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Chapter 10. Early married life. Boarding at the Globe tavern. a plucky little wife. Niagara Falls. the patent for lifting vessels over shoals. candidate for Commissioner of the land office. the appointment of Butterfield. the ofh whom he had been so favorably impressed several years before. On his way home from Congress Lincoln came by way of Niagara Falls and down Lake Erie to Toledo or Detroit. It happened that, some time after, I went to New York and also returned by way of Niagara Falls. In the office, a few days after my return, I was endeavoring to entertain my partner with an account of my trip, and among other things described the Falls. In the attempt I indulged in a good deal of imagery. As I warmed ue clear the way between cause and effect. If there was any secret in his power this surely was it. After seeing Niagara Falls he continued his journey homeward. At some point on the way, the vessel on which he had taken passage stranded on a
it afterward attained. The Confederate raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania in July was the cause of great annoyance and exasperation. This untoward state of things in the field of military operations found its exact counterpart in the political campaign. Several circumstances contributed to divide and discourage the administration party. The resignation of Mr. Chase had seemed to not a few leading Republicans a presage of disintegration in the government. Mr. Greeley's mission at Niagara Falls had unsettled and troubled the minds of many. The Democrats, not having as yet appointed a candidate or formulated a platform, were free to devote all their leisure to attacks upon the administration. The rebel emissaries in Canada, being in thorough concert with the leading peace men of the North, redoubled their efforts to disturb the public tranquillity, and not without success. In the midst of these discouraging circumstances the manifesto of Wade and Davis had appeared to add its
Doc. 129.-Vallandigham's address To the people of Ohio. Niagara falls, Canada West, July 15, 1863. arrested and confined for three weeks in the United States, a prisoner of state; banished thence to the Confederate States, and there held as an alien enemy and prisoner of war, though on parole, fairly and honorably dealt with and given leave to depart — an act possible only by running the blockade, at the hazard of being fired upon by ships flying the flag of my own country, I found myself first a freeman when on British soil. And to-day, under protection of the British flag, I am here to enjoy and in part to exercise the privileges and rights which usurpers insolently deny me at home. The shallow contrivance of the weak despots at Washington and their advisers has been defeated. Nay, it has been turned against them; and I, who was maligned as in secret league with the confederates, having refused when in their midst, under circumstances the most favorable, either to
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 14: the great Uprising of the people. (search)
ionists went to pull it down? but found armed men there to defend it, and it was kept flying until evening, when it was taken down voluntarily. the Union men in the South will take Kentucky hemp, and hang every traitor between the Gulf and the Ohio and Potomac! We left New Orleans for the North on the morning of Wednesday, the 17th, April, 1861. and spent that night at the little village of Canton, in Mississippi. We went out in search of a resident of the place, whom we had met at Niagara Falls the previous summer. He was absent. A war-meeting was gathering in the Court House, on the village green, when we passed, and a bugle was there pouring forth upon the evening air the tune of the Marseillaise Hymn of the French Revolution. This stirring hymn was parodied, and sung at social gatherings, at places of amusement, and in the camps throughout the Confederacy. The following is the closing stanza of the parody:-- With needy, starving mobs surrounded, The zealous, blind f
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 16: career of the Anglo-Confederate pirates.--closing of the Port of Mobile — political affairs. (search)
ble in the city of Chicago. Meanwhile, there was a notable gathering of emissaries and friends of the Conspirators at the Clifton House, on the Canada side of Niagara Falls, The chief agents of the Conspirators in Canada, were George N. Sanders, (see page 340, volume I.), Jacob Thompson (see page 45, volume I.), Clement C. Clay of the Union and abandonment of slavery, with an assurance of safe conduct for him or them, each way. Considerable correspondence ensued. Mr. Greeley went to Niagara Falls. Then there was, on the part of Davis's agents, real or pretended misunderstanding. The matter became vexatious, and the President put an end to the unoffici the land. But on this, as on other occasions, the purposes of the enemies of the Government were frustrated by their own machinations. The peace errand to Niagara Falls thereby evoked, and made in good faith by a patriotic citizen, in connection with another peace errand to Richmond, at the same time, brought before the excite
oops, 1.428; dispatch of troops from for the defense of Washington, 1.429. New York City, the secession of proposed by Mayor Wood, 1.205; alarm in commercial circles in 1.206; immense meeting of citizens in, 1.206; scenes in at the outbreak of the war, 1.353; great war meeting in Union Square, 1.354; state of feeling in, according to Russell (note), 1.358; draft riots in, 3.88-3.91. New York Seventh Regiment, departure of for Washington, 1.433; reception of in Washington, 1.440. Niagara Falls, unofficical negotiations with Conspirators at, 3.446. Noell, John M., amendment to the Constitution proposed by, 1.89. Nor.folk, history of the destruction of the navy-yard at, 1.392-1.398; Gen. Wool's operations against, 2.387; surrender of, 2.388. North Anna, battle of the, 3.326. North Carolina, secession movements in, 1.62; seizure of forts in by Gov. Ellis, 1.161; efforts made to force into rebellion, 1.198; ordinance of secession adopted in, 1.385; blockade extended to
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 8: our northern frontier defences.—Brief description of the fortifications on the frontier, and an analysis of our northern campaigns. (search)
the very threshold of its introduction into the interior seas; or shall we build opposition steam-navies at Pittsburg and Memphis, some two thousand miles distant, and then expend some forty or fifty millions The construction of the Illinois ship-canal, for vessels of eight and a half feet draught, is estimated at fifteen millions; to give the same draught to the Mississippi and lower Illinois, would require at least ten millions more; a ship canal of the corresponding draught around Niagara Falls, will cost, say, ten millions; the navy yard at Memphis, with docks, storehouses, &c., will cost about two millions, and steamers sent thence to the lakes will cost about fifty thousand dollars per gun. On the other hand, the military defences which it is deemed necessary to erect in time of peace for the security of the Champlain frontier, will cost only about two thousand dollars per gun; the whole expenditure not exceeding, at most, two millions of dollars! It is not to be denied t
r, orders were sent by Gen. Meade to each corps commander to renew the assault at once, without regard to any other; the men simply and unanimously refused to obey it. They knew that success was hopeless, and the attempt to gain it murderous: hence they refused to be sacrificed to no purpose. Our total loss at and around Cold Harbor was 13,153; of whom 1,705 were killed, 9,042 wounded, and 2,406 missing. Among the killed were acting Brigadiers P. A. Porter, Col. Peter A. Porter, of Niagara Falls, son of Gen. Peter B. Porter, who served with honor in the War of 1812, and was Secretary of War under J. Q. Adams. Col. Porter, in the prime of life, and in the enjoyment of every thing calculated to make life desirable, volunteered from a sense of duty; saying his country had done so much for him that he could not hesitate to do all in his power for her in her hour of peril. When nominated in 1863 as Union candidate for Secretary of State, he responded that his neighbors had intrusted
paign of 1864 and losses, 597; remarks on the results of the campaign, 598; letter to Butler regarding the capture of Wilmington, 712; before Petersburg, 729; 730; compels Lee to surrender, 743-4; visits Sherman at Raleigh, 753; issues general order congratulating the troops on the end of the Rebellion, 758. great Run, Va., Sigel fights Rebels at, 179. Greathouse, Brig.-Gen. Lucien, killed near Atlanta, 631. Greeley, Horace, writes to the President on Slavery in the War, 251; at Niagara Falls, 664-5. Green river, Ky., railroad communication reopened to, 270. Green, Col., wounded at Fort Wagner, 477. Green, Gen., wounded at Wauhatchie, 435. Green, Gen. Tom, killed on Red river, 548. Gregg, Gen., taken prisoner at Farmville, 743. Gregg, Gen. (Union), attacked, and 500 men captured from him near Jefferson, Va., 395. Gregg, Brig.-Gen. (Rebel), wounded at Antietam, 210; at Gettysburg, 389. Grenada, Miss., cavalry raids to, 615. Grierson, Col. B. H. (sinc
Doc. 41.-twenty Eighth regiment N. Y. S. V. The following is a list of the officers: Dudley Donnelly, Colonel; Edwin F. Brown, Lieutenant-Colonel; James R. Mitchell, Major; Chas. P. Sproat, Adjutant; C. L. Skeels, Quartermaster; Rev. C. H. Platt, Chaplain; Dr. Helmer, Surgeon; Dr. Reagan, Assistant Surgeon. Captains and companies. Company A--(Lockport).--Captain, E. W. Cook; Company B--(Lockport).--Captain, W. W. Brush; Company C--(Lockport).--Captain, W. H. H. Mapes; Company D--(Medina).--Captain, Erwin S. Bowen; Company E--(Canandaigua).--Captain, T. Fitzgerald; Company F--(Batavia).--Captain, Charles H. Fenn; Company G--(Albion).--Captain, David Hardee; Company H--(Monticello).--Captain, John Walker, Jr.; Company I--(Niagara Falls).--Captain, T. P. Gould; Company K--(Lockport).--Captain, H. H. Page.--N. Y. Evening Post, June 26.