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Texas Conferences. --The Marshall (Texas) Republican says: The East Texas Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, commenced at this place on the 23d of October. The Texas Conference commenced at Huntsville, November 6th. The Rio Grande Conference, at Corpus Christi, commences on the 20th of November. The venerable Bishop Early presides at them all.
Later from Texas. --By the latest arrival from Texas at New Orleans we have the following items: Firing into a Federal Vessel.--The Houston Telegraph learns from Col. Richardson, who has just arrived from Corpus Christi, that a Federal bark came in range of the guns, off Pass Cavalla on the 8th inst., when some sixteen or seventeen shots were fired at her, some of which, it is thought, struck her, as she soon got out of range. She neither replied to the battery or showed her colors, and on the following evening, when Col. Richardson left, was still cruising off Pass Cavalla. Fatal Accident.--Mr. Benj. Wrigley, a clerk in the Houston Telegraph office, while out riding on Sunday last, was thrown from his horse and killed on the spot. Indian News.--The San Antonio News copies the following extract from a letter received in that city from Judge Hyde, dated San Elazaro, Nov. 26: The war news is very rumorous; a party of men went from this place some fifteen days
sing young officers to be sent to France to perfect themselves in cavalry tactics. His companions were Capt. Floyd Bell and Lieut. Newton, and they entered the military school of Saul Mur, where they remained until the fall of 1842, having acquired a thorough knowledge of the cavalry tactics of the French army.--On his return, he joined his regiment, (the Second Dragoons,) at Fort Jessup, Louisiana, where he remained until the opening of the Mexican war, when his regiment was ordered to Corpus Christi, under Gen. Taylor. Soon after hostilities commenced, he was taken prisoner while out on a scouting party near Matamoras. The force was a small squadron of cavalry, under command of Capt. Thornton, the next in command being himself. The party was led astray through the carelessness of a Mexican guide, and was soon surrounded by a largely superior force of the enemy, when an attempt was made to escape, in which Capt. Thornton was thrown from his horse. The command then devolved on Cap
Later from Texas Houston, Texas, April 4 --via Summit, Miss, 14th.--Hamilton, the Lincoln Military Governor, has established his seat of Government at Brownsville. Judge J. B. McFarland is made Judge of the Federal Court at Brownsville and Corpus Christi, and the work of confiscation has commenced. The bulk of the Yankee force has been withdrawn from the coast to Louisiana, leaving about four or five thousand men for garrison duty and offensive operations.--They profess an intention of marching on San Antonio and Houston. A Yankee force of three hundred attacked Loreda on the 19th, and were signally repulsed by Col. Benairdo with a force of less than one hundred. The Yankees evacuated Indianola on the 13th. They are still in force at Fort Esperance. Messrs. Peebles, Baldwin, and Senlac, who have been for some time under military arrest for treasonable designs, applied for a discharge to the Supreme Court on a writ of habeas corpus. It was not contested,
quered country. The St. Louis Union, of the 12th instant, says: "We are apprised of a great military movement that will startle the public in a few days. Its details are contraband at present." The Boston Journal, of January 17th, adds: "We received intelligence from the West yesterday of an important military movement, but withhold it for obvious reasons." From Texas. Advices from Texas, via Matamoras and Havana, state that on the night of December 21, at Corpus Christi, the Confederate Colonel Mat Nolan and Mr. J. C. Donald were assassinated. General Slaughter has issued a decree declaring Pasode, Acquila, Lareda, Rio Grande and Colinburgh to be the only frontier towns through which the exportation of cotton is to be allowed. Blockade-runners. The blockade-runner Princess Royal which was on her way from Bermuda to Nassau, has been lost. On the 2d instant, the steamers Confederate States and the Chicora are reported to have arrived from C