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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Eighth regiment Massachusetts Infantry (Militia), 3 months, 9 months and 100 days service. (search)
e months troops, which was made in the autumn of 1882, the regiment again went into service, and November 25 it left the State for North Carolina, encamping at New Berne upon its arrival. Two companies were detached in December and served at Roanoke Island, two companies joining them in February. On June 28, 1863, the regiment was ordered to Massachusetts to be mustered out, but on the 30th was sent to Baltimore; on July 7 it marched to Maryland Heights, and on the 12th, joined by the detachedand Heights, and on the 12th, joined by the detached companies from Roanoke Island, it moved with the Army of the Potomac to the Rappahannock. On July 29 the regiment returned to Massachusetts and was mustered out August 7. In July, 1864, it was mustered in for one hundred days; this term of service it spent in camp near Baltimore, Md., doing guard and hospital duty. It prepared for its return to Massachusetts on October 28; and Nov. 10, 186, it was mustered out of service for the last time.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-first regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
ABCDEFGHIK Killed and died of wounds,— Officers,110––––––––––––11 Enlisted men,–––1117181515814111715–141 Totals,––––––––––––––152 Died by accident or disease,— Officers,–2––––––––––––2 Enlisted men,––1644310969915278 Totals,––––––––––––––80 Died as prisoners,— Officers,––––––––––––––– Enlisted men,–––1311––2–1––9 Total losses,— Officers,112––––––––––––13 Enlisted men,––1182423192517222027302228 Totals,––––––––––––––241 Casualties by Engagements. 1862. Feb. 8, Roanoke Island, N. C.––––343––2––1–13 Mar. 14, New Berne,N. C.,–1–233–21–434–23 April 19, Camden, N. C.,––––12–––1––––4 Sept. 1, Chantilly, Va.,15–3256331271–39 Sept. 17, Antietam, Md.,–1––––22–2–12–10 Dec. 13, Fre
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-third regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
–––––––––4 Enlisted men,––61041011567122–73 Totals,–––––––––––––77 Died by accident or disease,— Officers,2––––––––––––2 Enlisted men, Including non-commissioned staff.2–781339768910284 Totals,–––––––––––––86 Died as prisoners,— Officers,–––––––––––––– Enlisted men,–––54341415413–53 Total losses,— Officers,42–––––––––––6 Enlisted men, Including non-commissioned staff.2–132321162426271922152210 Totals,–––––––––––––216 Casualties by Engagements. 1862. Feb. 8, Roanoke Island, N. C.,–1–2–––––––––3 March 14, New Berne, N. C,1–1–221122–1–13 April 29, Batchelder's Creek, N. C. Picket)––––––1––––––1 Dec. 14, Kinston, N. C.,–––1–––––––––1 Dec. 16, Whitehall, N. C.,––111142123––16 1864. April
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-fourth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
–––9 Enlisted men,––1171819282315181725231205 Totals,––––––––––––––214 Casualties by Engagements. 1862. Mar. 14, New Berne, N. C.,–––2321–3––21–14 June 5, Tranter's Creek, N. C.,–––2––––2––11–6 Sept. 6, Washington, N. C.,––––1–1–––––––2 Nov. 2, Rawles' Mills, N. C.,–––––––1––––––1 Nov. 12, Batchelder's Creek, N. C.––––––––––1–––1 Dec. 16, Whitehall, N. C.,–––––––––1––––1 1863. July 16, James Island, S. C:,––––1–––––––––1 Aug. 26, Morris Island, S C,–1–––––1–––1––3 Dec. 30, St. Augustine, Fla.,–1––––––––––––1 1864. May 16, Drewry's Bluff, Va,–3–––1–3––212–12 May 30, Bermuda Hundred, Va.–––––––––––1––1 June 17, Weir Bottom Church, Va.––––1––––1––––2 Aug. 14-16, Deep Bottom, Va,–3
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-fifth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
CDEFGHIK Killed and died of wounds,— Officers,–8––––––––––––8 Enlisted men,–––1016199121317101012–128 Totals,––––––––––––––136 Missing,–––––413–141-3–17 Died by accident or disease,— Officers,––––––––––––––– Enlisted men,––17131216812814183–112 Died as prisoners,— Officers,––––––––––––––– Enlisted men,–––44–2142441312–59 Total losses,— Officers,–8––––––––––––8 Enlisted men,––121333528372730324230–316 Totals,––––––––––––––324 Casualties by Engagements. 1862. Feb. 8, Roanoke Island, N C.–––––3–1–412––11 March 14, New Berne, N. C.,–––121––––––––4 Dec. 17, Goldsboroa, N. C.,––––––––––1–––1 Place unknown,–––––––1–1–11–4 1864. May 6, Walthall Junction, Va.–––––
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-seventh regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
ABCDEFGHIK Killed and died of wounds,— Officers,17–––––––––––8 Enlisted men,––571018102567310–101 Totals,–––––––––––––109 Died by accident or disease,— Officers,–3–––––––––––3 Enlisted men,––20162420131110101213–149 Totals,–––––––––––––152 Died as prisoners,— Officers,–––––––––––––– Enlisted men,––201519344817237–120 Total losses,— Officers,110–––––––––––11 Enlisted men,––45385341274024343830–370 Totals,–––––––––––––381 Casualties by Engagements. 1862. Feb. 8, Roanoke Island, N. C.,–––1–––21––––4 March 14, New Berne, N. C.,–111111311–1–12 Dec. 17, Goldsboroa, N. C.,–––––––1–––––1 1863. March 24, Rocky Hoc Creek, N. C.–––––––––2–––2 May 22-23, Gum Swamp, N. C.,–––––––1––
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Fifty-first regiment Massachusetts Infantry (Militia). (search)
, Including non-commissioned staff.4–99919086888878839379–879 Totals,–––––––––––––921 Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in regiment.–––11–––1–2––5 Enlisted men (included above) serving elsewhere within regiment.––1––––––––––1 Totals,––111–––1–2––6 Actual total of members of regiment,— Officers,933–––––––––––42 Enlisted men, Including non-commissioned staff.4–98908986888877839179–873 Totals,–––––––––––––915 The 51st Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was recruited in Worcester County, Mass., in the summer and autumn of 1862, and, mustered into service from September 25 to November 11, it left the State November 25, under command of Col. A. B. R. Sprague, who had already served as captain of the 3d Battalion Rifles, Mass. Volunteer Militia, and as lieutenant-colonel of the 25th Infantry, having taken part at Roanoke Island