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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Attack on Fort Gilmer, September 29th, 1864. (search)
Attack on Fort Gilmer, September 29th, 1864. By Charles Johnston. [The following letter to the President of the Southern Historical Society was endorsed by him as follows: The young gentleman who furnishes this narrative — a private soldier in Huff's, afterwards Griffin's battery, I believe — is a gentleman by birth and education, being connected with highly respectable families, and there is no reason to doubt the, accuracy of his statements. J. A. Early.] Salem, Roanoke county, Virginia. General J. A. Early: As the Southern Historical Society has lately called upon all soldiers and officers of the Confederate army for any incidents of the late war that would be of general interest, I have presumed upon the fact of having been for four years a private soldier in that army, and upon the interest that I know you take in everything connected with the cause which you so earnestly, so honestly and so bravely defended, to call your attention to some facts connected with th
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Confederate negro enlistments. (search)
nfederates. We must now soon see the bottom of the rebels' resources. We hear not much more of the negro enlistment question. The papers urge the importance of dispatch, patience, discipline. The Twenty-first street recruiting office apparently got on well, and another office was opened successfully in Lynchburg. A portion of the recruits of Messrs. Pegram and Turner went into camp on the north side about the 27th of March. The Lynchburg papers published a circular of citizens of Roanoke county, pledging themselves to emancipate such of their negroes of the military age as would volunteer to enlist, and, on the 28th, the Adjutant General's office at Richmond published its regulations in regard to negro enlistments. The provisions were merely formal, and did not vary from the regulation orders except in one particular: the negroes, as enlisted, were to be enrolled only in companies, under the control of the inspector general, as the government did not contemplate at that time t
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXIII. December, 1863 (search)
ctator — the best thing, possibly, that could happen in the opinion of many; though the Examiner don't think so. It is probable the President will have what he wants. Per contra, the proposition of Senator Johnson, of Arkansas, requiring members of the cabinet to be renominated at the expiration of every two years, if passed, would be a virtual seizure of Executive powers by that body. But it won't pass. December 17 Averill (Federal) made a raid a day or two since to Salem (Roanoke County, Va.), cutting the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, destroying the depot, bridges, court-house, etc. Gen. J. E. Johnston has been ordered to take command of Bragg's army. I saw a communication from Lieut.-Col. Ruffin (Commissary Bureau), suggesting the trade of cotton to the enemy in New Orleans for supplies, meat, etc., a Mr. Pollard, of St. Louis, having proposed to barter meat for cotton, which Col. Ruffin seems to discourage. Gen. Halleck has proposed a plan of exchange of
oners at this house. The wounded rebels were carried about two miles to the rear, to a farm-house on the eastern shore, at Shallowbag Bay. The following were among the number: O. Jennings Wise, captain in the Fifty-ninth Virginia regiment, (Wise's Legion,) wounded four times; once in a boat in which he was being taken to Nag's Head. He has since died. He is a son of Gov. Wise, of Virginia. E. Allen Quigley, Co. K, Wise Legion, slightly wounded. J. T. Sloan, of Salisbury, Roanoke County, N. C., a member of the Eighth North--Carolina regiment, wounded in the arm. George Groves, Wise Legion, in the head. James Groves, Wise Legion. James Kay, Wise Legion, badly. Six others lay wounded in one room, and five or six were being operated on in the kitchen of the house used for the hospital. One wounded man lay in the same room with Capt. Wise, and several up-stairs. The body of Wm. B. Selden was found within the field-work pierced through the head by a bullet.
rlington, en route to Averell, whipped the escort of 100 infantry, and brought away 25 prisoners and 245 horses, though hotly pursued by 600 cavalry. This caused a Federal court-martial. Early in December another movement against the Virginia & Tennessee railroad was ordered by Halleck, the Federal commander-in-chief, Sullivan (9,500 strong) to advance up the Shenandoah valley to threaten Staunton; Averell's brigade (5,000) to move by Monterey, to destroy the railroad in Botetourt or Roanoke county; while Scammon's division was to make a feint toward New River bridge. Colonel Moor, also, with two regiments, was to move from Beverly to Droop mountain. General Averell reached Petersburg December 10th. General Echols, at Lewisburg, suspecting a Federal advance from Charlestown, sent Capt. Philip J. Thurmond on a reconnoissance, and he dispersed some Federal pickets on Big Sewell mountain and forwarded the startling intelligence to Echols of the proximity of a large body of the ene
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 8 (search)
orts—signed by order of Thomas L. Rosser. Upon his return a military court was convened and I was actually tried upon these charges. The court acquitted me honorably, and in dismissing the charges, recommended that charges be not made again against officers without sufficient foundation. General Early in a recent publication has said, had he had the information at the time, which has subsequently come to his knowledge, he would not have allowed the court to act upon the case. Winter in earnest was now upon us. About this time General Averill made his raid towards Salem, Roanoke county, Virginia, and we were hurried through Rockbridge and Botetourt hoping to intercept him; having failed to get in his rear in time to head him off, we moved back to Callahan's, where, as my regiment was near their homes, we were given a short furlough to remount. When we reassembled at Lynchburg to join the army, I moved back with six hundred and twenty-three sabres. Thus ended our winter campaig
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.17 (search)
Paxton was drowned in the Kanawha river in 1862. The 14th Virginia Regiment was in Jenkins', afterwards McCausland's, Brigade, and did service in West Virginia, the Shenandoah Valley, and around Richmond. It was composed of three companies from Greenbrier, one from Augusta, one from Charlotte, one from Upshur, one from Rockbridge, and a large portion of two others were from this county (Captain William A. Lackey's and Alexander M. Peck's), the remainder of these two companies being from Roanoke, Pulaski, Montgomery and Highland counties. It was among the best mounted regiments in the service, and the discipline and their soldierly bearing were noticeable. James Cochran, of Augusta county, was Colonel; John A. Gibson, of Rockbridge, Lieutenant-Colonel; B. F. Eakle, of the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, Major, and Edward S. Roe, of Orange Courthouse, Surgeon. It was one of the regiments out of four that raided Pennsylvania to enforce the order of levying a tax of several hund
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The honor roll of the University of Virginia, from the times-dispatch, December 3, 1905. (search)
H, Va., Gettysburg, Pa. George, L. A., Lt., Va., Five Forks, Va. Gilchrist, J. M., Capt., Ala., Wilderness, Va. Glenver, J. T., Lt., Va., 1862. Goggin, W. L., Lt., Va., Lynchburg, Va., 1861. Goodloe, D. G., Tenn., Ohio, 1861. Goodman, J. B., Asst. Surg., Va., Charleston, S. C., 1864. Gordon, G. L., Va., Malvern Hill, Va., 1862. Gordon, G., Va., 186—. Green, R. H., Va., 186—. Gregg, J. J., Capt., S. C., Hammond, S. C., 186—. Griffin, J. W., Chapl., Va., Roanoke Co., Va. Grivot, W. P., Capt., La., Forsythe, Ga., 1864. Grogan, K., Md., Greenland Gap, Va., 1863. Guiger, G. H., Va., Gettysburg, Pa., 1863. Gunn, S. R., Miss., Leesburg, Va., 1861. Garland, H. A., Col., Mo., Franklin, Tenn. Haden, J. W., Va., Petersburg, Va., 1864. Hairston, H., Md., Cascade, Va., 1862. Hairston, G. S., Miss., Shiloh, Tenn., 1862. Hale, S., Capt., Va., Spotsylvania, Va. Hall, G. A., Lt., Ga., Yorktown, Va., 1862. Hall, R. H., Capt., Va., 1863.<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Munford's Marylanders never surrendered to foe. From Richmond, Va., Times-dispatch, February 6, 1910. (search)
Lieutenant Ditty and Private Johnson, of our command, on the road, and together we crossed the Blue Ridge at Rockfish Gap. Upon reaching Waynesboro I left them and proceeded five miles farther to the Cattle Scales. Here I found that a number of our boys had already assembled. By 10 o'clock next morning nearly every member of the command which had marched to Lynchburg was present. Colonel Dorsey then formed us in line and said: General Munford has ordered me to meet him at Salem, Roanoke county, with my battalion. From there we expect to go South and join General Joseph E. Johnston. I want every man to feel that he is at liberty to do as he pleases. Those who are willing to accompany me will side to the right and form in line. Ridgely in the meantime had fastened our banner to a crude staff, under which every Marylander present rallied, and with Colonel Dorsey at the head of the little band, we moved forward, passing through Waynesboro, encamping for the night five miles
titled, An act for the better organization of the militia of the Common wealth; concerning District Public Schools in the county of Ohio; Senate bills increasing the clerks in the Auditor's office; for the relief of D. S. Dickinson; House bill for the relief of C. Koles, late Sheriff of Raleigh county. Adverse Report.--A report was returned adverse to the petition of Wm. A. Thacker and others, asking to be refunded money improperly paid. Petition.--Mr. McDowell presented the petition of citizens of Botetourt county, asking a change in the time of holding the Circuit Court of said county. Special Committee.--A Special Committee was appointed, on motion of Mr. Ross, to report a bill authorizing the trustees of the Methodist Church in Salem, Roanoke county, to sell and convey the same. Referred.--Senate bill to legalize proceedings on Sunday, in certain cases, was referred to the Committee of Courts of Justice. On motion, the House took a recess till 7½ o'clock.