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by rail to Manassas station. April having passed, and the intentions of General Scott not being as yet developed, it was conjectured that operations might commence simultaneously at different points. Troops were therefore sent to Union City, (Kentucky,) near Cairo, on the Mississippi, and to Columbus, (Kentucky,) on the same river; the latter place being the last station of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and of great importance in many ways. Troops were also hurriedly despatched to Western Virginia, but not in large bodies. Indeed, our infant Government seemed overwhelmed with care and anxiety to meet the storm that was rapidly approaching, and could scarcely attend to the wants of her little army. It is true the various State arsenals contained more arms than were necessary for the seventy-five thousand men called upon-thanks to the statesmanlike foresight of our leaders, and the cooperation of Governor Floyd, ex-Minister of War under Buchanan-yet their quality and effectivenes
m here to Strasburgh. From the latter place to Winchester, twelve miles, there is a break in the track. From Winchester, however, the road runs to Harper's Ferry, and there joins the Washington and Baltimore roads to the east, and with the Western Virginia and Ohio Railroads to the west. General Joe Johnston is at the Ferry with a small force guarding the passage; for if General Patterson and his forty thousand men pour across from Maryland and Pennsylvania into the Shenandoah Valley, they canty thousand men, and twenty guns; Johnston having ten thousand men and twenty guns with him in the Shenandoah Valley. Daily reports now began to possess interest. Pegram had been surprised and defeated by McClellan, at Rich Mountain in Western Virginia, (July twelfth,) and from reports of killed and wounded, it was very evident the Federals had no idea of amusing themselves by throwing snowballs at us. Scott began to push his outposts towards Fairfax Court-House, and sharp skirmishing was
two weeks. None doubted that a retreat was inevitable: the enemy had shown their strength on our right, and driven in Crittenden, while Grant was preparing to ascend the Cumberland. The fortifications were dismantled and blown up. General Buckner watched Green River and our whole front; the sick and baggage had been sent away many days before; and while Buckner was engaging the enemy along the river-bank, our whole force departed. Floyd, as you will remember, had been under Lee in Western Virginia, among the mountains, but as that campaign, from paucity of numbers on our part, had been productive of more expense than profit, he was ordered to cross the mountains and report to Johnston at Bowling Green. His force was a small one, but well seasoned; so that, upon Grant appearing in the Cumberland, he was ordered to Fort Donelson, and was chief in command by seniority. Buckner's force was also ordered there, arid myself with it, but our total strength did not amount to more than
magined that his command was the advance of a large force about to cross into Maryland. Shields was then in command of the Upper Potomac, but had the largest part of his force in Romney, a town south of the Potomac, across the Alleghany, in Western Virginia. He felt certain that we were bent on crossing, and, though forty miles above, transferred his whole command to the north bank to dispute our supposed passage. As soon as Jackson was informed of this, he marched up the south bank to Romneyrginian; entered the old service as Second Lieutenant of infantry, July first, 184; was captain Sixth Infantry, May ninth, 1855; and resigned, to enter the Confederate service. He is reputed a very able officer, and has seen much service in Western Virginia, under Lee, and subsequently in every fight in the Valley under Jackson. We withdrew rapidly southward, but the enemy did not pursue until next morning, by which time we had got far on our journey. Having rested at Strasburgh, we rapidl
annock rivers was selected by him as our point of defence; while Beauregard preferred Manassas and Bull Run-much inferior situations, although accidental victory crowned our efforts and immortalized the latter place. The defeat of Pegram in Western Virginia by McClellan and Rosecrans, at Rich Mountain, occurred before Manassas, as I have mentioned in another place. A few weeks after the Yankee rout at Manassas, Lee was sent to Western Virginia, with only a few raw recruits, under Wise and FWestern Virginia, with only a few raw recruits, under Wise and Floyd, to contend against the numerous and well-provided thousands who flocked to the Federal standard from Ohio and other adjacent States, having canal and railroad communication beyond all their necessities. What Lee needed in men he made up by skilful manoeuvres, and by well fortifying different mountain passes and important hills. It was said, be cause he did not fight, that he was afraid, that he was one of the old school, etc. The truth is, he did not dare to fight, exception very advanta
nsist of the troops of Banks and Shields, from the Shenandoah Valley, and those of Milroy, Blenker, and Fremont from Western Virginia. destined to march on Richmond from the west, while McClellan made his attack on the east. Knowing that McDowell dat he remained enjoying the fruits of the battle of Kearnstown, and was waiting until Milroy and Blenker should clear Western Virginia, and arrive on a line with him, when they would all join McDowell at Fredericksburgh. Jackson was not many days at el Johnson, arrived, and informed him that Blenker and Milroy, with their Dutch division, were advancing eastward in Western Virginia, and that his small force of fifteen hundred men was falling back before them. When this news was received, Jackce scattered up and down the Valley, the rear being at Front Royal. Blenker and Milroy were similarly bound through Western Virginia, but their defeat had diverted Fremont from his proper route, who immediately went to their assistance. Thinking, t
enied to the late Grand Army of the Potomac. More than this, it was known that one or more generals of division (General Kearny in evidence) had asked relief from duty under McClellan, looking upon him as an arrant humbug, and had been assigned to Pope's army. General McDowell also — who for many months before had been stationed at Fredericksburgh, and was promised chief command of this movement when joined by Banks, Blenker, Milroy, Shields, and Fremont from the Shenandoah Valley and Western Virginia, but whose hopes had been destroyed by the rapid marches and victories of Jackson over those generals at various places-now felt extremely humiliated to find his plans and chief command intrusted to one incompetent, and himself rated as a third-class subordinate in the same enterprise; General N. P. Banks, of Massachusetts, being second to Pope. Politics had much to do with these appointments. McClellan was a Democrat, and though opposed to abolitionism, never allowed party feelin
wenty-second Ohio, one company of cavalry, and one of artillery. Rumors of skirmishes and small fights a few miles off; but as yet the only gunpowder we have smelled is our own. June, 28 At twelve o'clock to-day our battalion left Clarksburg, followed a stream called Elk creek for eight miles, and then encamped for the night. This is the first march on foot we have made. The country through which we passed is extremely hilly and broken, but apparently fertile. If the people of Western Virginia were united against us, it would be almost impossible for our army to advance. In many places the creek on one side, and the perpendicular banks on the other, leave a strip barely wide enough for a wagon road. Buckhannon, twenty miles in advance of us, is said to be in the hands of the secession troops. To-morrow, or the day after, if they do not leave, a battle will take place. Our men appear eager for the fray, and I pray they may be as successful in the fight as they are anxio
to-morrow I apprehend the first great battle will be fought in Western Virginia. I ate breakfast in Buckhannon at six o'clock A. M., and n, although poor as a church mouse, thought herself superior to West Virginia people. As an indication of this lady's refinement and loyalty. On Linden when the sun was low, was recited to the hills of Western Virginia in a manner that must have touched even the stoniest of them. nish my companions by exhibiting my knowledge of the poets. West Virginia hogs are the longest, lankest, boniest animals in creation. I iamsport. This, if true, will counterbalance our successes in Western Virginia, and make the game an even one. The Southern soldiers ment and instantly killed. So goes what little there is of war in Western Virginia. July, 20 The most interesting of all days in the mountaerly for Washington. General Rosecrans will assume command in Western Virginia. We are informed that twenty miles from us, in the direction
enan. The house was packed with soldiers, mostly of the Sixth Ohio. It seemed probable at one time that there would be a general free fight; but the brawlers were finally quieted and the play went on. One of the performers resembled an old West Virginia acquaintance so greatly that the boys at once y'clepped him Stalnaker, and howled fearfully whenever he made his appearance. December, 7 Moved three miles nearer Louisville and encamped in a grove. Have had much difficulty in keeping t a first and second lieutenant, all of the company's own choosing. December, 30 Called on General Dumont this morning; he is a small man, with a thin piping voice, but an educated and affable gentleman. Did not make his acquaintance in West Virginia, he being unwell while there and confined to his quarters. This is a peculiar country; there are innumerable caverns, and every few rods places are found where the crust of the earth appears to have broken and sunk down hundreds of feet.