's battery; Henry von Phul, headquarters Third Brigade, and eight companies Sixteenth Ohio; Fanny Bullitt, One Hundred and Fourteenth Ohio, and Lamphere's battery; Crescent City, Twenty-second Kentucky and Fifty-fourth Indiana; Des Moines, Forty-second Ohio; Pembina, Lamphere's and Stone's batteries; Lady Jackson, commissary-boat. Fourth Division, Brigadier-General Frederick Steele.--Steamers Continental, headquarters, escort and battery; John J. Roe, Fourth and Ninth Iowa; Nebraska, Thirty-first Iowa; Key West, First Iowa Artillery; John Warner, Thirteenth Illinois; Tecumseh, Twenty-sixth Iowa; Decatur, Twenty-eighth Iowa; Quitman, Thirty-fourth Iowa; Kennett, Twenty. ninth Missouri; Gladiator, Thirtieth Missouri; Isabella, Thirty-first Missouri; D
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 2.-fight at Port Royal, S. C. January 1, 1862. (search)
aval forces, consisting of the gunboats Ottawa, Lieutenant Commanding Stevens; Pembina, Lieutenant Commanding Bankhead, and the four armed boats of this ship, carryi31st of December, with the gunboats Ottawa, Lieutenant Commanding Stevens, and Pembina, Lieutenant Commanding Bankhead, and the four large boats of this ship, each c in the wood, we opened a hot fire of shot and shells from the Ottawa, Seneca, Pembina, Ellen, and Hale, and after firing briskly for a time slackened the fire so ashe same time Corn. Dupont issued orders to the gunboats Ottawa, Capt. Rogers, Pembina, Captain Bankhead, the Seneca, the Ellen, and Hale. The Forty-seventh and Forear's call upon the enemy, but none knew where until under way. The Ottawa and Pembina, convoying the troops on the transports, went up Beaufort River, and turned inth impunity. On Tuesday, December 31st, the gunboats Ottawa, Capt. Stevens; Pembina, Capt. Bankhead; and armed transport Hale, temporarily under command of Lieute