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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Kentucky (search)
receives the waters of Red Wood River, and farther on those of Yellow Medicine Creek; on the borders of these two watercourses there are Indian agencies of the Federal government. A little below the fort there stood at that time the village of New Ulm. These establishments were a tempting prey for the Sioux, who could not see without bitterness the prosperity of those settlers who had defrauded them. On the 19th of August the Indian warriors surprised at once both the agencies, where they massacred all the employes, and the village of New Ulm, where they ruthlessly put to death about one hundred women and children. Avoiding Fort Ridgely, they afterward retired to their camps, not far from the Yellow Medicine. The safety of all the settlers could only be assured by a speedy punishment. Colonel Sibley was entrusted with this duty, with detachments from the Third, Sixth and Seventh regiments of Minnesota and some militia, about a thousand men in all, and two guns. On the 19th