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Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 67 7 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 19 3 Browse Search
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2 12 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brooks, Preston Smith, 1819- (search)
Brooks, Preston Smith, 1819- Legislator; born in Edgefield District, S. C., Aug. 4, 1819; was graduated at the South Carolina College in 1839: admitted to the bar in 1843; and elected to the State legislature in the following year. He served with the South Carolina Palmetto Regiment through the Mexican War, and afterwards engaged in planting. He was elected to Congress as a State-Rights Democrat in 1853, and held his seat till his death, in Washington, D. C., Jan. 27, 1857. On May 22, 1856, he made a murderous assault on Charles Sumner, who had remained in his seat in the Senate Chamber attending to some unfinished business after the adjournment of the Senate for the day. Mr. Sumner became insensible from the attack, and is said to have suffered more or less from it till his death. When the fact of the assault became known, the House of Representatives directed an investigation, and its committee reported in favor of expelling Mr. Brooks. Subsequently, however, when the reso
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), La Borde, Maximilian 1804-1873 (search)
La Borde, Maximilian 1804-1873 Educator; born in Edgefield, S. C., June 5, 1804; graduated at the South Carolina College in 1821, and began the study of law, but soon abandoned it and entered the South Carolina Medical College, graduating in 1826. For thirteen years he practised in Edgefield, occasionally representing his district in the legislature. In 1836 he was editor of the Edgefield Advertiser, and two years later he was elected secretary of state of South Carolina. His fine scholarship attracted public attention, and in 1842 he was called to the chair of logic and belles-lettres in his alma mater. He accepted the post, and in 1845 he was transferred to the chair of metaphysics. His method of imparting knowledge was chiefly oral, but, to assist others who preferred the use of text-books, he published a manual on physiology in 1855, which became very popular in the schools of the South. He also published an elaborate History of the South Carolina College, with sketche
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Longstreet, James 1821- (search)
Longstreet, James 1821- Military officer; born in Edgefield district, S. C., Jan. 8, 1821; graduated at West Point in 1842; served in the war against Mexico (1846-48), in which he was severely wounded; and was distinguished for bravery. He held the rank of major in the United States army when the Civil War broke out, and, joining the Confederates, was made a brigadier-general in their army in October, 1861. All through the Civil War he was regarded as one of the ablest of the Confederate military leaders, and as Lee's right hand, attaining the rank of lieutenant-general. After the close of the war he became a Republican. After holding several federal offices he was appointed minister to Turkey in 1880, and James Longstreet. United States commissioner of railroads in 1897.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Nashville, (search)
r semicircular line on the hills around the city, on the southern side of the Cumberland River. General Smith's troops were on the right; the 4th Corps, under Gen. T. J. Wood (in the absence of the wounded Stanley), was in the centre; and the 23d Corps, under Gen. John M. Schofield, was on the left. About 5,000 troops, outside of these corps—white and colored —were posted on the left of Schofield. To these were added the troops comprising the garrison at Nashville and Wilson's cavalry at Edgefield, on the north side of the Cumberland. The troops of Thomas were better and more numerous than those of Hood, but, on account of the absence of cavalry and a deficiency of transportation, he withheld an attack upon Hood, who was in front of him for about a fortnight. The latter had formed his line of investment on Dec. 4, with his salient within 600 yards of Wood, at Thomas's centre. For a few days there was some skirmishing, and then for a week the cold was so intense that very little w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Newman, Albert Henry 1852- (search)
Newman, Albert Henry 1852- Educator; born in Edgefield county, S. C., Aug. 25, 1852; graduated at Mercer University, Macon, Ga., in 1871, and at Rochester Theological Seminary in 1875. He was acting Professor of Church History at Pettingill in 1877-80; Professor of the same at Rochester Theological Seminary in 1880-81; and was called to the similar chair at McMaster University, Toronto, Canada. His publications inelude The Baptist churches in the United States; History of Anti-Pedo-baptism to A. D. 1609; Manual of Church history; and several translations, besides contributions to Baptist periodicals.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tillman, Benjamin Ryan 1847- (search)
Tillman, Benjamin Ryan 1847- Legislator; born in Edgefield county, S. C., Aug. 11, 1847; received an academic education; governor of South Carolina in 1890-92; elected to the United States Senate in 1894 and 1900. He has been interested in agriculture for many years; established the Clemson Agricultural and Mechanical College in Fort Hill, S. C.; originated the dispensary system of selling liquor under State control (see State of South Carolina). He became known as Pitchfork Tillman, on account of his savage speech in the Senate against President Cleveland.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
n......Nov. 14, 1881 Forty-seventh Congress, first session, opens......Dec. 5, 1881 David Davis presiding in Senate; Joseph Warren Keifer, of Ohio, elected speaker by 148 votes to 129 for Samuel J. Randall, of Pennsylvania......Dec. 5, 1881 President Arthur's annual message......Dec. 6, 1881 Secretary of State Blaine resigns......Dec. 15, 1881 Dr. Isaac I. Hayes, Arctic explorer, born 1832, dies at New York City......Dec. 17, 1881 Exodus of colored people from Edgefield county, South Carolina......Dec. 24-31, 1881 Postmaster-General James surrenders his department to his successor......Jan. 6, 1882 Congress tenders the thanks of the United States to the Khedive of Egypt for the obelisk known as Cleopatra's needle ......Jan. 12, 1882 Guiteau convicted of murder......Jan. 25, 1882 Act granting an additional pension to Mary, widow of Abraham Lincoln......Feb. 2, 1882 Guiteau sentenced to be hanged June 30......Feb. 4, 1882 National memorial services in th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), South Carolina, (search)
ten days, on the last day issue certificates to the Republican Presidential electors and State officers, refusing certificates to members of the legislature from Edgefield and Laurens counties for irregularities in elections......Nov. 22, 1876 On the assembling of the legislature, sixty-four Democratic members, including those from Edgefield and Laurens counties, withdraw to Carolina Hall and organize separately with William H. Wallace as speaker......Nov. 28, 1876 Senate and Republican House canvass the votes for governor and lieutenantgovernor, and declare D. H. Chamberlain elected governor, Dec. 5; sworn into office......Dec. 7, 1876 Speaker Walls, Jan. 17, 1781, commemorated at Spartansburg by the unveiling of a statue of Gen. Daniel H. Morgan......May 11, 1881 Exodus of 5,000 colored people from Edgefield county, bound for Arkansas and Beaufort county......Dec. 24-31, 1881 State military academy at Charleston reopened......Oct. 1, 1882: Constitution amended, fo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wigfall, Louis Trezevant 1816-1874 (search)
Wigfall, Louis Trezevant 1816-1874 Legislator; born in Edgefield district, S. C., April 21, 1816; took a partial course at the College of South Carolina; left to enter the army for the Indian War in Florida; was admitted to the bar; Texan State Senator in 1857-58 and 1859-60; United States Senator from Jan. 4, 1860, till his formal expulsion, July 11, 1861. Commenting on Mr. Lincoln's inaugural address, Senator Wigfall said: It is easy to talk about enforcing the laws and holding, occupying, and possessing the forts. When you come to do this, bayonets, and not words, must settle the question. . . . Fort Pickens and the administration will soon be forced to construe the inaugural. . . .The Confederate States will not leave Fort Sumter in possession of the Federal government. . . . Seven States have formed a confederation, and to tell them, as the President has done, that the acts of secession are no more than blank paper is an insult. . . . There is no Union left. . . . The s
1865. Expedition toward Santee River February 28-March 10. Camp at Mount Pleasant March 12-April 3. Potter's Expedition to Camden, S. C., April 5-25. Dingle's Mills April 9. Statesburg April 15. Occupation of Camden April 17. Boykins' Mills April 18. Denkins' Mills and Beach Creek near Statesburg April 19. Return to Mount Pleasant April 28, thence moved to Charleston May 6 and to Columbia May 7, and garrison duty there till May 25. Duty in Fairfield, Newberry, Edgefield, Lexington and Richland Counties till April, 1866. At Summerville till May and duty on the Sea Islands till June. Ordered to Todd's Barracks, Ohio, June 6. Mustered out June 18, 1866. Regiment lost during service 7 Officers and 151 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 119 Enlisted men by disease. Total 280. 26th Ohio Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, June 8-July 24, 1861. Ordered to the Kanawha Valley, W. Va., July 25.