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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 472 144 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 358 8 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 215 21 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 186 2 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 124 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 108 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 103 5 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2 97 15 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 92 0 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 83 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) or search for Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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army of Washington and the reserve watching the Capitol, has under him a corps of 16,000 men almost exclusively volunteers; Gen. McDowell has also left a strong guard in his intrenchments along the right bank of the Potomac, guarding the bridges and covering the roads to Alexandria, Fairfax, and Falls Church. The division in military occupation of Maryland under Gen. Banks, most of which is concentrated in and around Baltimore, consists of 7,400 men, with some field-guns. The corps at Fortress Monroe and Hampton, under Gen. Butler, is 11,000 strong, with two field batteries, some guns of position, and the fortress itself in hand. Gen. Lyon, who is operating in Missouri with marked success, has about 6,500 men. Gen. Prentiss at Cairo commands a division of 6,000 men and two field-batteries. There are beside these forces many regiments organized and actually in the field. The army under the command of Gen. Beauregard at Manassas Junction is estimated at 60,000, but that must includ
or of North Carolina: sir:--I have the honor to report that eight hundred of my regiment and three hundred and sixty Virginians were engaged for five and a half hours with four and a half regiments of the enemy, at Bethel Church, nine miles from Hampton. The enemy made three distinct and well-sustained charges, but were repulsed with heavy loss. Our cavalry pursued them for six miles, when their retreat became a total rout. Fearing that heavy reinforcements would be sent up from Fortress Monroe, we fell back at nightfall upon our works at Yorktown. I regret to report the loss of one man killed--private Henry L. Wyatt, Edgecomb Guards--and seven wounded. The loss of the enemy, by their own confession, was one hundred and fifty, but it may be safely estimated at two hundred and fifty. Our regiment behaved most gallantly. Not a man shrunk from his post or showed symptoms of fear. When more at leisure I will give you a detailed report of the operations. Our Heavenly Fa
Doc. 36.-fight at Carter's Creek, on the Rappahannock River, June 24. U. S. Steamer Monticello, Off Fortress Monroe, June 25, 1861. Dear sir: In accordance with your desire, I send you a short statement of our action at Carter's Creek, up the Rappahannock River, which took place yesterday P. M. Agreeably to orders received from Flag Officer Pendergrast, we were relieved at our station off Cape Henry by the Quaker City, and caine up and reported on Sunday morning. Was ordered awaylves. We were in action over an hour, and fired 61 times in all. We steamed down the river and bay, after doing all the damage we could, and reported last night at midnight in Hampton Roads to the flag officer. The wounded were returned to Fortress Monroe, and will receive all necessary medical attendance. It is wonderful that so few were wounded, as the launch was not more than sixty yards from the fire. We learned afterwards, from those who went on shore, that they were warned by this f
Doc. 54.-the battle at great Bethel. The attack on Great Bethel, it appears, was planned by the late Major Winthrop. The correspondent of the Boston Journal writes from Fortress Monroe: This literal copy of a private memorandum made by Theodore Winthrop early on the day preceding the fight, and from which, with very trifling alteration of form, the official plan was (as I am informed) drawn up, is a sufficient answer to the whole. I violate no confidence in sending you these Note Mr. Winthrop was attempting to do when he fell. That attempt might have succeeded; to use the language of Captain Levy, as nearly as I remember it: Had you had a hundred men as brave as Winthrop, and one to lead when he fell, I would be in Fortress Monroe a prisoner of war to-night. It might have been accomplished, second, with much less difficulty upon the left; Captain Haggerty had discovered this, had suggested it to General Pierce, had after some difficulty secured Colonel Townsend's coo
rder of the Ordnance Department at Washington, D. C., have been ordered to Fortress Monroe, where they can only be needed for the purpose of intimidation and menace liver the guns to Colquitt & Co., in Richmond, to be by them re-shipped to Fortress Monroe, the chief depository in Virginia for national arms and munitions of war. tions? Besides, Gen. Scott has said that there is no need for the guns at Fortress Monroe, there being a large number of supernumerary guns already there. The simple truth is, that the guns were to be sent to Fortress Monroe because it is the only convenient depot to receive them. It is not only the most natural and proper they can be frightened by the moving of a few guns from Bellona Arsenal to Fortress Monroe. No; it is nothing more nor less than the driving of a peg to hang excihe guns are the property of the United States Government--that all admit. Fortress Monroe, to which locality they were to have been transported, is also the propert
Doc. 70 1/2-skirmish at Newport News, Va., July 5, 1861. Fortress Monroe, Sunday, July 7. On Thursday evening Capt. Hammel, of Hawkins's Zouaves, having suspicions of the presence of a scouting party of rebels not more than three miles from Newport News, volunteered, with a company of twenty-five men, to ascertain the fact. The offer was accepted by Col. Phelps, and at dark the party set out. When two miles from camp they halted, and one of the officers walked on a few rods to a spot where, for several weeks, has lain the top of a broken carriage by the side of the road. In this the officer sat down to rest. A few moments afterward Capt. Hammel's party, still halting, were alarmed at the sound of four shots in the direction the officer had taken. They sprang to their arms and hastened forward. While the officer had been resting in the carriage two horsemen had fired upon him, he returning their fire with two shots from his revolver, when the horsemen caught a glimpse
and the pilot is secured as much as possible from danger. But our informant believes that, notwithstanding these precautions, a shot fired into the beam will disable the engine. This information may be of some service to our cruisers near Fortress Monroe and on the Potomac, who, we trust, will keep a sharp look-out for the steel-clad Yorktown, and prepare to give a good account of her. The total number of troops on the official muster-roll of the Confederate army in Virginia a few weeks axpressed surprise that Fort Pickens had not yet been captured, but they replied that it was now too strong to be taken, except with great loss of life, and there was little probability of its soon falling into their hands. Of the capture of Fortress Monroe the soldiers seemed more sanguine. They said that when they were ready to march against it they would soon find means to force our troops to surrender. Public sentiment in the city of Richmond has recently undergone a very considerable c
rapine is the rule; private houses, in beautiful rural retreats, are bombarded and burnt; grain crops in the field are consumed by the torch, and, when the torch is not convenient, careful labor is bestowed to render complete the destruction of every article of use or ornament remaining in private dwellings after their inhabitants have fled from the outrages of brute soldiery. In 1781 Great Britain, when invading the revolted colonies, took possession of every district and county near Fortress Monroe, now occupied by the troops of the United States. The houses then inhabited by the people, after being respected and protected by avowed invaders, are now pillaged and destroyed by men who pretend that Virginians are their fellow-citizens. Mankind will shudder at the tales of the outrages committed on defenseless families by soldiers of the United States, now invading our homes; yet these outrages are prompted by inflamed passions and the madness of intoxication. But who shall depict
ervice, sending the regiments as they became fit for duty, into the field, making room, as they departed, for green organizations. With this disposable force (after the safety of the Capital was assured) Gen. Scott commenced operations at Fortress Monroe, near Harper's Ferry, and in Western Virginia, the latter point being most favorable, profiting, as no other section did, by the cooperation and sympathies of loyal inhabitants. With Washington for his base of operations, the western wings en pursuing. The consequence is the backbone of the serpent is broken. The advance of McClellan's column in Western Virginia is rendered inconsequential, and if it advance far into the mountains its destruction is inevitable; while Butler at Fort Monroe is constrained to moderate his exorbitant military ambition to the humble office of performing garrison duty. Opinions differ here materially as to what will or should be the war policy of the Confederate Government after the Manassas victo
Doc. 132.-Gen. Butler on the contraband. Headquarters Department of Virginia, Fortress Monroe, July 30, 1861. Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War:-- Sir: By an order received on the morning of the 26th July from Major-General Dix, by a telegraphic order from Lieut.-General Scott, I was commanded to forward, of the troops of this department, four regiments and a half, including Col. Baker's California regiment, to Washington, via Baltimore. This order reached me at 2 o'clock A. M., by special boat from Baltimore. Believing that it emanated because of some pressing exigency for the defence of Washington, I issued my orders before day-break for the embarkation of the troops, sending those who were among the very best regiments I had. In the course of the following day they were all embarked for Baltimore, with the exception of some 400, for whom I had not transportation, although I had all the transport force in the hands of the quartermaster here, to aid the Bay line of st