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n, and accompany me, without loss of time, to Richmond, where he would present me to the authoritiesded observation at Charleston. The train for Richmond left the station about noon, and I was of itsa long journey by rail-say from Montgomery to Richmond — was as hazardous as picket duty on the Potomac. But our journey to Richmond was safely and comfortably accomplished. Whizzing through the ricland of the Old Dominion; and, crossing the James river upon a bridge of giddy elevation, we enterehin the walls of the Confederate capital. Richmond, the seat of government of Virginia, and, fory of its situation on the north bank of the James river, it impressed the stranger most agreeably bof the town in ashes. The external aspect of Richmond, at the period of my first acquaintance with and. In the uncertain state of affairs at Richmond, the prices of all articles in the shops augmride of three hours, passing directly through Richmond to the opposite side of the city, we reached [2 more...]
in the neck, to join the other prisoners already on their way, by hundreds, to Richmond. These men had been captured by General Stuart and myself in the melee that sarters was a dreadful one: hundreds of conveyances, some taking the wounded to Richmond, some coming out from the city with provisions for the troops, were crossing ethe way with broken wheels or exhausted horses. Many of the inhabitants of Richmond had sent their carriages, and the hotels their omnibuses, to bring off the wouarters were at a farmhouse named Montebello, which was situated on a hill near Richmond, and from which we had a splendid view of the town, the river, and the environhe 5th we arrived safely within our lines, and bivouacked about six miles from Richmond. As soon as I had attended to my horse, who had carried me nobly through the ould have given him greater satisfaction to send General Cooke under escort to Richmond than to capture the mighty McClellan himself. The military family of Gener
of Mechanicsville, five miles north-east of Richmond, General Jackson had been ordered with his ard to us successful seven days fighting before Richmond. During the night of the 26th we arrived ion of houses some fifteen miles distant from Richmond and ten or twelve miles east of Mechanicsvilmy on his retreat to Harrison's Landing, on James river. We left behind one regiment as a guard ov, which we had collected to be transported to Richmond and the military depots of our army. While tng retreated under cover of his gunboats on James river. For the first time at Malvern Hill, in thlast of the famous seven days fighting before Richmond, I may be allowed to submit a very few remarkcross the Chickahominy in a semicircle around Richmond, from the James river to the strong position James river to the strong position of Mechanicsville, had in the first two days of the contest been completely whipped by Jackson on tailable place of refuge at Westover, on the James river. At this point a large flotilla of gunboat[1 more...]
Chapter 4: Ride to Richmond. expedition on the James river. a prisoner of the ninth VJames river. a prisoner of the ninth Virginia cavalry. fishing and shooting. Sunday in camp. headquarters at Hanover Court. house. cm whom I received orders to ride at once into Richmond for the purpose of executing some important d riding, and I might hope to exchange him in Richmond, my captured horse having been lost in the raral army. It was nearly night when I reached Richmond. Wet, cold, and weary, I rode immediately to have been expected, the joy of the people of Richmond was very great at the deliverance of their cit had been a month before. My business in Richmond was speedily transacted, and the following daan time had been pushed forward towards the James river, being close upon the enemy's formidable poe of receiving from the Post-Quartermaster at Richmond a noble black horse to replace the chestnut dch to Hanover county, on the opposite side of Richmond, to recruit our horses, and organise some bet[6 more...]
n boasting of the magnificent army of Pope, declared his intention of entering Richmond before the end of the month, and that she had made him a bet of a bottle of chShe now regarded her wager as lost, as the Quartermaster would doubtless enter Richmond before the time specified-earlier, indeed, but under other circumstances, thantions-and who, just as we were sending off the main body of these prisoners to Richmond, had been discovered to be a good-looking woman in full Federal uniform. In ochmond authorities. The whole of Longstreet's corps had now been removed from Richmond to Culpepper, and occupied the line of the Rappahannock opposite the Federal aent continuous engagements and marches, and fresh troops from Gordonsville and Richmond were hourly looked for. Our men, therefore, had been employed only in burying al of Hampton's splendid brigade, which had been retained on picket duty on the James, Chickahominy, and Pamunkey rivers, and our loud cheering was heartily responde
Mr D.‘s kind invitation on our arrival to dry our dripping garments and warm our chilled bodies before a roaring wood-fire in his large and comfortable family drawing-room. Here we found two Englishmen, the Hon. Francis Lawley, the well-known Richmond correspondent of the Times, and Mr Vizetelly, who was keeping the readers of the Illustrated London news informed of the events of the war with pen and pencil, with both of whom we were to spend many pleasant hours in camp. These gentlemen werehis family, numberless proofs of their great satisfaction in having us near them. In accordance with his promise, Mr Vizetelly came now to pay us a longer visit, unaccompanied, however, to our regret, by Mr Lawley, who had been obliged to go to Richmond for the purpose of sending off his regular letter to the Times. Our new guest was an old campaigner, who accommodated himself very readily to the hardships of camp life, and was soon established in his own tent, which I had caused to be erect
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 10: (search)
uier. Crossing of the Rappahannock. fights in the region between the Hazel and Rappahannock rivers. headquarters near Culpepper Court-house. my departure for Richmond. fights at the Pothouse and Aldie. reception at Middleburg. General McClellan, the Federal Commander-in-Chief, having largely reinforced his army with regimhis plenty, we had been compelled for the past two months, through the mismanagement and want of experience of the officials of the Quartermaster's Department at Richmond, and against the earnest remonstrances of General Lee, to draw all our supplies from the capital, whence they were sent by rail to Staunton, there to be packed iowing Napoleon's example, established at the beginning of the war (when it might easily have been done) large depots of army-supplies at points not exposed, like Richmond, to raids of cavalry, I am convinced that it would have had a material influence on the final issue of the great conflict. The difficulties that were experience
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 13: (search)
ters near Culpepper Court-house. ten days in Richmond. return to headquarters. a disagreeable jou telegram his coming in this day's train from Richmond, I drove over to the station at Culpepper Cou quiet along the lines, he wished me to go to Richmond for a few days on some matters of business. t myself in this plight to the good people of Richmond, I was obliged to spend the greater part of te changed so much for the better. I found Richmond very little altered; especially had its generken leave of my kind friends of both sexes in Richmond, and the negro waiter at the Spotswood Hotel o postpone yet a little while his rapid On to Richmond, thus giving General Lee time to move his whocountry. There being nothing to detain me in Richmond, I took advantage of my additional holiday tothe Telegraph Road leading from that place to Richmond. The white tents gleamed pleasantly amid they and accomplished young ladies I had seen in Richmond, the very mention of whose names caused the h
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 15: (search)
aster which was fortunately not attended with loss of life, but which came very near proving fatal to our English friend Captain Phillips, who was standing at the instant of the explosion quite close to the gun, huge fragments of which had been scattered with fearful violence all around him. The witnesses of the scene were full of admiration at the coolness displayed by our visitor on this occasion, and none of us could fail to remark the soldierly indifference to danger he manifested under heavy fire throughout the day. These Parrott guns had been manufactured in Richmond, and the iron of which they were cast was so defective that a second gun burst the same evening, wounding several of the gunners severely. At dusk the firing ceased altogether, and we returned to our headquarters, where our little military family, officers and guests, gathered around the glowing fires of Stuart's double-chimneyed tent to recite the adventures of the past, and discuss the chances of the coming day.
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 17: (search)
g buried in it. The bodies of these poor fellows, stripped nearly naked, were gathered in huge mounds around the pit, and tumbled neck and heels into it; the dull thud of corpse falling on corpse coming up from the depths of the hole until the solid mass of human flesh reached near the surface, when a covering of logs, chalk, and mud closed the mouth of this vast and awful tomb. On my return to Lee's Hill I saw President Davis and Governor Letcher with our Commander. They had come from Richmond to congratulate him and the troops under him on their success, and had been greeted all along the lines with the utmost enthusiasm. It was late at night when we returned to headquarters, where I stretched my weary limbs along my blankets, intensely soothed with the balmy reflection that I was about to enjoy a long spell of rest for my body, and relief for my mind from the racking anxiety and emotion with which the too familiar but never familiarised sight of death and destruction had so l